Sunday, 12 May 2013

‘Alcohol abuse leads to low sperm count’ - Research

‘Alcohol abuse leads to low sperm count’ - Research
The production of sperm is a complex process and requires normal functioning of the testicles (testes) as well as the hypothalamus and pituitary glands — organs in your brain that produce hormones that
trigger sperm production. Once sperm are produced in the testicles, delicate tubes transport them until they mix with semen and are ejaculated out of the penis. Problems with any of these systems can affect sperm production. Also, there are problems of abnormal sperm shape (morphology) or movement (motility).

Often indiscriminate consumption of alcohol has been linked to low sperm count.
What does low sperm count mean?
Low sperm count means that the fluid (semen) a man ejaculates during orgasm contains fewer sperm than normal. It is also referred to as oligospermia. This is a condition where a man's sperm count is not good enough to impregnate a woman.
The sperm count is considered lower than normal if a man has fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen. So, when a man's sperm is low, he may not be able to impregnate his wife. A low sperm count is not related to sexual anxiety or poor performance, it only relates to the volume and quality of sperm that the man produces.
What causes low sperm count?
The exact factor is unknown. However, the commonest cause is varicocele (an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum) which is a common cause of low sperm production and decreased sperm quality. It is directly linked to infertility. However, not all varicocele affects sperm production. Varicocele can also cause testicles to shrink. But there are different factors that can cause low sperm count. For example, low sperm count is often due to a genetic defect. Men who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis, for example, may have a missing or an obstructed vas deferens (which is the tube that carries sperm).
Another relatively common genetic cause for low sperm count is Klinefelter Syndrome. Sufferers of Klinefelter Syndrome have two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome.
What are the symptoms?
The commonest symptom is that semen will look watery. So when a man ejaculates into the woman, it will feel as if he hasn't ejaculated. Another symptom is that the semen will reduce in volume. A woman should know when a man has ejaculated, but when a man with low sperm count ejaculates, she wouldn't feel anything. It is possible for a woman to know when a man ejaculates. Ejaculation could be compared to water rush, so when a man who has a high or normal volume of sperm count releases into her, she will feel a rush. However, the primary symptom of low sperm count is the inability to get a partner pregnant within a year of trying to conceive.
Is this condition related to one's age?
It is age-related in a way. It is more common in elderly people than in young men. A man who is 60 is likely to have lower sperm than a man who is 25. But this does not mean the elderly have low sperm count. The fact is that the sperm count in old age can vary greatly from one man to the next man. Some men may have a relatively high sperm count well into their 80s. However, this seems to be the exception, rather than the rule when it comes to the decrease in sperm count in old age.
Can a man who has low sperm count impregnate a woman?
Yes he can. A man with low sperm count does not mean he has no sperm at all, it's just that the sperm are few. When a man with low sperm count meets a woman who is extremely fertile, the woman will be impregnated. But when a man with low sperm count meets a woman who isn't very fertile, she may not get pregnant.
What are the effects of low sperm count?
One of the effects is unsatisfactory sexual encounter in couples and more significantly, infertility in marriage.
Can this condition be treated?
If the condition(low sperm count) is as a result of hormonal imbalance, hormone-based medicines prescribed could help resolve the condition, because the body secretes insufficient or too many hormones that play an important role in helping many internal organs, including the reproductive system, to function properly. Secondly, surgery is also used as a method of treatment for low sperm count, when the problem is caused by an inflammation of a blood vessel that irrigates the testicles.
Does excessive alcohol cause low sperm count?
Yes, excessive alcohol intake causes low sperm count. Research shows that beer contains estrogen which is a female hormone. So this hormone, when frequently taken can lead to low sperm count. Smoking also causes reduction of sperm count; wearing tight pants also causes low sperm count. A man who takes drugs and marijuana may eventually have low sperm count.
Studies say sleep problems can lower the fertility of young men? How true is this?
It is not very convincing. There is no direct link between sleep problems and infertility in men. However, it could be that some of the conditions that make people have insomnia may cause low sperm count.
What about recent findings that say men who watch television a lot may develop low sperm count?
There is also no direct link between men watching television a lot and low sperm count. In my opinion, no conclusive study has been done to prove this.
Are there statistics of low sperm count in Nigeria?
It is impossible majorly because Nigeria's health care system is not organised. Not everyone goes to the hospital, and even the small percentage of people who visit the hospital will not want to have a sperm count test. It is not a common practice among Nigerian men. This is worrisome because the level of infertility in Nigeria is high.
What is the first thing a man who thinks he has low sperm count should do?
It can be difficult for a man with a fertility problem to know what exactly he should do. There is the embarrassing fact that he has a problem with his sperm. In many cases, the man feels as though he is less than a man. But it's important for a man who thinks he has low sperm count to visit a urologist, who will then examine him and find out whether or not he has low sperm count. If the man has low sperm count, the urologist will find out the cause and treat it accordingly.
What are the things men can do to improve their sperm count?
There are several supplements available that have a variety of vitamins and minerals that may help you with your low sperm count. Keeping at least three days between ejaculations may also help to keep your sperm count higher.

