Tuesday, 24 August 2021
WHEN one of the federal agencies, few days ago, announced that a tuber crop, cocoyam is effective in fighting the coronavirus, many were shocked because no one expected that old, long-abandoned and uncommon root crop could have immune-boosting nutrients that make it protect the body. Nobody pays attention to those extra nutritional values that cocoyam provides when compared with other tuber and root crops until it was made known by the agency. Cocoyam has minerals and materials that are very good for the body and can reduce instances of disease.
According to research, cocoyam is good for controlling high blood pressure and it also protects the heart due to its richness in Vitamin B6. The Federal Government agency, under the supervision of the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, revealed that cocoyam is rich in nutrients that can combat infections of COVID-19.The Director-General of the Raw Materials Research and Development Council, RMRDC, Prof. Hussaini Ibrahim, hinted that cocoyam has high nutritional values.
According to Professor Hussaini, cocoyam is rich in nutrients like digestible starch, quality protein, varieties of essential vitamins and amino acids. The RMRDC boss stated clearly that cocoyam has long been neglected as a tuber crop, yet it has more nutritional benefits than cassava and yam.
In his explanation on how cocoyam can be used to fight COVID-19 infections, Prof. Hussaini said: “Some of the issues of those who fall to COVID-19 are those with diabetes, high blood pressure and some other opportunistic diseases that attack the immune system and when such people are exposed to COVID-19, they easily fall victims. So, what we are saying is that if you can take care of diabetes, then your immune system will be much higher. If you consume cocoyam, your body tends to have higher immune level that can combat the incidents of COVID-19, so cocoyam is very important because you will not fall easily to COVID-19, which is why we say it is a crop of choice to those who have the illness that can make one vulnerable to COVID-19.”
The RMRDC director general further added that “cocoyam is a veritable raw material with a lot of nutrients…has what we call low glycemic index. Sugar is converted to glycogen, which can be stored in the body so that when you have emergencies, glycogen will be pumped into the system and the body will process it. Consuming cocoyam will help because it has two carbohydrates, one fibre and the other we call resistant carbohydrate or starch.” The RMRDC chief also advised that those whose bodies are not functioning to full capacity in terms of production of insulin should consume cocoyam.
The science and technology industry in any country ought to be the driver of development and discovery in every other industry given the fact that it evolves with time and global changes. The industry affects every other industry because it is expected to come with something new and contrary to established customs or manners in which things are done. Nigeria’s Ministry of Science and Technology was recently changed to Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, STI, making it clearer to the citizens what they should expect in terms of delivery.
Minister of the newly changed ministry, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, said the change is to facilitate economic growth and global competitiveness as well as to make Nigeria a nation of innovators. This will, no doubt put the ministry on its toes to ensure economic growth and development in all other ministries. Most challenges facing the country can be solved using the various innovation-based methods. Dr. Onu further said that the development will help the ministry to bring a shift in research and development which is industry and service demand-driven, resulting in rapid commercialization and improved global competitiveness.
In the words of Dr. Onu: “Immediately we are able to commercialise research and development breakthroughs, the nation’s global competitiveness ranking will improve tremendously with varying degrees of development that are sustainable. These include a robust STI ecosystem that will accommodate continuous system improvement, product quality enhancement and guaranteed standardisation of Made-in-Nigeria goods and services. Nigeria would experience irreversible indigenous industrialisation with adequate platform for higher productivity.” The Minister further assured of continuous improvement in value added components of the economy, with quality employment generation in the economy, among others.
BREAKING STORY: Saudi Arabia Recruits Nigerian Doctors amidst Strike
The government of Saudi Arabia is taking advantage of the ongoing industrial action by doctors in Nigeria, to recruit specialists.
The Saudi government has contracted an Abuja firm – Meed Consultants, for the exercise that Wil hold today, Tuesday August 24, 2021.
Doctors in different specialties are needed under a programme tagged – ‘Saudi Ministry of Health Doctors Recruitment August 2021.’
Those to be interviewed have already registered on the agency’s website for recruitment interview.
The Saudis may have targeted the unbridled relationship between Nigerian doctors and government to stage their head-hunt, coming at a time resident doctors under the aegis of the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors have down their tools.
There are reports of denial by the Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, where he claimed ignorance to the exercise.
He was quoted to have directed reporters to the Minister of Health, Dr. Osagie Ehanire for clarification.
“I am not aware of that. You can please contact the Minister of Health. His ministry is in charge of doctors.” minister stressed. Ngige reportedly said.
Those shortlisted for the interview are doctors in the field of anaesthesia, ICU, paediatrics surgery, family medicine (consultants only), obstetrics and gynaecology, ENT, Emergency medicine, all sub-specialties (surgery), all sub-specialties (internal medicine), orthopaedic surgery, Ophthalmology, Radiology as well as Haematology and Histopathology.
Calls to Dr. Ehanire’s phone were not answered as at the time of going to press.
NARD President , Uyilawa Okhuaihesuyi, told reporters that doctors were free to take advantage of the exercise since the Nigerian government had failed to fulfill its promises.
He added that there was no benefit for any doctor still practising in Nigeria, saying those who were staying back were only being patriotic.
“Everybody is free to do whatever he/she wants. The government has not fulfilled its promises to the health sector. Those who stay behind are only doing so because of patriotism, not as if there is any benefit or something.”
COVID-19: No vaccination, no church, bank attendance - Obaseki By Jethro Ibileke/Benin
Residents of Edo State without evidence of COVID-19 vaccination, will no longer be allowed access to public and private places, including banks, event and worship centres, from the second week of September.
The State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, announced this on Monday in Benin, while flagging off the second phase of Coronavirus vaccination exercise, adding that this became necessary to protect residents of the State.
He said adequate arrangements had been made with security agencies to prevent anybody who did not have vaccination cards to access any of these places.
According to Obaseki, “Beginning from the second week of September 2021, large gatherings, as well as high traffic public and private places will only be accessed by persons who have proof of taking at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination. People who have not yet been vaccinated at all will depend on remote access to these gatherings.
“From the second week of September people may not be allowed to worship in churches and mosques without showing proof of their vaccination cards at the gates.
“Similarly, people will not be allowed at event centers, receptions or parties, without showing proof of their vaccination cards.”
“People will not be allowed to access banking services from the middle of September 2021, if they are not vaccinated.
“We have made adequate arrangements with security agencies to prevent anybody who doesn’t have vaccination cards to access any of these places. We are doing this to protect our citizens and all these measures will remain until the pandemic passes away,” Obaseki stated.
Obaseki said his administration would continue to strictly enforce all non-pharmaceutical measures to contain the pandemic in the state, adding that activities to mark Edo’s 30th year anniversary had been scaled down significantly in compliance with COVID-19 protocols.
He said the new regulation was not to create hardship on the people but to protect their lives and livelihood while the pandemic lasts, assuring citizens that the “vaccine is available and free for all. We will not abandon you at this time of the pandemic.”
Noting that the pandemic is in its third wave in Nigeria, with its Delta variant having devastating effects around the world, the governor reassured the government’s commitment to ensure the health and safety of Edo people.
“In Edo State, the data is very clear, as we have collected 6,306 samples, with 203 confirmed cases and four deaths in the third wave. 96 percent of all confirmed cases are those not vaccinated and 100 percent of deaths are those not vaccinated; it shows the importance of vaccination.
“The pandemic has come to stay as it is clear that, intermittently, other waves will occur. As such, it is wise for us all to embrace vaccination as a way of surviving this pandemic.
“For us in the state, we have decided to push for vaccination, and within the next one year, we are focusing on vaccinating 60 percent of our citizens to enable us build herd immunity against this pandemic.”
The Governor noted that the current phase of the vaccination campaign would be driven by various stakeholders and strategic groups to increase access to the vaccines, because.
According to him, the pandemic does not respect persons or status.
“We have 84 vaccination centers across the State; some are mobile while others are fixed as the list will be made available soon.
“We call on Edo citizens to support the launch and vaccination exercise kicking off today, as I encourage everyone to get vaccinated, as this is the only way we can save lives and livelihood, as well as return to our normal lives.
“In this launch today, we have two sets of vaccines being dispensed; the Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines. We are taking the vaccine seriously but we will not shut down Edo State,” he noted.
The State Epidemiologist, Dr. Greg Oko-Oboh, who deliver a lecture titled, “COVID-19 vaccination, a fighting chance,” said the State is 8th out of the 36 States of the federation with the new infection.
Nigerian Politics by Ostheimer, M. John (1973)
The First Republic: Crises and Collapse - Western Region Crisis
"While Awolowo was busy leading the federal opposition against the government of Federal Prime Minister Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa of the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC), the Western Region's Premier, Chief Akintola, Awolowo's deputy in the Action Group (AG), was strengthening his own political base among the Yoruba.
Akintola, a clever politician in his own right, had come to believe by early 1962 that AG ought to try to cooperate with the NPC leaders and join with them in a "National Government." Akintola saw several advantages in such a policy, and was backed by many Yoruba Chiefs and by the most important AG financial supporters.
Electoral competition in each region since 1959 had sapped the AG treasury, and Akintola saw wisdom in a bargain with NPC in which obvious federal hegemony by the latter would be counter balanced by promises to recognize AG dominance of Western Region politics and continued control over the Midwest.
AG could then save money by not continuing the fruitless quest for legislative seats outside the Western Region. To Awolowo on the other hand, cooperating with NPC for any purpose was now anathema. Supported by AG intelligentsia and those Yoruba masses not closely controlled by traditional Chiefs, Awolowo confronted Akintola in the executive meeting of AG early in 1962.
This squabble within the top AG leadership was exacerbated by other matters. Though both Yoruba, Akintola and Awolowo were from Ijebu and Oyo respectively [?] and their wives were enemies. Finally, Awolowo objected generally to Akintola's conservative political and economic ideas while Akintola saw the AG President as being excessively influenced by extremely left-wingers.
This quarrel split the AG and opened the door to the destruction of opposition within the Federal Parliament. Having been removed from the office of the Vice-Chairman of AG, Akintola was stripped of the premiership by vote of the backbenchers when the Western Region government tried to convene. Akintola then filed suit against the deposition.
Meanwhile when Chief Adegbenro, the successor for Akintola designated by Awolowo attempted to convene his new government, the minority of members who were against Awolow's scheme disrupted the Western Legislature. The majority, 65-52, clearly supported Adegbenro's forming a new government to replace Akintola, and asked the Federal Prime Minister Balewa, to ensure peace in the regional legislature so that the new Western Region Government could meet to carry out its business.
Balewa refused to promise such protection, and Nigerians were treated during the second year of their independence to the following spectacle in the legislature of the Western Region.
In Ibadan, Alhaji Adegbenro and the Speaker agreed to try once again to hold a meeting some two and half hours after the first had been disbanded. Policemen were stationed beside and behind the Speaker's Chair. At once, the Akintola faction and the NCNC opposition began to shout and bang their chairs.
Chief S A. Tinuba [Tinubu?] sat on the floor beside the Speaker’s Chair and continually rang a bell. Mr. J. O. Adigun threatened to throw the Record Book at the Speaker. Mr. Akinyemi smashed one despatch box, and Mr. Adedigba threw the other at Alhaji Adegbenro (it was caught by the Sergeant-at-Arms).
