Saturday, 8 March 2014

The Uncomfortable Truth Of Elusive Economic Development – Read Oby Ezekwesili’s Address At The APC Summit

The Uncomfortable Truth Of Elusive Economic Development – Read Oby Ezekwesili’s Address At The APC Summit
Good afternoon, chieftains and members of the Action People’s Congress.
Thanks for inviting me as your Keynote Speaker at your Unveiling of Road Map Summit. I do not know how you decided to take this high risk of inviting me to your gathering, knowing full well that my zeal for candor can be generally unsettling for some people of your class and occupation.  Since you took the risk, I have assumed the liberty to speak boldly even to your discomfort especially considering that we live in a season of grim when our country is greatly troubled. In perilous times like this, Truth is the absolute freedom. I shall be spurred on by the counsel of George Orwell who in honor of truth stated that “in a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. I further assume that if you wanted someone with the skills of deceit, it would not be me that you would have invited to your gathering. I therefore speak to you today not as a politician
Context and Fact are very important for me as both a scholar and practitioner of public policy. Context is the missing link that helps us to connect the dots between the visible and the hidden, and between the general and the specific. Fact or Truth is the evidence that never takes flight nor ceases to exist even where ignored for hundred years. So my speech in content and delivery will be hinged on context and facts.For context, nothing serves a better guide than History. The philosopher and novelist George Santayana famously said that “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. Winston Churchill reinforced Santayana by counselling, “Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.” I am compelled even further to tread the path of history by our Centenary celebration and shall therefore use – Nigeria’s political history as the context for this speech.
The Political trajectory of Nigeria much like her entire history is checkered. In the book, This House has Fallen, “Nigeria was the focus of great optimism as a powerful emerging nation that would be a showcase for democratic government”. Sadly the optimism was frittered over the years. I shall take the excerpts from my University of Nigeria lecture in January in this regard. “If you traced the political history of our country since independence in 1960 and you will better understand the horror of our faulty political foundation.  The first democratic government ushered in an independent Nigeria but was cut short  by a coup in 1966, a counter coup in 1967, civil war from 1967 to 1970, military rule from 1970 at the end of the war until another coup in 1975, another unsuccessful coup in 1976 the then Head of State was murdered, continued rule of the military until 1979 when a successful political transition ushered in the second republic but it became a democratic process that did not leave a good mark on governance until it was cut short in 1983 by yet another military coup but the discipline instilling but draconian regime was itself sent packing in 1985 through yet another coup.
The succeeding regime ruled from 1985 until 1993. The hallmark of that regime was procrastinated conduct of a transition to democracy. When it finally, reluctantly started the transition process, it regrettably went ahead to thwart the political rights of citizens who had elected a democratic president by annulling the elections. The regime then responded to the public disturbance and agitation that followed by installing an interim national government that lasted only three months following yet another military intervention. The regime that followed was more heinous than ever imagined possible by Nigerians until 1998 when by divine providence, it was cut short. Never again!  A new season came but it was yet one with the military still in the saddle. That regime however surprised skeptics when it successfully conducted a transition that ushered in democratic governance in 1999 ending the long sixteen years of militarization of governance that materially defines the psyche of government in Nigeria. Cumulatively, from the time of our independence in 1960 to 1999- the military governed for about twenty nine years while two flashes of pseudo democracy had a little more than ten years in all. The common theme in our extremely unstable and volatile political history was that each regime truncation mirrored a Russian roulette with justification for regime change being the “necessity to rescue the country from bad governance and corruption”.
Compared to the mere six years of 1960-1966 and the even shorter four and a half years of 1979-1983, the period of 1999 to date under democratic rule has been the longest ever season of such political system in Nigeria. An objective assessment of our democratic journey since the last fifteen years by May of this year, will return the verdict that we are very much still in the nascent zone of democracy as a political system which despite all its short comings trump all other alternatives. Fifteen years has given us more of civilian rule than democracy. The quality of the military/political elite and the depth of undemocratic culture, practices and nuances have worked to produce very disappointing results of governance to citizens. Yet, we must temper our disappointment with the cautious sense of accomplishment that the subordination of the military to the constitutional will of the people of Nigeria in the 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011 elections is perhaps the very tiny ray of light in what had for more than five decades been a canvass of political tragedies.
“Today is Independence Day. The first of October 1960 is a date to which for two years, Nigeria has been eagerly looking forward. At last, our great day has arrived, and Nigeria is now indeed an independent Sovereign nation.  Words cannot adequately express my joy and pride at being the Nigerian citizen privileged to accept from Her Royal Highness these Constitutional Instruments which are the symbols of Nigeria’s Independence. It is a unique privilege which I shall remember forever, and it gives me strength and courage as I dedicate my life to the service of our country. This is a wonderful day, and it is all the more wonderful because we have awaited it with increasing impatience, compelled to watch one country after another overtaking us on the road when we had so nearly reached our goal. But now, we have acquired our rightful status, and I feel sure that history will show that the building of our nation proceeded at the wisest pace: it has been thorough, and Nigeria now stands well-built upon firm foundations.”
