Monday 22 July 2013

Extraordinary: Spelman Twins are School’s First Ever Co-Valedictorians

Spelman College is known for producing extraordinary women.  So, to be valedictorian at this school, you have to be the best of the best.   The Bronner twins seem to fit the bill perfectly.
Kristie and Kirstie Bronner are the identical twins.  They also have identical grade point averages.  The two young women are inseparable in mind, body and spirit, and have taken Spelman College by storm.
“Before we came to college we prayed that we would keep 4.0s all the way through but I don’t think we ever really expected it,” said Kirstie Bronner.
“You can have strength together,” Kristie said.
The two women have a relentless work ethic and are determined to reach their goals at any cost.  Sometimes, pushing too hard has even made them physically ill, but over time, they learned how to create and maintain a better balance.
“We learned how to have a balance to life and then to be able to appreciate the journey of college and be more healthy and be more happy,” Kristie said.
“Every semester we learned something new about life, things we could apply to life, things we could apply to school,” Kirstie said.
Both women are music majors.  They also believe that what you know is not as important as how determined you are when it comes to succeeding in both life and academics.
“You don’t have to be the smartest. You don’t have to be the one who came in with the prior knowledge to be the one to succeed,” Kristie Bronner said. “It’s a great testimony and it’s also fun to be able to share it with one another. I don’t think we’d want it any other way.”
After graduation, the two women plan to complete a gospel album together.  This is surely just the beginning of many great things yet to come.  Congratulations to the Bronner family for their extraordinary achievement.

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