Mr. Adeniya then hit the Speaker with a chair, while the NCNC members smashed theirs or threw them at opponents. All this time the police had been begging the Speaker to let them act, and when he finally did so they again released gas and cleared the House.
On May 29, the Federal Parliament declared a state of emergency, causing the virtual dismemberment of the Western Regional government, and the detention by the new “Administrator of Western Region” [Dr. M.A. Majekodunmi?] of all the politicians involved.
The apparent partiality of the federal government was a crucial aspect of these events. Regardless of what may have been the hidden causes of Balewa’s actions, the events gave many Nigerians the impression that AG’s internal troubles were being used to ensure the end of the troublesome Awolowo.
By preventing the intervention of federal police units to ensure order in the Western Region Parliament, Balewa had shown little interest in allowing the western politicians to iron out their difficulties through the accepted procedure of a parliamentary no-confidence vote.
Other subsequent actions by the federal government, and by the Administrator appointed to restore order, confirmed the view of millions of Awolowo’s supporters that their influence was being systematically destroyed.
Six months after the emergency began, Chief Akintola, the exponent of cooperation with Balewa’s federal government, had been invited to form a government for Western Region. Awolowo found himself facing the charges of a commission examining the malpractice of Action Group, and then a trial ending in a 10-year sentence for treason.
One clear lesson of the Western Region Crisis was the willingness of the NPC-coalition Federal Government to exercise influence within a region’s political affairs in order to ensure a government friendly to NPC aims.
The discussion of political attitudes in Chapter Five will elucidated some quite understandable reasons for Balewa’s willingness to act in this manner in the interests of national unity as he conceived it.
Here we must concentrate on the structural changes wrought by actions surrounding the Western Region Crisis. None of those is more important than the impact on the judiciary.
Akintola had filed an an action in the Western Region High Court against his dismissal by the Regional Governor, contending that the Governor had no right to decide merely because a majority of the legislative members had signed a petition supporting Adegbenro.
The High Court Chief Justice passed Akintola's challenge on to the Federal Supreme Court without ruling, and that Court supported Akintola's claim. At the urging of Awolowo's supporters, however, the Privy Council Judiciary Committee considered the dispute and reversed the Nigeria Federal Supreme Court's decision in May 1963.
Though Awolowo's followers were heartened by this outcome, it was ignored by the Federal Government, and resulted in one of the significant constitutional changes that was to follow.
* " February 1963 – Awolowo Is Charged With Treason – Chief Obafemi Awolowo first Premier of the Western Region between 1954–59, Leader of the Action Group and leader of the opposition in the federal parliament, general secretary of the Egbe Omo Oduduwa since 1948. Formerly Secretary of various unions and co-founder of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria. Publications include Path to Nigerian Freedom, an autobiography entitled Awo, and numerous political booklets. The trial of Chief Awolowo and 24 others began with high drama.
Academy Of Medicine Specialties Inducts Ministers Of Health, Education, 134 Others As Fellows By Tunbosun Ogundare - Lagos
From left, President, Academy of Medicine Specialties of Nigeria(AMSN), Prof Oladapo Ashiru; Chairman of Board of Trustees, Dr Sonny Kuku and Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees, Prof Osato Giwa- Osagie
All is set by the Academy of Medicine Specialties of Nigeria(AMSN) to induct a total of 136 professionals as fellows of the academy.
Four of the inductees are serving government ministers and they are the ministers of Health, Dr Osagie Ohanire; Education, Mallam Adamu Adamu; Science and Technology, Dr Ogbonnaya Onu and the Minister of State for Health, Dr Olorunnimbe Mamora.
They will be conferred with honorary fellow of the academy alongside the business mogul, Alhaji Abdul Samad Rabiu at the induction ceremony scheduled for Thursday, July 29, in Lagos.
The Chairman Board of Trustees of the academy and co-founder, EkoCorps Plc, Dr Sonny Kuku, made this known at a news conference in Lagos, on Tuesday.
He said 14 from the remaining number would be conferred with emeritus fellows while the rest with foundation fellows of the academy.
Kuku, a renowned endocrinologist said the academy would also be officially inaugurated at the event.
He explained that it took him and three other founding members, namely Prof Oladapo Ashiru, Prof Osato Giwa-Osagie and Prof Augustine about 12 years to birth the academy which he said was registered officially with the federal government in 2019.
He said the idea behind the academy was borne out of their passionate desire to contribute more meaningfully to the growth and development of the health and medical sector in the country.
He said all the inductees were found to be credible individuals whose contributions to their different professions, the economy and to mankind as a whole are unquantifiable.
Giving insights into the academy, the president of the academy and consultant reproductive endocrinologist, Prof Oladapo Ashiru explained that the sole objectives of the academy is to promote excellence in medical research and education, and also the application of research in the practice of medicine and the enhancement of human health and welfare.
He said the academy would be able to achieve the objective by performing, among others mentorship, collaboration and advisory roles on health-related issues of national importance to the government for well-informed policies directions.
He said that was why the academy shall be merit-based membership.
He said there would not be political consideration for membership but for only those who have distinguished themselves not only in medical and health-related fields but also in arts and humanities- health-related activities and have contributed significantly to society and mankind.
Saturday, 21 August 2021
“He came and he said, ‘I just annulled June 12.’ We both looked at each other and we looked at him, and said: why would you do that? And he said ‘you are too young to understand the intrigues of governance.’ And we said, but it is about you and your administration. And he said, ‘well, perhaps, this is something that will haunt me for the rest of my life….So, you could see that his hands were tied. He was limited. He couldn’t do what he would have wished to do. And this is probably a story most Nigerians don’t know”
–Mohammed Babangida
“It is a decision we took. I had to take that decision, I did that to the best of my knowledge, in the interest of the country… ‘I did the right thing. I can sit back and say some of the things I said manifested after I had left. We had the coup and that coup lasted for five years.’ According to the ex-Nigerian leader, the citizens complained that they were tired of elections, thus paving the way for Sani Abacha who ruled the nation for five years”…“If it materialised, there would have been a coup d’état – which could have been violent. That’s all I can confirm. It didn’t happen thanks to the engineering and the “Maradonic’ way we handled you guys in the society. But that could have given room for more instability in the country”
–Ibrahim Babangida
The two excerpts above constitute a critical resource for any obligatory and sympathetic assessment of former President Ibrahim Babangida. It is always difficult to write dispassionately about a father figure let alone one who looms so large and controversial in the Nigerian public space. I generally cringe from hagiolatory and believe that the true test of goodwill and friendship is the extent to which one can offer critical acclaim without pandering and sycophantic ingratiation. As we are all human, this is easier said than done and kindred sympathy would readily supplant objective detachment. Great ambitions are often inspired by a commensurate sense of inadequacy and insecurity. Think of the short man syndrome and what has come to be known as the Napoleon complex-’where a man feels inadequate because of his short height and may try to overcompensate it with overly aggressive behaviour’. It is what the Yoruba call okùnrin kúkúrú bìlísì roughly translating to the slang ‘short man, plenty wahala’.
The most dominant deity in the Yoruba pantheon, Orunmila, is called akéréfinúshogbón (the all wise tiny man) and okùnrin kúkúrú òkè gètí (the diminutive man who resides in òkè gètí, ilé Ifè). With reference to the famous world historic military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte the more human variant is called the
Napoleon complex. Like the latter, Babangida is of short stature and has earned a Nigeria-wide fame as an accomplished military officer. Before he acquired the defining reputation of foremost military politician he had acquitted himself as a brave soldier in the battlefied. ‘Earlier in his career, he had on the battle field risked his life to save his colleague Duba who was mortally wounded unless evacuated. Babangida, risking his own life volunteered to go and carry Duba’. And while he was hospitalised on account of the deep injuries he sustained, he demanded a quick discharge and return to the battlefied even before his injuries healed. And if you are a zodiac sign believer, he is meaningfully a Leo.
I have taken recourse to this (psychoanalytical) personality profiling because it is otherwise difficult to be fair and charitable towards the former president without a subjective knowledge of his personality. Above any other character trait the one that stands out the most is wanting to be liked by people and the closer you get to him the more difficult it equally becomes not to like him. It is the reason why he is such a perfect family man and a passionate godfather.
If the Maradona appellation suits him like second skin, it is because it derives from a trademark inability to say no to any personal request. Finding himself, quite naturally, unable to fulfil the father Christmas dimensions of this trait, he had to perfect the art of wriggling out of difficult situations.This trait can be a great flaw within the context of governance and statecraft where decisions should be taken solely on the merit of public interest with little regard for personal considerations. For me, the abiding paradox of his life is how to reconcile his charming, pleasant and inoffensive nature with being in the thick of the sanguinary environment of military campaigns; how he was so strong and brave in the line of real life fire but not so brave in the seat of military president and when it mattered the most in his public life.
There cannot be an adequate accounting of his military career (and that of his generation from the North) without allusion to the role of the Northern regional political leadership. Joining the Army was a decision made for them by the regional patriarchs who envisioned, like Chairman Mao and Secretary Josef Stalin, that power flows from the barrel of the gun. And the vision has proven to be quite predictive and ample in the rewards of the strategic anticipation of the role of balance of terror in Nigeria’s power politics. In contrast to its rivals, this was at a time the ‘the National Council for Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) had a limited vision for the security services and the Action Group (AG) wanted to disband the military altogether and set up a more modest paramilitary force’. To this day it still befuddles me how an astute and visionary political leader like Chief Obafemi Awolowo could have missed out on the fundamental instrumentality of this potent instrument of power politics in his political calculations.
The folly of this omission would sooner play out in the run up to the civil war when the dominant Northern faction of the Nigerian Army refused to cede the occupation of the Western region in compliance with the agreement reached at the conference of Nigeria’s leaders of thought.
In the opinion of the Shehu Yar’Adua Foundation ‘Joining the army in 1962 was a statement of political faith. A politically better informed Northern elite had come to recognise the neglected significance of the military in independent Nigeria. According to President Muhammadu Buhari, “The Emir of Kano told one of us that if soldiers could overthrow a line of kings descended directly from the prophet, it could happen anywhere. So we should go and join the army”. In corroboration, General Garba Duba recounted that.. “I had never deamt to be a soldier. But when I finished my secondary school, my uncle, the Emir of Gwandu, had received a letter from Sardauna requesting him to give one of his sons to join the army as an officer. And that is how I was taken”. In their flair for military intervention in Nigerian politics it is useful to recall that the major players of the Nigerian Army were politicised rather than socialised into the Army. Babangida is a personification of this pedigree.
Still how do you reconcile the revelation of Babangida’s true and intimate feelings that the annulment of the June 1993 presidential election was a mistake (to his children for instance) with his public posturing of persistent justification and tortuous rationalisation of a conspicuous wrongdoing? In what way could the annulment possibly be in the best interest of the country? How did his voluntary submission to being held captive and held to ransom by a cabal of pampered power hungry military officers be rationalised as doing the right thing? If this selfish and bad company would not let him honour the result of the election today, what is the guarantee they would allow him to do so in five months or five years time? The pity here is he keeps repeating the same self-destructive error of snatching defeat from the potential biggest victory of his life. This corrosive self-abnegation is what he keeps doing to himself by declining to admit to the conspicuous error and choosing, instead, to insult the intelligence of Nigerians with obtuse and escapist non arguments. Could it be that he is sworn to an oath never to admit that white is white and black is black where it concerns the annulment?