These were the very gushing and giddy words of the first Prime Minister of Nigeria Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa on October 1, 1960.
According to history books, prehistoric settlers lived in the territories that make up the area today known as Nigeria as far back as 9000 BC. According to Wikipedia, the period of the 15th century saw the emergence of several “early independent kingdoms and states” that made up the British colonialized Nigeria – Benin kingdom, Borgu kingdom, Fulani empire, Hausa kingdoms, Kanem Bornu empire, Kwararafa kingdom, Ibibio Kingdom, Nri kingdom, Nupe kingdom, Oyo Kingdom, Songhai empire and Warri Kingdom. Each Kingdom was composed of dominant ethnic nationalities with unique language, custom, culture, tradition and religion. ”
These kingdoms independently traded among themselves and with the rest of the world especially Great Britain. It was however by 1886 through expanded trade with the territories under the charter of the Royal Niger Company that the mercantilist root of that influence became established. The handover of the company’s territories to the British Government followed in 1900 leading to the areas becoming organized as protectorates that helped extend the great British Empire of that era. In 1914, Nigeria was formed by combining the Northern and Southern Protectorates and the Colony of Lagos. For administrative purposes, it was divided into four units:  the colony of Lagos, the Northern Provinces, the Eastern Provinces and the Western Provinces.”
One could say that considering the way Nigeria emerged it was no more than an artificial creation purely intended to serve the administrative convenience of the reigning colonial power. In fact, no one better conveyed this perception of Nigeria as artificiality than Chief Obafemi Awolowo who once described Nigeria as a “mere geographical expression”. It is common for Nigerians across the territory in moments of deep despair at the failings of this union of multiple diversities to loudly rue the fact that a certain Lord Lugard and his fiancée – Ms. Shaw -were the “creators” of Nigeria.
The forty six years that followed the creation of Nigeria until her independence in 1960, saw varying degrees of mutation in the relationship between Britain and the people of the territory.  The journey of governance commenced among the three dominant regions that made up the Nigerian territory- namely the North, the West and the East. There were understandably, deep mistrusts and suspicions among the ethnic groups with each one seeking to advance their own cause and interest but their leaders managed to forge a united front in the struggle to attain self-government. Their successive negotiations and constitution building processes among them and acting jointly, with colonial Britain- helped to achieve one of the most anticipated political independence of a country in Africa. It culminated in the successful agitation for self-government on a representative and ultimately federal basis.  The great Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe who was first the Governor General at independence in 1960 and later ceremonial President when in 1963 we became a Republic, succinctly captured that feat of the Nationalists in gaining independence.
He wrote in 1966 that, “We talked the Colonial Office into accepting our challenges for the demerits and merits of our case for self-government. After six constitutional conferences in 1953, 1954, 1957, 1958, 1959, and 1960, Great Britain conceded to us the right to assert our political independence as from October 1, 1960.  None of the Nigerian political parties ever adopted violent means to gain our political freedom and we are happy to claim that not a drop of British or Nigerian blood was shed in the course of our national struggle for our place in the sun. This historical fact enabled me to state publicly in Nigeria that Her Majesty’s Government has presented self-government to us on a platter of gold.”
Ladies and gentlemen, the Great Zik of Africa who had profound influence in the philosophy of life of late Chief Ben Nwazojie whose family has gathered us- had great hopes that the successful struggle for independence would bequeath to us as a people; “our place in the sun”.  And yet, even though that entity created in 1914 will become one Century years old in the next three months and had only a few days ago became a relatively old country of fifty three years, its present state is anything but sunny for majority of her citizens. For the fact is that whether of the North, South, East or West of the present day Nigerian territory we know that most Nigerians feel but a deep sense of disappointment at what has become of the dream that our founding fathers dared to imagine was possible. That deep internal threats to Nigeria’s territorial integrity remain part of core issues of our polity in 2013 menacingly brings into sharp focus the wide gulf between what it means to be a country as different from the higher order state of being a nation.
Thus, the phrase, “an independent Sovereign nation” that Sir Tafawa Balewa used in describing Nigeria in his sweet poetry of a speech at independence remains under doubtful scrutiny and is constantly under threat through various cycles of our political history. For if there is one construct that remains the sticky point in our COUNTRY today, it is whether indeed there is yet a NATION called Nigeria? Or put differently, what happened to the COUNTRY that held so much promise on that morning of October 1, 1960? After all, nothing makes the point of the failure to successfully transition from country to nation than the fact that a only week ago, the current government as a response to heightened socio-political tensions in the land announced yet another National Dialogue that is “aimed at realistically examining and genuinely resolving, longstanding impediments to our cohesion and harmonious development as a truly united Nation”.