John McCain Refuses To Back Impeaching Obama Over Benghazi (VIDEO)

Mccain Obama Benghazi
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) refused to sign on to calls to possibly impeach President Barack Obama over Benghazi.
WASHINGTON -- As Republicans are increasingly calling the Obama administration's response to the Benghazi attacks a cover-up worse than Watergate and even floating impeachment, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) urged a note of caution on Sunday, saying he wasn't yet willing to go that far.
"With all due respect, I think this is a serious issue," said McCain on ABC's "This Week." "I will even give the president the benefit of the doubt on some of these things. We need a select committee."
On Thursday, Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member James Inhofe (R-Okla.) accused President Barack Obama of overseeing "the most egregious cover-up in American history." He added that "people may be starting to use the 'I word'" before long.
Former Arksansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) also said on his radio show this week, "I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term. As bad as Watergate was because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die. And President Obama has yet to explain why did they die.”
McCain also defended Obama against impeachment during a late February town hall, saying, "I do not believe that the president has committed impeachable offenses -- that's high crimes."
Still, the senator did tell ABC's Martha Raddatz on Sunday that he does believe the Obama administration's response to the terrorist attacks in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, constituted a "cover-up" because "there was willful removal of information, which was obvious."
The Benghazi issue was reignited last week after House Republicans held a hearing on the attacks and ABC News published a story showing that administration talking points offered immediately after the attacks went through several rounds of editing by officials, including in the State Department.
While many Republicans have charged political interference, others -- including longtime State Department reporter Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post -- have noted that it seems more like a case of bureaucratic in-fighting

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) andRand Paul (R-Ky.) have used the Benghazi affair to argue that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now unfit to be president -- should she ever decide to run. McCain, however, was less willing to come to the same conclusion on Sunday.
"She had to have been in the loop some way, but we don’t know for sure," he said, adding that he would like to see Clinton back on Capitol Hill to testify again.
"We need a select committee that interviews everybody," he said. "I don’t know what level of scandal, unquote, this rises to, but I know it rises to the level where it requires a full and complete ventilation of these facts."

Pedro Castro: ‘If I knew, I would have reported it—brother or no brother’

Onil and Pedro Castro (CNN)
The brothers of accused kidnapper and rapist Ariel Castro have broken their public silence, giving CNN what's billed as an exclusive sit-down interview about the case.
Pedro, 54, and Onil Casto, 50, told CNN's Martin Savidge that they had no knowledge of their 52-year-old brother's alleged crimes.
"It’s going to haunt me down because people going to think, 'Yeah, Pedro got something to do with this,'" Pedro Castro said in an excerpt from the interview released Sunday. "And Pedro don’t have nothing to do with this. If I knew, I would have reported it—brother or no brother.”
The full interview with the brothers will air Monday, one week after three women—Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus—were freed from Ariel Castro's west Cleveland home where they were beaten and raped over a decade of captivity, police say. A six-year-old girl, believed to be Berry and Ariel Castro's, was also rescued.
The women had several miscarriages during their captivity, police said.
All three brothers were arrested on Monday. Pedro and Onil were questioned and held on on outstanding misdemeanors. They were released on Thursday. Ariel Castro was charged with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape. He is being held on $8 million bail and is currently on suicide watch.
In 2012, as excavating crews dug through an empty lot in the neighborhood looking for Berry's remains, Pedro Castro told a local news crew that the search for the missing girl was "a waste of money."

Only 150 of 3500 U.S. Colleges Are Worth the Investment: Former Secretary of Education