At 80 years and given the contextual extenuation provided by the comprehensive failure of his rival, Major General Muhammadu Buhari, there is hardly a better politically opportuned moment to secure a less hostile reckoning of posterity. To the contrary, he appears oblivious of ceding the initiative to his adversaries on the narrative of the annulment debacle. Which was what all the insincere razzmatazz of the symbolic reinstatement of June 12 as Nigeria’s icon of democracy by the incumbent administration was all about. His loss on this occasion is the gain of his fellow contender. Indeed, “how does IBB feel today, now that Buhari has recognised June 12 and MKO Abiola?” Ironically, let us not forget that while the personification of the June 12, 1993 watershed election, Chief Moshood Abiola, was languishing in Abacha’s gulag, General Buhari was serving as his right hand man as the executive chairman, Petroleum Tax Fund (PTF). And so enamoured was he of Abacha, that up till now, not even the Swiss and Cayman Island banks can convince him that “Abacha stole any money”.
Perhaps more than any area of comparison and contrast, it is in his liberal cosmopolitan adherence to the reflection of federal character and geopolitical balancing (nation building prescription) that Babangida towers above an antithetical Buhari. He once sat me down to explain how he couldn’t be adjudged as running a regionally discriminating administration. It may have been an exaggeration but there was the element of validity to his claim that his kitchen cabinet, headed by the chairman of his Presidential Advisory Council, Professor Ojetunji Aboyade, was predominantly Southern in composition. In the end, explanations for his ‘I did right and did no wrong’ posture in the annulment of the 1993 presidential election can be found in such ruinous sychophancy as one encapsulated in this rendition by Chief Duro Onabule “the most uncharitable critic of IBB, after experiencing four other administrations (Shonekan, Abacha, Abubakar and now Obasanjo) readily concedes that but for the annulment of June 12, 1993, IBB would have been an untainted hero.”
How Afghanistan fell weeks after Obasanjo attended peace meeting in Kabul by Kayode Oyero
Islamic militant group known as the Taliban retook Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital city, on Sunday, but the fall of the landlocked Asian country had been seen by many observers when US President Joe Biden started the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan beginning in early July.
To avert the imminent collapse of the war-torn country with 39 million people and promote peace and stability, ex-Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo, had in July travelled to Kabul and met with some leaders of the country as well as envoys of neighbouring countries.
Obasanjo, unarguably one of the prestigious global citizens from Africa, had met with the Ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan, Mansoor Ahmad Khan, members of the Aga Khan Development Network, as well as other diplomatic representatives. AKDN is an international organisation which “brings together a number of development agencies, institutions, and programmes that work primarily in the poorest parts of Asia and Africa”.
Announcing Obasanjo’s presence at the meeting in Kabul on July 5, Khan had in a tweet captioned a photo, “Today, frank discussions at lunch with former President of Nigeria, Excellency Olusegun Obasanjo, hosted by AKDN Ambassador, (Hijri) Sheherzade, about promoting long term peace, stability, reconciliation and development in Afghanistan.”
Obasanjo, Nigeria’s democratically elected President between 1999 and 2007, had been instrumental to the restoration of peace in many parts of Africa including Liberia, Sudan, Ethiopia, amongst others.
The former Nigerian military head of state between July 1975 and February 1976 had sat on many peace committees including those of the United Nations, African Union and Economic Community of West African States.
Obasanjo is a global peace personality -Secondus
Speaking of Obasanjo’s “peace wand”, embattled National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Uche Secondus, on Thursday, described the ex-President as a “global personality, resolving issues across the world. In fact, the last place I learnt Baba visited was Afghanistan; despite the situation in that country, he went there and came back alive.”
Secondus ran to Obasanjo in his Abeokuta home on Thursday to save him from his many troubles within the party.
Though it appeared the octogenarian was unable to pull his “peace wand” in Afghanistan, only time would tell whether Obasanjo’s “peace touch” would work for Secondus whom some party chieftains want out as chairman.
Afghanistan’s history of rise-and-fall democracy
The PUNCH had earlier reported that the Taliban or the Mujahedeen retook Kabul about two decades after they were driven from Kabul by US troops.
Taliban militants seized about 20 cities in the country following the withdrawal of US troops beginning in July.
Afghanistan civilian President Ashraf Ghani subsequently fled on Sunday when Kabul fell, abandoning the presidential palace to Taliban fighters.
Ghani, 72, who is now in exile in the United Arab Emirates, said he planned to return to the Asian country after talks with the Taliban.
Formed in 1994, the Taliban were made up of ex-Afghan resistance fighters who first captured Kabul in 1996. The Sunni Islamist organisation introduced radical rules against women and children. They were also notorious for their extremist and terrorist ideologies and have been fingered in sponsoring insurgency in several parts of the world, including Africa.
9/11 attack and US revenge on Osama bin Laden
The Taliban held strong control of Afghanistan till September 11, 2001, when 19 extremist fighters hijacked four commercial planes in the US, crashing two into the World Trade Center towers, amongst other places, and killing over 2,500 people were killed in the attacks.
The attacks were orchestrated by the Taliban and Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
In the spirit of nationalistic vengeance, the United States under the then government of President George Bush responded with swift, crushing fury and invaded Afghanistan, aiming to stop the Taliban from providing a safe-haven to Al Qaeda fighters — and to stop Al Qaeda from using Afghanistan as a base of operations for terrorist activities.
After Osama bin Laden fled Afghanistan and went into hiding, the path to peace and democratic takeover was open in Afghanistan.
During the December 2001 International Conference on Afghanistan in Germany, Ghani’s predecessor, Hamid Karzai, was selected by prominent Afghan political figures to serve a six-month term as chairman of the Interim Administration.
Karzai was later chosen for a two-year term as interim president in 2002 before he won the 2004 presidential election and a second five-year term in 2009 before US forces killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011 at his lair in Pakistan.
US mission in Afghanistan to get 9/11 attackers, not nation-building -Biden
Karzai handed over to Ghani in 2014 as the winner of the presidential poll but Afghanistan fell under Ghani when President Joe Biden commenced the withdrawal of US troops last month, saying the US mission in the Asian country was to neutralised the 9/11 attackers and not nation-building.
“We went to Afghanistan almost 20 years ago with clear goals: get those who attacked us on September 11, 2001 — and make sure al Qaeda could not use Afghanistan as a base from which to attack us again.
“We did that — a decade ago.
“Our mission was never supposed to be nation-building,” Biden said at a presidential address on Monday.
Jimoh Ibrahim owes govt N70bn, we retain NICON, others – AMCON by Stephen Agwaibor
The Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria has said that following a High Court order, it still remains in charge of assets belonging to a business mogul, Jimoh Ibrahim.
A statement from the corporation on Thursday said Ibrahim’s current indebtedness to AMCON stood at nearly N70bn.
The statement, signed by Head of Corporate Communications at AMCON, Jude Nwauzor, said Justice A. R. Mohammed of the Federal High Court Abuja Division had on Monday ordered AMCON, NICON Insurance Limited, Nigeria Reinsurance and Ibrahim to maintain the status-quo-ante until September 8, 2021, when the court would hear all pending applications on the matter.
Nwauzor said the matter between Ibrahim and AMCON had been interminable since the loan was purchased by the government debt recovery agency during the first phase of Eligible Bank Asset purchases from Union Bank in the early days of AMCON.
The statement read, “AMCON and BPE, on July 21, received approval from the National Insurance Commission to constitute a new board and management of NICON Insurance Limited and Nigeria Re.
“The change was to enhance the smooth running, efficient and effective management of the two firms previously owned by the recalcitrant debtor and businessman.
“The reason for the changes in the board and management of the two insurance firms was sequel to the takeover of the major investor’s interests in the two organisations, and the Bureau for Public Enterprises who worked in partnership with AMCON to bring the much-needed stability in the operation of the organisations.”
AMCON said the reconstitution of the board and management team of the two insurance institutions in Nigeria was to ensure that the firms remained transparent and accountable.
It said, “After the constitution of the boards, Jimoh Ibrahim belatedly approached the court to obtain an order seeking to stop AMCON from constituting the boards of the two insurance firms.
“But when the case came up for hearing on Monday the 18th of August, the judge ruled that all parties maintain the status quo until September 8, which was agreed by both the counsel to Jimoh Ibrahim and co, C.I. Okpoko, SAN and counsel to AMCON, A.U. Mustapha, SAN.
“The implication is that AMCON is still in charge of all assets of Jimoh Ibrahim and his companies including NICON Insurance Limited and Nigeria Reinsurance Corporation over their heavy indebtedness to AMCON following earlier court rulings, which gave AMCON the power to take over the assets ab-initio.”
PSC creates another Kyari panel, says IGP panel complementary by Adelani Adepegba and Lesi Nwisagbo
The Police Service Commission has set up an in-house panel to study documents related to the suspended former Head of the Intelligence Response Team, DC Abba Kyari.
The commission stated that it had the final say on the investigation of Kyari, adding that it was not bound to accept the recommendations of the Special Investigation Panel set up by the Inspector-General of Police to probe the DCP’s indictment by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The Commissioner in charge of Media in the PSC, Mr Austin Braimoh, told The PUNCH on Thursday that the commission had the constitutional mandate to investigate any police officer from a constable to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police.
He said, “We are awaiting the report from the IG which is constitutional as well. The in-house panel is also working, starting from the department to the standing committee.
“We assure Nigerians that justice will be done and there is no way anyone will teleguide the commission.
“If there is a need for the FBI report, we will request for it; if it requires sending someone to the United States, we will send people there without prejudice to what the IG panel has recommended.
“We are only following the constitutional procedure; the IG must forward all his recommendations to us. We are not bound to accept the IG’s recommendations but he must forward the report to us because we are the one that would take the final decision.”
The PSC spokesman, Ikechukwu Ani, in a statement in Abuja on Thursday, titled, ‘PSC waits for Abba Kyari report, sets up in-house panel,’ explained that the commission’s panel which was inaugurated by the Permanent Secretary/ Secretary to the commission, Alhaji Abubakar Ismaila, is headed by the Director, Department of Police Discipline in the Commission, Tijani Mohammed, a lawyer.
The statement reads partly, “The report of the in-house panel is expected to assist the commission take an informed decision when the investigative panel report is submitted for the commission’s consideration.
Hushpuppi: Special investigation on DCP Abba Kyari yet to submit report -NPF
“The commission had also directed the Inspector-General of Police to furnish it with information on further development on the matter for necessary further action.”
Kyari had been indicted by the FBI in a $1.1m Internet scam allegedly carried out by an Instagram influencer, Abbas Ramon, commonly known as Hushpuppi and four others.
Meanwhile, a Federal High Court in Abuja on Thursday declined granting an ex-parte application seeking to restrain the Nigeria Police and the Attorney General of the Federation from arresting and extraditing suspended Deputy Commissioner of Police, Abba Kyari.
Justice Ahmed Mohammed rejected the application filed by the Incorporated Trustees of Northern Peace Foundation.