What happened? How come a country which at independence was enthusiastically described by our first leader as an independent sovereign nation is at fifty three years hosting another “national conversation” to determine whether it is a worthy union for everyone? Was it also not only a few years ago in 2006 that the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo had hosted as similar gathering? Who were the people that discussed at that time and what did they resolve? What seems to be the intractable issue that almost every administration –military and civilian alike- have not managed to settle on whether we do indeed have a common destiny or not? How come that despite the oft expressed “sincere intent” of each cycle of ruling class (mark my choice of word as distinct from leadership); that each hosted some sort of national dialogue, conference, conversation, forum etc. (choose your pick), we are nowhere closer today to our destination of nationhood. To imagine that our founding fathers mistakenly assumed that we became a nation because the various nationalities worked collaboratively to secure independence from a common external “foe” in 1960? How could it be that this journey has thus far turned out agonizing for almost every one of us?
Even following the most traumatic civil war that ended in 1970, the reemergence as one country provided a context to rally the entire citizenry to build from country to nation. Sadly, that was a missed opportunity. Is it therefore not heartrending that the present state of our country nearly questions our status as a Country?  The pain of this truism is that we are in 2014 faced with exactly the same types of ethnic issues that dotted our union in the 60s. How was it that for over fifty three years, we never went beyond the amalgamation process to becoming a Country and subsequently transforming into a Nation? The simple answer to the lamentation and question is that elite failure happened to Nigeria! A little more political history following the events of October 1, 1960 will help clarify my answer, simple as it may sound to those who thrive in confounding complexity.
The Elite of every successful society always form the nucleus of citizens with the prerequisite education, ethics and capabilities operating in the political sphere and the public service, providing the great ideas to build the nation and possessing the moral rectitude to always act in the public interest. Access to quality Education ensures that the elite group evolves constantly in every society. For as long as nations have public education systems that function, the poorest of their citizens is guaranteed to move up the ladder and someday emerge as a member of the elite class through academic hard work, strenuous effort and ultimate success at the higher levels of education.
For every society that has succeeded therefore, it has taken such progressively evolving elite class to identify the problems, forge the political systems and processes, soundly articulate a rallying vision and use sound Policies and effective and efficient prioritisation of investments (both public and private) and requisite actions to over time build those strong institutions that outlive the best of charismatic and transformative individuals. But it always does start with quality leadership in the public space investing in a sustained manner for lasting institutions to eventually emerge over time. Institutions do not just happen. In the same manner, nations do not just happen out of multi-ethnic countries.
The globally adopted definition of a country is “ An independent State or country must meet certain metrics all of which we did on that date:
• Has space or territory which has internationally recognized boundaries (boundary disputes are OK).
• Has people who live there on an ongoing basis.
• Has economic activity and an organized economy. A country regulates foreign and domestic trade and issues money.
• Has the power of social engineering, such as education.
• Has a transportation system for moving goods and people.
• Has a government which provides public services and police power.
• Has sovereignty. No other State should have power over the country’s territory.
• Has external recognition. A country has been “voted into the club” by other countries.
Sadly, Nigeria came to simply equate our statehood with nationhood when our founding fathers used those terms almost interchangeably forgetting that a State is not always necessarily a Nation. True, we had becoming a self-governing political entity that negotiated a federal structure that was cognizant of the near autonomy of each of its constituting group of people, but although an independent; we were not and have never acted like a Nation!
Nations are “culturally homogeneous groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, who shares a common language, institutions, religion, and historical experience.” Each of our then three dominant groups though having their own internal multiple sub-groups and diversities to resolve still saw themselves as stand-alone nations.  However, once it related to the territorial construct known as Nigeria that it shares with the other two groups, no group particularly acted as though the union had forged a “Nigerian nationhood” in that broader sense. Hence, although we continued to be a Country, we however did not attain to the definition of a nation which is “a tightly-knit group of people which share a common culture”. The people of a nation generally share a common national identity, and part of nation-building is the building of that common identity. There were so many fundamental issues that our country which is unlike France of Germany or even Egypt needed to resolve among its multiple divides if it wished to make that profound jump from  country to Nation in order to attain the status of a nation-state.