The U.S. is home to some of the greatest colleges and universities in the world. But with the student debt load at more than $1 trillion and youth unemployment elevated, when assessing the value of a college education, that’s only one part of the story.
Former Secretary of Education William Bennett, author of Is College Worth It, sat down with The Daily Ticker on the sidelines of the Milken Institute's 2013 Global Conference to talk about whether college is worth it.
“We have about 21 million people in higher education, and about half the people who start four year colleges don’t finish,” Bennett tells The Daily Ticker. “Those who do finish, who graduated in 2011 - half were either unemployed or radically underemployed and in debt.”
That average student loan balance for a 25-year-old is $20,326, according to the Federal Reserve of New York. Student debt is second largest source of U.S. household debt, after only mortgages.
Bennett assessed the “return on investment” for the 3500 colleges and universities in the country. He found that returns were positive for only 150 institutions. The top 10 schools ranked by Bennett as having the best "ROI" are below (for the full list he used, click here, and for the latest figures, click here):
  1. Harvey Mudd College
  2. California Institute of Technology
  3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  4. Stanford University
  5. Princeton University
  6. Harvard University
  7. Dartmouth College
  8. Duke University
  9. University of Pennsylvania
  10. University of Notre Dame
He found college is “worth it” if you get into a top tier university like Stanford, or study an in-demand field like nuclear engineering at even a lower tier school.
The problem, Bennett says, is people going to second-tier schools, majoring in less-marketable liberal arts fields, and taking on debt to do so.
Alternatives to a traditional four-year college include entering the workforce prior to college, joining the military, or going to a 2-year community college.
Bennet discovered, for example, graduates of Jefferson College of Health Science and Nursing in Virginia make more after two years than those from the prestigious University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Also the rise in massive online offerings has lowered costs for taking a course to as little as $150.
As for what could turn around what some have called a student debt “bubble” in this country, Bennett has some ideas. They don’t involve changes to government policy or a massive overhaul of how colleges do business. They may involve tears and parents’ basements. You can watch the interview to find out.
The Daily Ticker Presents: Generation I.O.U.
Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! News and The Daily Ticker are teaming up to produce a special live streaming event on May 23 at 12:30 pm ET around the rising cost of college.
Are you burdened by student loan debt? Have you moved back home? Are you having trouble finding a job?

The Radical History Of Mothers Day

At first glance, Mother's Day appears a quaint and conservative holiday, a sort of greeting card moment, honoring 1950s values, a historical throw back to old-fashioned notions of hearth and home.
Let's correct that impression by saying: Happy Radical Mother's Day.
In May 1907, Anna Jarvis, a member of a Methodist congregation in Grafton, West Virginia, passed out 500 white carnations in church to commemorate the life of her mother. One year later, the same Methodist church created a special service to honor mothers. Many progressive and liberal Christian organizations -- like the YMCA and the World Sunday School Association -- picked up the cause and lobbied Congress to make Mother's Day a national holiday. And, in 1914, Democratic President Woodrow Wilson made it official and signed Mother's Day into law. Thus began the modern celebration of Mother's Day in the United States.
For some years, radical Protestant women had been agitating for a national Mother's Day hoping that it would further a progressive political agenda that favored issues related to women's lives. In the late 19th century, Julia Ward Howe (better know for the "Battle Hymn of the Republic") expressed this hope in her 1870 prose-poem, "A Mother's Day Proclamation" calling women to pacifism and political resistance:
Arise then...women of this day! 
Arise, all women who have hearts! Whether your baptism be of water or of tears! 
Say firmly...
"Disarm! Disarm! 
The sword of murder is not the balance of justice." 
Blood does not wipe our dishonor, 
Nor violence indicate possession. 
As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil 
At the summons of war, 
Let women now leave all that may be left of home 
For a great and earnest day of counsel. 
Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead. 
Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means 
Whereby the great human family can live in peace... 
Each bearing after his own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar, But of God -
Years later, Anna Jarvis intended the new holiday to honor all mothers beginning with her own -- Anna Reeves Jarvis, who had died in 1905. Although now largely forgotten, Anna Reeves Jarvis was a social activist and community organizer who shared the political views of other progressive women like Julia Ward Howe.
In 1858, Anna Reeves Jarvis organized poor women in Virginia into "Mothers' Work Day Clubs" to raise the issue of clean water and sanitation in relation to the lives of women and children. She also worked for universal access to medicine for the poor. Reeves Jarvis was also a pacifist who served both sides in the Civil War by working for camp sanitation and medical care for soldiers of the North and the South.
Although I've never seen it on a pastel flowered greeting card, Mother's Day honors a progressive feminist, inclusive, non-violent vision for world community -- born in the imagination of women who devoted themselves to God, not Caesar.
Happy Radical Mother's Day!