Rather, the Judge ordered the counsel to turn the ex-parte motion to motion on notice and serve the same on police and AGF.
Olu of Warri: Utieyinoritsetsola Emiko crowned Ogiame Atuwatse III
Prince Utieyinoritsetsola Emiko has been crowned the 21st Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse III.
He seems to have derived the title from his father and 19th Olu, Atuwatse II, Godwin Toritseju Emiko.
His investiture is ongoing at the Itsekiri Kingdom in Warri, Delta State.
According to Itsekiri tradition, this is the dynastic name the new Olu will henceforth be addressed by and referred to.
The new Atuwatse III is the son of the 19th Olu Atuwatse II, Godwin Toritseju Emiko and Gladys Durorike Emiko.
Born on April 2, 1984, the new Olu is a descendant of Olu Akengbuwa.
Emiko attended NNPC Primary School in Warri and later Adesoye College, Offa, Kwara State for his secondary education between 1995 and 2001.
He then proceeded to Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA where he bagged his Bachelor’s of Arts between 2002 and 2006, majoring in International Studies and Political Science while minoring in History and Economics. In 2007, he earned a Master’s of Science in Management also from Case Western Reserve University.
The Olu designate is an avid sportsman, having participated in different sports including swimming, kayaks, basketball, American football, and soccer.
Serial entrepreneurship
On returning home to Nigeria in 2008, Prince Tsola Emiko served in the Public Affairs Department of National Petroleum Investment Management Services for the NYSC scheme.
Thereafter, from 2009 to 2010, he worked as an officer at the Shell Nigeria Closed Pension Fund Administrator and later at Sahara Energy as Government Relations Officer between 2010 and 2012.
A serial entrepreneur, the Olu designate is the founder of Noble Nigeria Ltd. and Coral Curator Ltd. He is the Chairman of Ocean Marine Security Ltd. and Director, Gulf of Guinea Ltd. and Vessel link Big. Ltd. while his business acumen may be said to have flowed from his late father.
Family life
Prince Tsola Emiko is a loving and caring husband to Ivie Uhunoma Emiko, daughter of popular Edo business mogul, late Idahosa Okunbo.
The couple has three children: Oritsetsemiaye, Oritsetemisan, and Oritsetimeyin.
PIA: NNPC will cease to exist within six months, says Mele Kyari by Wasilat Azeez
The federal government says the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) will cease to exist within the next six months as specified by the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA).
Speaking with Arise TV on Monday, Mele Kyari, group managing director of NNPC, said the national oil company would be transformed into a private company that would pay taxes and dividends to its shareholders.
He said the new company would be incorporated under the Company Allied Matters Act (CAMA).
On Monday, President Muhammadu Buhari signed the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) into law .
Kyari explained that all liabilities and assets of the NNPC will be transferred to the new company.
He noted that some toxic assets may be excluded.
“Coming back to the NNPC, the provision of the law clearly states that the corporation will be transformed into a CAMA company. This meaning of this is that the company will just be another privately owned company, in a sense,” Kyari said.
“This company will pay taxes, royalties and dividends to its shareholders. This isn’t the situation today because the corporation has no such obligation. This has stalled its development, its growth and its prosperity.
“According to the new Petroleum Industry Act, a new company will be incorporated within six months . That means all assets and liabilities of the NNPC will be transferred to the new company.
“Not all of them, by the way. The bill is very clear. Some toxic assets of the corporation may not be transferred. The federation or shareholders can decide to keep some of the assets and leave some with the corporation.
“Therefore, you are going to have a much more efficient, much more slimmer, much more commercial national oil company.”
Friday, 20 August 2021
Why I Made Nigeria Member Of Islamic Organisation – IBB By Ukpe Philip
Nigeria’s former Head of State, Ibrahim Badamusi Babangida (IBB), has denied having plan to Islamise Nigeria when he enrolled the country as a member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
The former military leader who recently clocked 80, made the clarification during an interview on Channels TV.
The OIC consists of about 50 countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Nigeria became its member in 1986 under IBB.
The OIC models the collective voice of Muslims as well as protects the interest of the Muslim world.
IBB’s registration of Nigeria as a member of the OIC had at different times sparked criticisms from individuals and groups who argued that the move contravened provisions of the Nigerian 1999 Constitution.
But the retired army general said, ” No government has ever said so (that Nigeria is an Islamic state), including my own government.”
He explained that, “We never said Islam is the official religion of Nigeria. But our constitution allows us to enter any organisation for the benefit of the country or for the benefit of the people of the country.”
Nigeria’s membership of the Islamic organisation had since resulted in several criticisms from religious groups and Civil Society Organisations.
Some groups have accused the former Head of State of engineering a religious crisis in the country by that singular act.
“The relationship between Christians and Muslims deteriorated when Nigeria was admitted as a full member of Organisation of the Islamic Conference,” said DR Maryam Abdullahi, a delegate representing Civil Society Organisation, at the 2014 National Conference.
Most recently (May 26), the IOC called on Nigeria to join other Islamic countries to punish Israel for launching rockets into Gaza, Palestine, in retaliation to rockets fired into the country by the Islamic Resistance Movement popularly called Hamas.
But the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) which is the apex body of Christians in the country criticised the call and warned President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration against taking sides with the IOC.
CAN had said: “We are worried that Nigeria which was wrongly labelled an Islamic State because of her unlawful membership of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) has been taking side with the Palestinians since the emergence of President Muhammadu Buhari. Hence why the Turkish President asked Nigeria to identify with the Palestinians.”
PDP peace pact crumbles, Obasanjo, Secondus in closed-door meeting by John Alechenu and Daud Olatunji
Wike’s group kicks as Secondus plans Oct national convention shift
There were strong indications on Thursday that power blocs in the opposition Peoples Democratic Party had sidestepped some of the agreements reached at the party’s expanded National Executive Committee meeting held on Tuesday, August 10.
It was gathered that though it was agreed at the meeting that the party’s national convention should hold in October, the Uche Secondus-led National Working Committee was advancing reasons why the date was no longer feasible.
But sources in the party said the rival power bloc led by the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, dismissed Secondus’ excuse, saying it was a ploy to sit tight.
It was gathered that based on the fresh crisis in the party, it might hold another NEC meeting next month.
Recall that crisis hit the PDP two weeks ago following alleged moves by a group within the party to remove Secondus on the grounds that he was plotting to install his loyalists as members of the National Convention Committee to ensure his re-emergence as the national chairman.
The PUNCH had on August 11 reported that the PDP, at its expanded NEC meeting held the previous day, reached a middle-of-the-road agreement to satisfy the warring groups.
According to the report, the party rejected moves by the Wike group to remove Secondus.
To pacify the Wike group, the party moved the national convention, which was initially scheduled for December, back to October.
A source in the party, stated on Thursday, “This is the premise upon which the peace pact was built. Members of Wike’s group sheathed their swords, because the convention was shifted to October, but from all indications, Secondus is not ready for any convention in October.”
It was gathered that the NWC had been unable to reach a consensus on the schedule of activities to be presented to NEC ahead of the setting up of the zoning and national convention planning committee.
This, our correspondents gathered, was largely responsible for the rescheduling of the NWC meeting to next Tuesday.
Based on a truce brokered by governors and other party leaders after last week’s expanded NEC meeting, the Chairman, PDP Governors’ Forum and Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Tambuwal, said among other things, “All processes leading to an early national convention in October be immediately activated by relevant party organs, especially the National Executive Committee.
“The meeting requested the NEC to immediately constitute a zoning committee for party offices and another committee for national elective offices.”
A party leader, who confided in The PUNCH, explained that not much progress was made in the direction of convening a NEC meeting to set up the zoning and convention committees.
The source said, “To be quite honest with you, we, like most party members, are worried about the fact that we still have outstanding congresses in nine states and the Anambra State governorship election coming up on November 9.
“We cannot, as a party, afford to go into the Anambra election with a divided house. We are also uncomfortable with the disposition of the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, who has literally washed his hands off the Anambra election.
“Be that as it may, we will soon constitute the national campaign council and the Abia State Governor, Okezie Ikpeazu, may head it.”
Another source at the meeting said, “Whatever we do, we must take into account the timetable of the Independent National Electoral Commission.
“We have issued notices of our activities for the Ekiti and Osun elections. Most of the activities will be held between September and October. By the end of October, we will be heading for the Anambra election, which is on November 6; then, we can talk about our convention. We are likely to convene another expanded meeting to explain the situation to our leaders.
“One thing is certain, all members of this party, irrespective of tendency, are committed to the stability and growth of the PDP.”
However, one of those opposed to Secondus, who also spoke in confidence for fear of retribution said, “It is clear that the issues our leaders tried to deal with are still there.
“We agreed that NEC should constitute the zoning and convention committees immediately; go back to the communiqué read by Governor Tambuwal after last week’s expanded meeting, but what is happening today?”
It was further gathered that the seven deputies, who resigned their positions, had withdrawn their resignation letters and would be attending the NWC meeting slated for Tuesday.
When contacted, the Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the party, Diran Odeyemi, who is one of those who resigned, confirmed this development.
He said, “We resigned because we were not fairly treated. We accused the national chairman of not playing the role of a leader, but his response was that the constitution does not give us any role other than working with our principals or in their absence, acting on their behalf.
“We still accused him of not involving us; we informed him that as a leader, he should have found a way of involving us in administering the party, because we were elected and we represent people, who are members of our party.
“He admitted at the end of the day, apologised and assured us that that particular aspect of the constitution would be addressed. With that and with follow-up calls by members of the BoT and our respected leaders and elders, we had no choice (but to return).
“In my case, I represent the South-West; we have an election in Osun very soon and I don’t have the support of leaders at home that I should resign, so also in Oyo State. The decision of my constituency is that since you’ve made your point known and an apology has been tendered and a promise of redress has been made, you have to pull back.”
Meanwhile, the national chairman of the party, Secondus, on Thursday, held a closed-door meeting with former President Olusegun Obasanjo in Abeokuta.
The meeting, which lasted for more than one hour and ended at 2.06pm, was held at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library.
A source at the meeting told one of our correspondents that the national chairman took his time to narrate his ordeal and troubles in running the party to the former President.
The source added that Secondus was able to convince Obasanjo to intervene to settle the crisis.
The source said the former President maintained his stance that he was not interested in partisan politics, but his doors were open for advice.
It was also gathered that the meeting between Obasanjo and Secondus was a fallout of an earlier meeting held in Minna, Niger State.
“He (Secondus) narrated his ordeals to Obasanjo and urged him to intervene and save the party from collapse. Although the former President said he had left partisan politics, he stated that he would always offer his advice,” the source stated.
While addressing journalists after the meeting, the PDP Chairman said he came to see Obasanjo as an elder statesman in order for him to advise the present government.
He said, “I am here with members of my team as well as the PDP executive in Ogun State to tap from the wealth of Baba’s knowledge as a statesman.
“It has been very difficult lately because Baba is a global personality, resolving issues across the world. In fact, the last place I learnt Baba visited was Afghanistan; despite the situation in that country, he went there and came back alive.
“So, my team and I are very grateful and we give glory to God. We have discussed Nigeria. Nigeria first before any other thing. Yes, we belong to a political party, but if we don’t have a country, where do we practice democracy?
