• Ana Marquez-Greene, 6, was the daughter of jazz saxophonist Jimmy Greene. She, her parents and older brother moved to Newtown this summer from Manitoba, Canada, where Greene taught music. Greene thanked friends on Facebook, according to the Ottawa Citizen. "As we work through this nightmare, we're reminded how much we're loved and supported on this earth and by our Father in heaven. As much as she's needed here and missed by her mother, brother and me, Ana beat us all to paradise. I love you sweetie girl," his post said.
  • Lauren Rousseau, 30, had spent years working as a substitute teacher and doing other jobs. So she was thrilled when she finally realized her goal this fall to become a full-time teacher at Sandy Hook. Her mother, Teresa Rousseau, does not hold back when describing what the job meant to her daughter. "It was the best year of her life," she told the Danbury News-Times, where she is a copy editor. Rousseau has been called gentle, spirited and active. She had planned to see The Hobbit with her boyfriend Friday and had baked cupcakes for a party they were to attend afterward. She was a Danbury native, a graduate of the University of Connecticut and the University of Bridgeport, a lover of music, dance and theater. "I'm used to having people die who are older," her mother said, "not the person whose room is up over the kitchen."
  • Noah Pozner, 6, is the youngest of five children. His parents are divorced and his mother, Veronica, is a nurse, said Rabbi Shaul Praver of Congregation Adath Israel. He was at the firehouse yesterday with parents and will be buried on Sunday as is Jewish custom.
  • Benjamin Wheeler was 6 and a relative newcomer to Newtown. He was one of two sons of David and Francine Wheeler. David is a writer and performer with the Flagpole Shakespeare Repertory Theater. According to his biography on the website, he and his wife and two sons just moved to Newtown in April 2011. They had lived in New York City before that, where David Wheeler worked as an actor on stage, film and television. Other victims:
  • Charlotte Bacon, 6
  • Daniel Barden, 7
  • Rachel Davino, 29, school staff
  • Olivia Engle, 6
  • Josephine Gay, 7
  • Dylan Hockley, 6
  • Madeleine Hsu, 6
  • Catherine Hubbard, 6
  • Grace McDonnell, 7
  • Anne Marie Murphy, 52, school staff
  • Jack Pinto, 6
  • Caroline Previdi, 6
  • Jessica Rekos, 6
  • Avielle Richman, 6
  • Allison Wyatt, 6
  • Nancy Lanza, 52
  • USAToday