Mother's Day Freebies 2013: Deals And Steals To Celebrate Mom This Year

Mothers Day Freebies 2013

Mother's Day 2013 is here, and it is time to celebrate Mom for all those times she did your laundry and made your lunch, and even that one time she bit her tongue when you decided to dye your hair blue.
Kudos to those who have flowers, chocolates and diamonds ready for Sunday. For those who procrastinate a bit more or are tight on cash this year, there are plenty ofMother's Day freebies and deals to take advantage of to thank the woman who gave you life. After all, she always told you to save your pennies, right?
Hooters: This year, Hooters wants you to impress Mom with some free grub on May 12. When moms order any meal priced $10 or less, plus a drink purchase, the food is on the house. Moms must be accompanied by one or more offspring.
IKEA: Does your mom have a penchant for hearty breakfast food? Ikea is offering a free breakfast for moms on Mother's Day. This deal includes a 99-cent breakfast plate of bacon, eggs and potatoes, plus a cup of coffee. (Sorry, no Swedish meatballs.) The offer is good Sunday, May 12 until 11 a.m.
TCBY: For moms with a sweet tooth, TCBY is offering mothers a free frozen yogurt, either for self-serve or a small cup or cone, up to a 6-ounce cup. This deal includes all flavors of yogurts and sorbets, any toppings combinations and all “Super Fro-Yo.” Yum!
Uno: Uno will give moms a free mini dessert this Sunday, no coupon needed. Moms can choose from one of four delicious dishes. If you want to splurge a bit more, buy your mother a $25 gift card and get $5 back.
My Yoga Online: The world's largest online yoga video company is offering over 1,000 free yoga classes on Mother's Day, May 12 until midnight on May 13. To access the deal, send a personalized Mother's Day email to invite your mom to participate inMy Yoga Online.
Redbox: Buy a Redbox eGift card for Mom and get a code for a bonus one-day DVD rental on Monday, May 13.
Applebees: Purchase $50 in Applebees giftcards for Mom, and you'll get a free $10 giftcard in return.
Ripley's Believe It or Not, Times Square: This Mother's Day, moms can head to Ripley's Believe It or Not's Odditorium in New York City's Times Square for a chance to win free admission from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. by spinning the wheel of "juggling challenges." Moms who aren't feeling so lucky will receive half-price admission with the purchase of a full-price child admission.
Best Buy: If you have a tech-savvy mama, Best Buy is offering three days of deals just for her, plus free shipping or free in-store pickup on all items.
1-800-Flowers: Floral arrangements are a classic gift for moms on this holiday. 1-800-Flowers is offering deals up to 40 percent off bouquets and gifts for Mom, no promo code required.
Hersheypark: On May 12, head to Hersheypark in Hershey, Pa., where moms will get in free. Print this coupon for a free one-day admission ticket for Mom, when purchased with another full-price, one-day admission ticket. Give your ma a laugh with a free, personalized Mother's Day card from JibJab.
Take Mom to the Zoo!: Over 50 zoos around the nation are offering free admission for mothers. Click here to see a list of participating venues.

2015: US not interested in who rules Nigeria

The United States of America Ambassador to Nigeria, Terence McCulley, said yesterday that his country was not interested in influencing the outcome of Nigeria’s Presidential election scheduled for 2015.

Speaking on the Kaduna- based Liberty Radio programme’s Guest of the Week, the envoy said that the US does not have any candidate for the 2015 election, and that its only concern is a credible and transparent election better than that of 2011.

The US Ambassador was asked to react to a request by the President’s Assistant on Niger Delta Affairs, Kingsley Kuku, that the US government is in support of the President’s re-election bid in 2015.

His words: “We don’t have a candidate for the 2015 elections except that we want credible and transparent elections and a process where all Nigerians can peacefully exercise their right to vote. We are not going to take a position on any individual candidate.

“We are going to help the Nigerian people to ensure that the elections in 2015 are better than the one in 2011. It is up to the Nigerian people to respond to Hon. Kuku’s statement. We don’t take a decision on individual political candidates.
“We believe that Nigeria has made great progress in the construction of its democratic institutions and we hope that in 2015, it is going to be peacefully contested on issues and the Nigerian people will decide on who they will vote for….”

Nigeria’s image, he stressed, could be improved if the government addressed issues of corruption and insecurity in the country.
“What Nigeria needs to do to effect a change to its brand is to attack corruption, address insecurity, ensure that there is a level playing field for all investors, and ensure that there is an end to the culture of impunity,” he said.
According to him, all those found to be corrupt or commit abuses should be tried.
He said once that is done “you are going to have more people come to Nigeria.”
The US envoy also spoke on the recent killings in Baga, Borno State. He said: “I think we don’t know all of the facts on Baga and I will certainly encourage investigation of what happened there by government and other organisations like the Red Cross so that we can be fully informed.
“But as a general principle, in looking at the insecurity in the north, we see terrible, terrible acts perpetrated by extremists who attack some government offices, attacks on individuals. We saw what happened in Kano. In January 2012 we saw what happened in Kaduna, we condemned them.
“At the same time, in looking at the reaction and response of the security forces, clearly they have a duty to provide security, to go after these people who are killing other people, at the same time they need to do so with a fashion that respects rights…..
“This is a difficult systematic war that the Nigerian military is engaging them in the north and there would be incidents where they are excessive.
“But they need to end this culture of impunity. There is need to bring to prosecution those who commit crimes. There is need to be punishment for those who are killing. Because that is a strong and powerful signal to the people of the north who are most affected by this. The security forces are there to protect themselves.”