“We need to have a peaceful country where democracy can strive and at this point, we need Chief Obasanjo to come in with solutions.
“We are aware of insecurity, the poor economy, banditry, kidnapping all over the country; and we can’t continue to watch without reaching out to the elders so that they can come to gather and advise the present government. That is the duty of a statesman.”
Obasanjo, on his part, maintained that though the situation of Nigeria was very bad, it was not irredeemable.
“Every right-thinking individual knows that the Nigerian situation is very bad, but it is not irredeemable,” he stated.
Obasanjo stated that Secondus did not visit him because of partisan politics, but because he was concerned about the situation of the nation.
He said, “You have not visited me because of partisan politics, but you have visited me as a person, who is concerned about where Nigeria is and where Nigeria may be descending into if the right action is not taken.
“And I couldn’t agree with you more; every right-thinking Nigerian and every lover of Nigeria will agree that Nigeria is not what it should be today, unless there is something else wrong with them.
“The situation is bad, very bad, but the situation is not irredeemable. That is where the hope lies. The situation is very bad, but it is not hopelessly irredeemable.”
Buni battles five suits, 100 APC members seek removal by Olalekan Adetayo and Lesi Nwisagbo
NO fewer than five cases are currently before different courts on the eligibility or otherwise of Governor Mai Mala Buni holding the positions of the Chairman of the Caretaker/Extraordinary National Convention Planning Committee of the ruling All Progressives Congress and governor of Yobe State at the same time., investigation by The PUNCH has revealed.
Of the five pending cases, three were initiated by members of the ruling party while the Peoples Democratic Party and the New Nigeria Peoples Party initiated one each.
One of the cases filed by party members was one instituted by one Okosisi Ngwu.
Ngwu had asked the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory to sack Buni-led CECPC and nullify all actions it has so far taken, including the recent ward congresses.
The request forms part of the reliefs in a suit marked FCT/HC/CV/1824/2021.
Listed as defendants are the APC and all CECPC members that include Buni; Osun State Governor, Adegboyega Oyetola; Niger State Governor, Abubakar Sani-Bello; former President of the Senate, Ken Nnamani; Stella Okorete; Dr. James Lalu, Senator Abubakar Yusuf; Akinyemi Olaide; David Leon; Abba Ali; Prof. Tahir Mamman; Ismail Ahmed and Senator John Akpanudoedehe.
Another chieftain of the party, Bashir Bolarinwa, also instituted a case against the Buni-led CECPC.
Bolarinwa, who was removed by the CECPC as Chairman of the party in Kwara state, is asking the High Court of the FCT to declare the entire panel illegal.
He said it was wrong for Buni and his counterparts from Niger and Osun states to preside over affairs of the APC.
Among other appeal, Bolarinwa urged the court to determine whether the appointment of the 2nd-and 14th defendants; chairman and members of CECPC; was not legal without ratification of the Board of Trustees of the 1st defendant, having regards to Article 18 (II) of the APC Constitution.
Bolarinwa’s application was filed on August 16, 2021 with suit no CV/2006/2021.
The latest among cases by party members is the one instituted by about 100 APC members in Benue State.
They sued the party and Buni, seeking dissolution of the 13-member committee and nullification of all their actions.
Also listed as co-defendant in the originating summon registered as FHC/ABJ/CS/938/2021, are the Attorney General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami, the Independent National Electoral Commission and others.
The motion for interlocutory injunction was filed by their lawyer, Mr Samuel Irabor at the Federal High Court, Abuja on August 18, 2021.
The PDP, on its part, urged a court to sack Buni for taking up another executive position as the chairman of the party’s CECPC.
In the suit filed at the Federal High Court in Abuja, the opposition party argued that combining the governor’s office with another executive position is a constitutional violation.
It claimed that the Yobe State governor’s office and that of the deputy governor, Idi Gubana, have therefore become vacant after Buni took up the APC appointment.
The suit was marked FHC/ABJ/CS/885/2021.
On its part, the NNPP dragged the APC to the Federal High Court Abuja, asking that the ruling party be disqualified from contesting the forthcoming chairmanship position election in the Abuja Municipal Council slated for February 12, 2022.
In the originating summons dated July 28, 2021, with suit number FHC/ABJ/CS/514/2021, the party joined INEC, APC, Mohammed Ikwa and Buni as defendants.
The opposition party said the Caretaker Committee set up by the APC upon the dissolution of the elected National Working Committee by the National Executive Committee on June 25, 2020 has no lawful powers to administer the affairs of the party.
According to the suit the, Buni’s emergence as the chairman of the caretaker committee, “is void ab initio and no action ca be founded on it.”
100 APC members pray court to dissolve Buni-led committee
One hundred members of the All Progressives Congress have approached the Federal High Court Abuja praying for the dissolution of the Mai Mala Buni-led Caretaker Committee of the party and asking for the nullification of their actions.
In the suit marked FHC/ABJ/CS/938/2021, the plaintiffs argued that the Caretaker Committee which constituted of 13 members was below the required membership of 24 persons spread across not less than two-third of all the states and the Federal Capital Territory for any governing body of a political party, whether substantive or acting, as stipulated under Section 223 (2) (b) of the constitution.
They also argued that the fact that the Caretaker Committee was headed by Mai Mala Buni, a serving governor and thereby holding dual executive offices was against the provisions of Section 183 of the 1999 Constitution and Article 17(4) of the constitution.
By their assertions, they stated that only the National Working Committee of the party could constitute a Caretaker Committee as provided under Article 13(4)(xvi) of the APC Constitution.
Relying on the provisions of the APC Constitution, the plaintiffs also asserted that the Attorney General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami, who administered the oath of service on Mai Mala Buni as the Caretaker Chairman lacked the power to do so since he is neither a member of the NWC nor NEC.
Also, joined as defendants are the AGF, the Independent National Electoral Commission and others. The suit was filed by their lawyer, Samuel Irabor.
Anger in Edo over Sultan of Shuwa Arabs planned installation by Chukwudi Akasike and Adeyinka Adedipe
THE plan by a group of persons to install a sultan in Edo State has sparked angry reactions from the people and government of the state on Thursday.
The Edo State Government and the Pan Niger Delta Forum were among those who condemned the arrangement to install a sultan in the state.
An online invitation by the group suspected to be from Fulani had slated the event for Saturday, August 21 and Sunday, August 22, with the venue at Rialto Hotel in Eyaen, a suburb of Benin City, the state capital.
Coronation of sultan in Edo sacrilegious, says Edo
In a statement on Thursday, the Secretary to the Edo State Government, Osarodion Ogie, assured the people that a firm and decisive action would be taken to prevent the actualisation of the “illegal and sacrilegious act”.
The statement reads, “The Edo State Government has been inundated with complaints from indigenes and residents of the state over the purported move to embark on the coronation of one Idriss Addano as ‘Sultan of Shuwa Arab of Edo State’.
“The Edo State Government wishes to state as follows: That whether or not this event is held at the said or any other location within the state by individuals who clearly have sinister motives and are trying to abuse the well-known Edo hospitality by their act of sacrilege, it will constitute a direct assault on the traditions, custom and culture of the people of Edo State.
“Under the Edo State Traditional Rulers and Chiefs Law, it is an offence for anyone to proclaim himself, or allow himself to be proclaimed as the holder of any traditional title not recognized under the said law and/or without the approval of the appropriate authorities.”
Coronation plan part of Fulani-Hausa expansionist agenda – PANDEF
On his part, the spokesman of PANDEF, Mr. Ken Robinson, said the planned coronation was part of the Fulani-Hausa expansionist agenda to continue to dominate other tribes in Nigeria
“We may not be too surprised that they are being emboldened by the happenings in Afghanistan. It is part of territorial expansion; it is conquest! That is division.
“And they have sent in their foot soldiers as herdsmen before now, thinking that they will just overrun the territory, but they are just kidding, because that will not happen in the South-South,” he stressed.
Also, an Edo indigene and owner of the hotel where the coronation was to hold, Mr. Enogie Iduriase, said he would not allow his facility to be used for any unwholesome business in his area
Read Also
Outrage over plan to turban Sultan of Shuwa Arab of Edo
He said, “I am a traditional ruler as well as the son of the Oba of Benin. I will not allow any facility to be used for any unwholesome business. The Oba of Benin is superior to any other Oba. I don’t know any Sultan of Shuwa Arab.”
Shuwa Arab Sultan coronation in Edo postpone – Seriki’s spokesman
When The PUNCH contacted a number on the RSVP, the receiver, who only identified himself as the spokesman for Seriki, said the event had been called off indefinitely.
Asked if the Oba of Benin was informed about the planned ceremony, he said, “There is an error on the invitation; it was after distributing the card they noticed an error on the (invitation) card. The typist wanted to write party and not coronation.
When told to identify himself, he said, “My name? I don’t have a name; I am the spokesman for Seriki, Shuwa Arab. I have postponed everything and everything has stopped. Announce it to all your readers; let them know that it (coronation of Sultan Arab of Edo State) has been postponed.
‘Benin Palace not aware of planned coronation’
The Secretary to the Benin Traditional Council, Frank Irabor, denied the palace’s knowledge of the coronation of Addano as the Sultan in Edo State.
He stated that the only thing known to him was Seriki Hausawa, who was turbaned and not coronated.
According to him, it is only the Oba of Benin that can be coronated in the kingdom.
Efforts made to get Addano’s reaction were not successful.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Strike: Court invites resident doctors as group seeks restraining order. Agency Report
The National Industrial Court, Abuja, on Thursday invited the striking doctors by directing a Non-Governmental Organisation seeking a restraining order, to place them on motion on notice.
The NGO, Incorporated Trustees of Kingdom Human Rights Foundation International, through an ex-parte application had prayed that the court should order the striking doctors under the aegis of National Association of Resident Doctors, who embarked on the industrial action on August 2, back to work.
The vacation judge, Justice John Targema, after listening to the application in his ruling however said, “I have carefully considered the processes filed by the Applicant herein.
“I have looked especially on the affidavit of extreme urgency, the grounds of the application, the affidavit in support of same and arguments of counsel for the Applicant.
“I also weighed the submissions and arguments of counsel on the law as it stands on this application.
“By Order 17, Rule 14 ( 5) of NICN proceedings 2017, this court can make or refuse to make the order sought, or may direct the motion to be made on notice to the parties affected.
“The affected parties ought to be put on notice before a trial court grants a restraining order, when a trial court makes an order of restraint exparte, the order is made in breach of the provisions of section 33 (1) of the 1999 Constitution ( as amended).
“Having considered the arguments of learned counsel for the Applicant and the law as stated, I am inclined to invite the defendants/respondents on grounds of fair hearing,” the judge ruled.
The judge in addition ordered that the motion be made on notice to the parties affected by the application.
He also directed that hearing notice be issued, served on the defendants and proof of service of the motion on notice and all originating processes on the defendants be filed in the case file before the next adjourned date.
Targema concluded by saying that the said date shall be determined by the president of the court who will reassign the file and both parties would be notified accordingly.
The News Agency of Nigeria reports that preceding the court ruling, the Applicant through an ex parte application challenged the on-going industrial action, which according to them had crippled the health sector.
The Executive Director of the NGO, Kingdom Okere, had sought an order compelling and mandating the striking members of NARD to immediately suspend their ongoing strike, resume duties on ground that the strike now constituted national health emergency and amounts to denial of access to health care to Nigerians.
Joined in the suit as co-defendants are NARD chairman, Uyilawa Okhuaihesuya; Incorporated Trustees of Nigerian Medical and Dental Association, Minister of Health.
Others are Federal Ministry of Health, Minister of Labour and Productivity and Attorney General of the Federation/ Minister of Justice
Ayida: The Rise and Demise of Nigeria’s Super Permanent Secretary
Few illustrious government officials gave Nigeria’s civil service their all, the late Allison Ayida was regarded as one of the few good men that ever walked corridors of power, writes Bayo Akinloye
You would be forgiven if you claimed you did not know Allison Ayida. Yet, it would be a great disservice to integrity, honesty and commitment if you did not take time to find who Ayida was. He was born in 1930 and reportedly died on October 11, 2018 at the age of 88 years at St. Nicholas Hospital in Lagos.
For those who knew him, Ayida was a former super permanent secretary and the Secretary to the Government of the Federation during the military regime of Olusegun Obasanjo – not much of him is known by Nigerians about “this exemplary retired civil servant because of his quiet disposition”.
Chief Sunday Awoniyi, Chief P. C. Asiodu and Ayida were known to be technocrats of calm temperament but effective in their work as public servants – and appropriately referred to as “super permanent secretaries”. The trio were reputed to have crafted most of the policies and programmes of the military administrations of that time. They were also regarded as the “silent voices behind the military programmes and policies of the time” running a system of civil service almost devoid of corruption.
It is little wonder President Muhammadu Buhari Friday could urge younger Nigerians and public servants to imitate the uncommon patriotism of former secretary to the Government of the Federation, who was buried on Friday.
“Nigeria will surely miss his wide experience in public and private services. We need people like him and his colleagues, the celebrated super permanent secretaries, who exhibited remarkable commitment to the progress and unity of the country,” Buhari said.
Another prominent Nigerian, who also paid tributes to Ayida, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, described his death, as a big national loss and special breed Nigerian and civil servant extraordinaire.
“Ayida was a celebrated, outstanding and revered son of Warri Kingdom, a nationalist, an enigma, and a profile of what Nigeria was and should have been. He was a disciplined, transparent and detribalised public servant who was highly respected by his peers and his subordinates for his sound knowledge of the Public Service and establishment matters.
“Ayida was a man with a well nurtured, perceptive and resolute mind. He was always clear in his mind on what to do at any given time, and the choices he made set him apart from the pack. They (Ayida and the other ‘super permanent secretaries’) were determined to pursue the national project and eventual glory of the Nigerian state by restoring a nation that had fought a civil war and required rehabilitation,” Atiku said. The politics of boundary dispute and ceding of some oil wells between Delta and Ondo states were some of the issues that thoroughly tested his acumen and problem solving ability.
Atiku added: “His calmness, humility and forthrightness played out in waving through the tumultuous water of ethnic and communal politics involved as he operated with the sensibility of a patriot.”
According to a policy expert and public commentator, Tunji Olaopa, the administrative history of Nigeria’s public service will not be complete without the mention of Ayida. He further asserted that just a mention of Ayida’s name will be a serious disservice to the historic role that he played in the attempt to reconfigure the public service system, as well as put the Nigerian project right back on track administratively.
“Like the legendary Simeon Adebo and Jerome Udoji, Ayida belonged in what we affectionately, and with a bit of nostalgia, refer to as the golden years of public administration in Nigeria. And even more so, he was one of the “notorious” super permanent secretaries whose roles in the prosecution of the Nigerian Civil War have been the subject of positive and negative analyses. Together with Ahmed Joda, Ime Ebong, Ahmed Joda, S. O. Wey, Phillip Asiodu, and so on, Allison Ayida played a significant and crucial administrative part that had a lot to do with their vision of the Nigerian project, as well as the professional credentials they had acquired as public administrators,” Olaopa stated.
Ayida, like Adebo, Udoji and other exemplary civil servants of the first-generation pioneers, was invested the best that the British administrative training could muster – they were professionals who imbibed the ethos and values of what it means to be public servants.
In the early 1950s after a stint at the King’s College, Lagos, Ayida attended Queen’s College, Oxford, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economic.
By the time he returned to Nigeria, the country was already well into the post-colonial trajectory that would allow him to show his class. He made the tight list of permanent secretaries that Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi collected as part of the Federal Executive Council – and was put in charge of the Economic Development Ministry.
It was a ministry regarded as where the military received the best education about how to take Nigeria forward. As if the sudden desperation enabled by the 1966 coup was not enough, Ayida and the rest of the bureaucrats watched with horror as the country was thrown into the tension of an approaching war, Olaopa recalled.
Yet, you might have wondered what made Ayida and his ilk super permanent secretaries?
“They became ‘super’ because they lived in an interesting but unpalatable time which tasked their patriotic sensibilities and their professional capabilities to the limit. Nigeria was about to go to war and these public servants were confronted with the unenviable task of fashioning a policy framework for war time and post-war Nigeria,” Olaopa pointed out.
“For instance, there was a pending issue of drafting the second national development plan which was ongoing with the crucial assistance of the renowned economist, Prof. Ojetunji Aboyade. The impending civil war therefore provided a severe cloud of limitation around which these professionals needed to work.
“But like the gold that becomes refined when taken through the furnace, Ayida and the other super permanent secretaries turned their well-honed professional capacity and patriotic fervour came to the rescue. And there was no dithering. Several political commentaries have been written about the supposedly notorious roles played by Ayida and his colleagues in advising Gowon about the war.” Olaopa asserted.
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
IBB started religious crises in Nigeria – Confab delegate By JOSEPH ERUNKE
DR Maryam Abdullahi, a delegate representing Civil Society Organisation, CSO, at the on-going National Conference, Tuesday, accused former military President, Ibrahim Babangida of starting religious crises in Nigeria.
Dr Abdullahi said the former military ruler pushed Nigeria into membership of the Organisation of Islamic Conference, OIC, without the consent of the people he was ruling, a development, she said started religious crises in the country.
She insisted that the relationship between Christians and Muslims deteriorated when Nigeria was admitted as a full member of Organisation of the Islamic Conference.
Abdullahi, specifically said Babangida, who pushed for Nigeria’s full membership of OIC, did that to manipulate religion in order to perpetuate himself in the office, insisting that this was the beginning of mistrust between adherents of the two faith because of mutual suspicion of possible Islamization of Nigeria.
Abdullahi spoke while making her contribution to the debate on the report of the conference Committee on Religion, during plenary.
The delegate who spoke to the applause of her colleagues, said: “The relationship between Christians and Muslims deteriorated when Nigeria was admitted as full member of Organisation of the Islamic Conference.
“This made Christians to start resisting any move that would portray Nigeria as an Islamic state.
“Consequent to this, there is the prevailing mistrust and disharmony between the adherents of the two religions in the country.
“Mr. Chairman, the then Head of State, that pushed for the admission of Nigeria into OIC did not do that in consultation with the Muslims. He did that in order to manipulate religion as a political tool to perpetuate himself in office and now Nigeria is the worst for it,” she said.
She, however, cautioned against viewing every political policy from religious perspective, explaining that OIC an economic forum not only for Islamic states but also for countries that have Muslims minority.
Dr Abdullahi appealed to the conference to allay the fears of Nigerians that nobody would Islamize or Christianize Nigeria and urged political class to stop manipulating religion and ethnicity in order to achieve a political goal.
She called for strengthening of the Nigeria Inter-Religious Council in order to promote inter-religious peace and stability, while also calling for inter-religious dialogue in Nigeria.
But the recommendations by the Committee on Religion that governments at all levels shall not utilize public funds to sponsor any religious pilgrimages for any category of citizens and government functionaries generated heated arguments among delegates.
Similarly, the recommendation for establishment of a National Religious Equity Commission to be jointly chaired by a Muslim and a Christian, generated heated debate among the delegates.
While some delegates applauded the report, others condemned the two recommendations, describing them as unnecessary.
The immediate past Minister of Education, Professor Ruqayyatu Ahmed Rufa’i, in her contribution, commended the work of the committee and supported the recommendation that government should stop sponsorship of delegations on any pilgrimages.
But she disapproved the recommendation for establishment of a National Religious Equity Commission, arguing that Nigeria already had too many commissions and that there were bodies on ground, especially the National Human Rights Commission to deal with such issues as stipulated in the committee’s recommendation.
Also contributing, another delegate, Mr. Atedo Peterside, said he endorsed over 90 percent of the report in view of the excellent work done by the committee but disagreed on the recommendation for establishment of a National Religious Equity Commission.
He argued that establishing the commission was like what he described as “using a single evidence to arrive at different results.”
Mr Peterside drew the attention of the delegates to the situation in France where he said religious organisations came together to address some of the problems they faced instead of bringing the government into it.
“I have strong reservations in this. We should not allow government to get into religion under any guise. Countries that don’t take religion so seriously make far progress than those, who embrace religion.
“As beautiful as this report is, we should be careful. This is the kind of item for which it is very clear that fundamental rights are the issues. Those rights should be handled by religious NGOs and we should not elevate religion above fundamental human rights,”he added
Why I Made Nigeria Member Of Islamic Organisation – IBB By Ukpe Philip
Nigeria’s former Head of State, Ibrahim Badamusi Babangida (IBB), has denied having plan to Islamise Nigeria when he enrolled the country as a member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
The former military leader who recently clocked 80, made the clarification during an interview on Channels TV.
The OIC consists of about 50 countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Nigeria became its member in 1986 under IBB.
The OIC models the collective voice of Muslims as well as protects the interest of the Muslim world.
IBB’s registration of Nigeria as a member of the OIC had at different times sparked criticisms from individuals and groups who argued that the move contravened provisions of the Nigerian 1999 Constitution.
But the retired army general said, ” No government has ever said so (that Nigeria is an Islamic state), including my own government.”
He explained that, “We never said Islam is the official religion of Nigeria. But our constitution allows us to enter any organisation for the benefit of the country or for the benefit of the people of the country.”
Nigeria’s membership of the Islamic organisation had since resulted in several criticisms from religious groups and Civil Society Organisations.
Some groups have accused the former Head of State of engineering a religious crisis in the country by that singular act.
“The relationship between Christians and Muslims deteriorated when Nigeria was admitted as a full member of Organisation of the Islamic Conference,” said DR Maryam Abdullahi, a delegate representing Civil Society Organisation, at the 2014 National Conference.
Most recently (May 26), the IOC called on Nigeria to join other Islamic countries to punish Israel for launching rockets into Gaza, Palestine, in retaliation to rockets fired into the country by the Islamic Resistance Movement popularly called Hamas.
But the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) which is the apex body of Christians in the country criticised the call and warned President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration against taking sides with the IOC.
CAN had said: “We are worried that Nigeria which was wrongly labelled an Islamic State because of her unlawful membership of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) has been taking side with the Palestinians since the emergence of President Muhammadu Buhari. Hence why the Turkish President asked Nigeria to identify with the Palestinians.”
Our father was a victim of evil politics, not an Armed Robber—Dr. Babafunmilayo Oredein
In this exclusive interview with Asabeafrika, scion of the famous Oredein family of Ogere land in Ogun State (South West Nigeria) Dr. Babafunmilayo Oredeinreacted to the vicious rivulet of views that his late father, Chief Samuel Taiwo Oredein was a grand master of the underworld in his life time. In the last two weeks, a history blogger, Onigegewura had gone to town with the bad story of how the late Co-Founder of Action Group and one of the influential politician of the first republic, Chief Oredein was given a life jail in 1971 after he was convicted for a robbery case which involved Backlays Bank and Bacita Sugar Company. The Ogere born Chief was railed into a life imprisonment jail after some arrested criminals who broke into the Ilorin—Kwara State branch of the bank accused him (implicated him?) of being their chief sponsor. Irony of the case was the fact that, Oredein’s boss and party leader, Chief Obafemi Awolowo was the De-facto Vice President and Minister of Finance to Nigeria’s Head of State, General YakubuGowon at the time. He was seen to have looked the other way as Oredein faced his cruel fate alone, even as many of his fans including his children believed their father was a victim of a vicious political hate scheme. He was released ten years later courtesy President Shehu Shagari and his Vice, Chief Alex Ekweme. Eminent Nigerians like Alhaji Lateef Jakande and Chief Richard Akinjidewere said to have played a role in his release. But 31 years down the line, the ugly story came visiting the social media two weeks ago.
Your Africa’s Number 1 Celebrity Encounter Blog, Asabeafrika visited the home of the scion of the Oredein dynasty, a 78 years old German trained medical doctor, Dr. Babafunmilayo Oredein. We met the septuagenarian in company of his younger siblings and he told us the full story of how his father became a victim of a high wire political vicious scheme which sole aim was to tame his rising influence and profile in the South West. Dr. Oredein who was angry and dejected at the impression created of his father as a criminal, debunked all allegations against his dad, promising to write his own version of the sad history. He answered all our questions verbatim. Enjoy the excerpts.
How did you feel with allegations that your dad, Chief Samuel Taiwo Oredein was a robbery kingpin in his life time?
Honestly, it is quite unfortunate. I find it ridiculous but we are not here to join issues with anybody. We grew to know our father as a man of integrity and hard work. I was conceived and partly raised in Epe—here in Lagos before we moved to Ibadan, my father was the Secretary to the District Officer in Epe at the time and that was how he started his life as a young man. So for someone to now say he is an armed robber, the person must have his head examined. This was a hardworking man, God loving man who wanted goodness for himself and his family. So I won’t say much today.
But you need to react because we were so shocked to read those scandalous stories about your dad
You see, I was abroad when this thing happened (in 1971). I was already a doctor in 1971, I graduated in 1967 December 7, won o ti bi gbogbo yin (None of you were born by then). I had my degree from University of Colon, Western Germany, e mi ti mo jo ko yi—me seated with you here. So when we heard about the incidence in 1971, I said how can somebody call my father an armed robber? But we all knew it was a political thing.
So you agree that your father’s problem was a political set-up?
It is not a matter of agree, we all knew it was a political thing, because what is known as Action Group today, you can see that picture (brought down a picture of Chief Obafemi Awolowo & 7 others, including his father who established Action Group). That party was established and formed in our sitting room. Before Awolowo went to England in 1944, we were living in the same house. Se e mo ile won loke B’ola—do you know Awolowo’s house in Oke B’ola?
You mean in Ibadan
Yes, it was a bungalow of six rooms; we were living in 3 rooms, Awolowo and his family in the other three rooms. He went to England in 1944 and handed over HID (Hannah Idowu Dideolu) to my father—Pe ST ma’a t’oju Mama Segun fun mi (ST, kindly take care of Segun’s mother for me) you see, these are things we are going to write. Iyen ni mo se s’ope eni ko l’ojo oro—that’s why I said today is not a day for narratives. We are now going to write our own part of the story and tell the entire world.
But how did you feel when that blogger published the story?
It was a shock to us; look I don’t want to do any interview today.
But you have to talk because perception is already running about the role your father played in the history of this country?
I just want to tell you that as far as I am concerned, as far as the family is concerned, our father cannot be an armed robber. He was never an armed robber, you get my point? All these boys they mentioned, awon Odunpade, awon Mustapha, we all know them when we were young. We know them…
(Cuts in) They also raised the issue of Aberenla Family, that your father’s men killed their son because he was working for Ladoke Akintola’s party?
Exactly, you see we are going to talk later on all these, we are going to write it out and give it to you…
(Cuts in again) They equally said your father harbored thugs in his life time?
Look, look, I am a medical doctor, I am not a politician and Biola (Mrs. Olatunji) can tell you, our father told us ‘don’t go into politics’ abi beeko? (He asked his younger siblings which they answered in the affirmative). Our father told us, don’t go into politics.
You mean your father warned you about going into politics?
He said ‘e ma lo si politics’ (Don’t go into politics); let me tell you something, he said to us ‘if you go into politics, if you start at point A, and you grow, grow and grow, you will come back to point A’.
You mean if one plays politics?
Yes, for example, he said where did Awolowo go back to? Ikene!. Where did AlhajiJakande go back to? Ilupeju! Is that not so? Where did Zik go back to? Onitsha! And so many of them, nobody in politics—t’oo ba bere ni A, waa p’ada si A. (If you start from A, you end up at A—it is such a vicious circle). In Nigeria if you are not messed up along the way, you are lucky and that is why Dad said ‘e ma lo si politics’. We are not going into politics, I am just telling you a bit of the story. We know our father is not an armed robber and we are ready to say it to the whole world. You see the person who wrote that story should have called some of us and say ‘what is your own side of the story?’ because I have a brother who is a journalist—Femi Oredein. You would have heard his name before…
Yeah, yeah, sounds famous
He was Editor of Sunday Sketch. Why didn’t they call some of us and say ‘Bawo Loro se ri?’ (What is the true story?) ‘Iyen ni nkan to bi awa ninu’ (That is the only thing that got us angry). You write things because you want to make money, fine, but don’t malign people you don’t know anything about. You don’t know anything about ST Oredein.
So, who was the man, ST Oredein?. Can we know much of him for the sake of people of this generation?
But look at that picture I showed you (He showed this blogger some old family pictures before the commencement of the interview); that time, my father was working with BATC (British-American Tobacco Company) but he used to hawk tiles, hats, shoes all over Ibadan—after ton ba kuro n’ibise, won a gbe bicycle, won a ma’a hawk kiri (After he leaves the office, he will pick his bicycle and start to hawk around town). Then, this picture was taken at (couldn’t recall the name of the place again) there is a photographer there, we went to take this picture that day, you can see he had a shirt, knickers, shoes, he was even sweating that day. This is my brother, we were taking the picture together (Dr. Oredein stand at the right hand of his father) and because my brother was crying, my dad had to pacify him by putting him on his lap. The man was sweating, coming from selling things all over Ibadan. And the photographer was (late) Justice Abimbola
You mean the same Justice Abimbola from Ijebu-Ode?
Yes, I bought his first car for him, an Opel in Germany. Justice Abimbola, he is late now, he was the photographer who took this picture on that day.
You mean the Justice was a photographer at the time?
Yes, he took the picture. You get my point?
Yeah, the picture is indeed historic
So this is the man they are calling armed robber, he was sweating, he sat down, took my brother on his lap and took the picture. Then he went on with his bicycle, still hawking his things all over the place before he went home—hardworking, children loving and even a fellowship loving man. I mean he became a very popular person all over the world—look, let me tell you something, that is my wife there (pointed in her direction), we went to Honk Kong (sometimes in the 80s) because she was working with British Airways at the time. So, I and she went to Honk Kong. Normally, whenever we travel, we register at the Embassy that ‘we are in town o, in case something happens’. Then, the Ambassador, Alhaji Lapai, he is late now. You know Lapai in Niger State?
Yes, Lapai is a town in Niger State
He was from that place, he called his secretary Zakari, he said ‘go and bring thedoctor’. That was me and my wife. The man was reading a newspaper and put his legs on the table. When I entered his office, he said ‘Oredein’. I said ‘yes, sir’. He said ‘Are you the boy in Germany?’, ma gbo o (listen o) I said ‘which boy sir?’. He said ‘Are you not the one?’ I said ‘yes’. He said ‘your father said he has a son studying in Germany’. I said ‘yes, that’s me’, he just stood up with his Agbada and hugged me.
You mean the same Lapai?
Yes, the same Lapai. He said ‘where are you staying?’ You know Hong-Kong is an island, there is the mainland, and there is the island. So, we said we are staying in Karoon that is the Island; he said ‘No, no, no, go and bring their loads from thehotel and bring it to the embassy’. So they went and brought our luggage to the embassy. He said ‘you are going to stay with me’.
Why, because of your dad?
Wait! In 1959 before independence, when they went to campaign in the north—ti e ba ranti n’igba ton ni Awolowo yo ninu Osupa’ (When the myth broke that Awolowo appeared in the moon). My father recruited them as field secretaries (including Lapai) and gave them cars, gave them drivers and even learnt Hausabecause of them and was paying their salaries regularly. So, Lapai said ‘Oh, your father, he was a good man o’ we stayed with Lapai for ten days. That was the first day I slept on a water bed in the Nigerian embassy (in Honk Kong). I mean to see somebody my father did good for in 1959 to wa n ranti mi in the 80s, pe so iwol’omo man yi? (For a person my dad blessed in 1959 to now be returning the favor to me in the 80s shows the kind of person my father was)
So your dad had such a reputation?
Even up to Honk Kong; my siblings and the grand children can tell you stories, once they hear ‘Oredein’ doors open. When I came back from Europe and I set up my own hospital, you know what we call ‘retainer doctor’—retainer-ship; once I get someone, they will say ‘eh, omo tani e? omo ST, Baba e o j’ebe’. What do you want? I got ten retainer-ships trough my father in companies like Vaswani, Kenkel, name it; and that is the person you are calling an armed robber? I hope you are getting what I am saying?
I am getting it of course
So we are not interested in defending anything, we are just telling you what has happened. You see, it is just politics.
You see, we need to get your side of the story so that we can have a balanced perception?
The person who wrote that story should have gotten to the sources to say ‘ki lo tee s’ele?’ (What really happened?) Did he come to us? Did he get the court papers? I have a daughter who is a lawyer; my own daughter is a lawyer. So, if you are doing that, then go to the court, ask the court, ‘what happened?’ Give me the court account, you know anybody can apply for it; you pay some money and get it. We got it when we were trying to fight for my father to come out. We went to the court and we got the court proceedings—we paid for it and it solved the problem. Why can’t the journalists go there, let me see the court proceedings o—investigative journalism. I have a brother who is a journalist; I have a son who is a journalist in Germany. I myself, I think you heard about Deuche-velle before?
Yes, Deuche-velle—German waves, it is a German Radio Station, when I was a student, I used to write for them; my father was a journalist too, in those days with Daily Service (Newspaper)
You mean this same ST Oredein?
Yes, with Bisi Onabanjo. So you people (journalists) have to sit down and listen to what has happened actually. You journalists don’t know anything.
I can see your pain, sir
Bisi Onabanjo was the Editor of Daily Service in those days
You mean the same Bisi Onabanjo, the former Governor of Ogun State?
He was my father’s assisstant; Bisi Onabanjo, Bola Ige, Ambrose Ali, Jakande, they used to sit down in the sitting room in my father’s house, being lectured in politics. People like J.S. Olawoyin
Yeah, that is another historically famous name in the Yoruba South West?
Yes, but you people don’t know them but we know them and they were all there at my father’s funeral. Even Awolowo came. ‘So, iyen lo sen bi wa ninu pe kilode ti won o te se wa ba wa?’ (Why didn’t they come to seek our opinion on the issues raised). You are just writing something in the social media…look, as of today, my father has 150 grand children.
You mean 150 grand kids? That’s great
Yes, 36 children and over 150 grand children that we know
And to show Godliness in his life, I believe all you 36 are alive?
I think like 3 of us are dead, but it was after his demise. He did not burry any single child in his life time.
Your dad was a Christian?
Ah, ah, my grad father was the Baba Ijo of Anglican Church (Ogere)
What’s his name?
Chief Daniel Adekomaya Oredein, that’s my father’s father. You see, these are things people should know before going to write rubbish.
Do you mind telling us more about the Oredein lineage?
We are too small to be discussed….
(Cuts in) I think that will help to tell more of who your father is and what guided his philosophy
My grandfather, Chief Daniel, you see, you can’t bear Daniel unless you are a christian, abi? Adekomaya Oredein, Baba Ijo ni church wa l’ogere (He is the Baba Ijo of our church in Ogere). My own grandmother, she used to go and wash the church on Sundays—won a ma’a fi imi malu, won a ma fii ma clean church onSundays. So we are christians, God loving family and hardworking (Calls the attention of his younger sibling, Mrs. Biola Olatunji) Biola, ee ranti, 6am, the man will ring the bell, I have the bell, that is the bell there—b’ami gbe ago yen.
You mean your father’s prayer bell?
Emi ni mo inherit e—I inherited the bell. (This blogger rang the bell severally) he will ring the bell at 6am.
So, when you people are still sleeping, enjoying the sleep, he will ring it?
Yes, ha, o ma gba e n’ipa ni—(he will kick you to wake up for prayers). My dad will give you one month to learn a particular Psalm off head—he made us to learn Psalm 91 by force. We had to learn it off head.
So dad was so religious to this extent?
He even has an organ (Piano), and he equally bought an organ for the AnglicanChurch. If we want to pray in the morning, Baba will play organ. You see, these are things people should know before they start to write rubbish.
So,how did his relationship with Awolowo started actually?
That was what I told you initially, we were living together in Oke Gbola in Awolowo’shouse when we came from Epe to Ibadan. We rented a house a house—six rooms. Awolowo and his family were living in 3 rooms; we were living in the other 3 rooms.Segun, Tola, Wole, have you heard those names before?
Year, I think Mrs. Tola Oyediran is the mother of the wife of the Acting President of Nigeria?
Myself, Biodun and Segun—three of us, when Chief (Awolowo) was going to Englandin 1944, he handed over HID tom my father and said ‘ST, ma’a toju Mama Segun fun mi’.
So that was how confident he was with your dad?
That was how we knew Awolowo; it is not a one day affair. We used to go to Railway Shed n’ibadan—tomatoe, alubosa, awo ti Mama Segun import lati north (Tomatoe, onion and guinea fowl egg imported from the north by Awolowo’s wife—Mama Segun) we used to carry it on our head, Mama used to sell it and send the money to Awolowo abroad. My uncle Baba Kola was a railway fire man, he used to help Mama Segun (Awolowo’s wife) to bring the goods from Kano, Kaduna for Mama Segun to sell and she will send the money to Awolowo. But when Awolowo came back and wanted to use his house as a chamber, then, we had to move out. Egbe Omo Oduduwa was already on in London tie ba ranti? (If you recall)
Yeah, it actually started in shool between Awo and few others
Now, you know Zik (Nnamdi Azikwe) was very popular in the south west with his NCNC. The Yorubas said ‘how can an Ibo man come and be rulling us in our land?’ that’s another story. That was how they came together to form ‘Action Group’—Egbe Afenifere in our sitting room in 1951.
You mean Oredein’s sitting room in Ibadan?
Yes, in fact on Oredein Street and inside Oredein’s house in Oke-Ado—ibe lon bigbogbo won si—that is where they were born (referring to his younger siblings).
So, you mean the soul of Afenifere which is Action Group started inside your father’s house?
In the sitting room, it was a secret thing. You see, the story is so simple. Let me tell you the story.
Kindly tell me, please
In those days in the colonial office, to form a party you needed £200. I think you understand me. Then, Awolowo said ‘Ok, how do we get £200?’ He now told my father ‘look, let us get 8 people to donate £25 each’ that the first 8 will become the founders of Action Group and this is the picture there, today (gave the picture to this blogger)
So, these are the Great 8 who paid to establish Action Group?
Awon to san £25 Pounds niyen to di £200 Pounds—those are the ones who paid the initial £25 Pounds that eventually became £200. And they became the founders of Action Group. The date is there now, you can see the date (showed us the date of the establishment of Action Group written below the picture)
That is 26 of March 1950
Yes, so the first 8 became the founders of Action Group.
How do you feel being the first son of your father?
How do I feel?
I am proudly Oredein. I won’t say more than that. I am proudly Oredein, you know the meaning of that?
It is not even Ore-deyin, it is Oore-deyin (dragged the pronounciation of the O-r-e!)
So what is the meaning of Oore-deyin?
We didn’t know, our father didn’t tell us the meaning of that.
What have been the advantages of having the name Oredein as your surname?
That was what I initially told you now, I went to Honk Kong with my wife, we met the ambassador and he said ‘your father employed me in 1959’ and he told us to go and move from my hotel suite and to come and stay in his embassy. Se Baba wa j’ale, ambassador a de ni ki awa gbe ile oun?—will my father be an armed robber and an ambassador will ask me to leave my hotel and come and stay with him in the embassy? (His wife interjected and added another experience in New York with late Alhaji Maitama Sule) That’s my wife, that’s my wife; I think she has something to say
So you think your father was a victim of a ferocious political scheme?
Look, look, if you are in politics, there is no way you won’t make enemies. And in those days, the politics of Nigeria was not like this season, you know now, there is a lot of money. That time, there wasn’t a lot of money. You see, our father was so popular, ask her, she can tell you more. He was so popular in this country. When I was going to marry her (pointed to his wife), the uncle in Okiti-Pupa (Ondo State), when he heard my name, he said ‘heen, Oredein! Baba e ko le’ST?’ ‘Mo ni bee ni’. He told me to take her away that I should not pay dowry.
You mean your wife?
Yes, that was how famous my father was. He was a man of unlimited goodwill.
What late Maitama Sule told us about Chief Oredein—Mrs. Modupe Oredein (Nee Lebi interjected)
He said anytime Baba came to Ondo State, he will lodge in his house. Baba was even instrumental to his becoming a parliamentarian. His name is Dr. Nathaniel Lebi
Your father
My grand father
You mean he was instrumental to…
(Cuts in) No, Baba Oredein was instrumental to his being a parliamentarian
That’s your own grandfather?
Yes, sir!
From which state
Ondo state; and anytime Baba went to Ondo state that time, Baba will lodge in our house, I mean Chief Oredein, he will lodge in our house, he was so close to my family, very kind to them; they said anytime he came to Ondo state, they were always happy because he was a good man. He will give them whatever they wanted. Around that time, we went to New York, Nigeria’s Permanent Representative in New Yorkwelcomed us into his house because he heard the name Oredein. He said Oredeinhelped him while he was growing up. I mean the man that died recently—Maitama Sule.
You mean the Dan Samanin Kano?
So, what happened in Honk Kong automatically re-enacted in New York
Exactly; so Baba’s problem was born out of envy and jealousy because he was so famous and influential in the entire country and he was respected. My father told me that anytime Awolowo was going to appear in a town or a state, Baba (Chief ST Oredein) will be the first to go ahead to prepare the ground in expectation of Awolowo. He will go before him and on the D-day, he will officially present him. That was him for you.
Her husband, Dr. Oredein interjected….
Let me demonstrate it to you (held the hand of this blogger and raised it) my father will say ‘Awolowo ti mo so fun yin nipa e naa re oo’ (This is the Awolowo I told you about) and that was how he served Awowolo and worked for the progress of the party. Do you know there was a party called Ibadan People’s Party (IPP)
No, sir
That was Akinjide, Akinloye, Adelabu, Adedibu…do you know how that name Afenifere came about?
No, sir
It was Akinloye who called it ‘Afenifere’. He was the one who mentioned the name ‘Afenifere’. Because then, the Yoruba politicians didn’t want to put their eggs in one basket, so they said ‘let us create another party’ and that was how Akinjide & Akinloye came to this side; and they said what name in Yoruba should we give Action Group? then Akinloye said ‘e je a pe ni Egbe Afenifere’-Let us call it Afenifere group’ because the logo was ‘Freedom for all, Life more abundant’. Then Akinloye said ‘E je a pe ni Egbe Afenifere’.
His wife interjected again with more testimonies….
There was a time, sir; I went to Abuja when Abuja became the Federal Capital. I wanted to see the Acountant General of the Federation in Abuja. He was holding a meeting with all the chief accountants from all the states; then, he said ‘look at my sister she is the first born of my paramount king’—that is my father who is the paramount king of my town now—Okitipupa and he said ‘she is a wife to Oredein’ all of them said ‘ah, Action Group, Oredein—Awolowo, Oredein!. That is how popular this man was. Even in Hausa land, they recognize the name. I don’t know why people should go out and just write anything without finding out.
My father’s goodwill aided my Medical practice—Dr. Oredein
Tell us how you became a Medical Doctor?
When Mandillas came to Nigeria, I am sure you know Mandillas
Sure, sir
When Mandillas came to Nigeria, they brought Volkswagen car—this Ijapa. It was the Action Group that was buying those cars from them. So at Oke Ado, they had a clinic where they treat the German Engineers who came with Mandillas. Mandillaswas a Greek, Mandillas and Caraberries, go and ask. So they had a doctor who had a clinic; you know where Odion Cinema is now in Ibadan, Mandillas was near there. So they had a clinic up and the German doctor used to put on white coat, white shirt, white trouser white shoes and I used to admire it. So I told the German doctor ‘can I come and study in your country?’ he said ‘Yes, no problem. Once you finish your HSC let me know’. That was how I got to Germany in 1961.
Is there where you found your wife?
Not she, my first wife was a German. That is another story.
At what point did you meet your present wife?
When I came back—1975
So the white man in Ibadan made you to study medicine?
Yes, because of his neatness, he was so neat—white coat, white shirt, white trouser, white socks and white shoes. And I was so impressed, ‘ah, can I come to your country to study?’ he said ‘yes’. So, he helped me to get into the language school. From the language school into the university, because I did HSC, we were exempted from first MB. We went straight into the second MB class in Germany because first MB subjects are the same thing like HSC, it was equivalent.
You talk about neatness that shows that your family even cherished neatness?
Ask them; ask them, those are the small girls. Ask them
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