The Elite in those instances are required to lead the rest of the people in a deliberative process of nation building- of forging that common identity that all will defend. It is the visionary power of the elite to move a people of diversity beyond the lowest common denominator of mere citizens of one country into a nation of people that makes the United States to stand out as a model multi-cultural society.  Hence, even “with its multicultural society, the United States is also referred to as a nation-state because of the shared American “culture.” Some people may of course dismiss this crave for evolution from country into a nation and say it does not matter. For those ones, I recall the wise words of Carolyn Stephenson, a Professor of Political Science at the Univ. of Hawaii-Manoa. Her words could have been written with our country in mind. Professor Stephenson states that “ Nation-building matters to intractable conflict because of the theory that a strong state is necessary in order to provide security, that the building of an integrated national community is important in the building of a state, and that there may be social and economic prerequisites or co-requisites to the building of an integrated national community” Simply put, if a people of diversity in a country truly wish to succeed, they must forge a shared vision and values to realize their goal.
Our failure to immediately use the early days of independence to commence the nation building process is what I consider the biggest missed opportunity in the history of Nigeria. It is the reason as Professor Stephenson asserts, we find ourselves in “cyclical intractable conflict” So, it was not surprising that shortly after the novelty of our political independence wore off the troubling underbelly of our nascent democracy was revealed in the rather prescient reading of the situation at that time by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States in one of its memorandum of 1966. It wrote “Africa’s most populous country (population estimated at 48 million) is in the throes of a highly complex internal crisis rooted in its artificial origin as a British dependency containing over 250 diverse and often antagonistic tribal groups. The present crisis started” with Nigerian independence in 1960, but the federated parliament hid “serious internal strains. It has been in an acute stage since last January when a military coup d’état destroyed the constitutional regime bequeathed by the British and upset the underlying tribal and regional power relationships. At stake now are the most fundamental questions which can be raised about a country, beginning with whether it will survive as a single viable entity. The situation is uncertain, with Nigeria,……is sliding downhill faster and faster, with less and less chance unity and stability. Unless present army leaders and contending tribal elements soon reach agreement on a new basis for association and take some effective measures to halt a seriously deteriorating security situation, there will be increasing internal turmoil, possibly including civil war”.
The failure to build a nation out of the country it was bequeathed did in fact change the course of Nigeria’s history. It meant that our foundling political elite could not speedily and “sincerely act” on the lofty ideals. The nation building process could have benefitted from their nationalist campaign for independence when they had successfully united against a common “enemy” and brought us our independence. Instead, our political elite turned backward on the supposed “independent sovereign nation” and resorted to lethal ethnicity in playing a brand of politics mostly devoid of altruism. So much so was this prevalent character of the political elite across board that they collectively failed to retrace their steps from the precipitous slide.  It was within this context of elite failure that the 1966 military coup struck unleashing a canvass of governance instability that only abated in 1999 when the fourth Republic commenced with the successful democratic transition currently running for the last fourteen years.
No wonder, empirical evidence points to poor governance –especially corruption as the biggest obstacle to the development of Nigeria. Understanding the cancerous impact of  understand how come a country with the potentials hardly available to more than other one third nations of the world has remained at the bottom of socio economic ladder as a laggard. Economic growth rate and ultimate development of nations are determined by a number of factors that range from sound policies, effective and efficient public and private investments and strong institutions. Economic evidence throughout numerous researches proves that one key variable that determines how fast nations outgrow others is the speed of accumulation of human capital especially through science and technology education.  No wonder for these same countries by 2011-  South Korea of fifty million people has a GDP of $1.12trillion, Brazil of one hundred and ninety six million has $2.48 trillion; Malaysia of twenty eight million people has $278.6Billion; Chile of seventeen million people has $248.59Billion; Singapore of five million people has $318.7 Billion.  Meanwhile with our population of 165 million people we make boasts with a GDP of $235.92 Billion- completely way off the mark that we could have produced if we made a better set of development choices.
More dramatic is that this wide gap between these nations and Nigeria was not always the case as some relevant data at the time of our independence reveal.  In 1960 the GDP per capita of all these countries were not starkly different from that of Nigeria- two were below $200, two were a little above $300 and one was slightly above $500 while that of Nigeria was just about $100. For citizens, these differentials are not mere economic data. Meanwhile by 2011, the range for all five grew exponentially with Singapore at nearly $50,000, South Korea at $22,000, Malaysia at $10,000, Brazil at $13,000 and Chile at $14,000. Our own paltry $1500 income per capita helps drive home the point that we have been left behind many times over by every one of these other countries. How did these nations steer and stir their people to achieve such outstanding economic performance over the last five decades? There is hardly a basis for comparing the larger population of our citizens clustered within the poverty bracket with the majority citizens of Singapore fortunate to have upper middle income standard of living.
Again, how did this happen? What happened to Nigeria? Why did we get left behind? How did these nations become productively wealthy over the last fifty three years while Nigeria stagnated? How did majority of the citizens of these nations join the upper middle class while more Nigerians retrogressed into poverty? There are usually as many different answers to these sets of questions as there are respondents on the reasons we fell terribly behind. Some say, it is our tropical geography, yet economic research shows it has not prevented other countries like China, Australia, Chile and Brazil for example with similar conditions from breaking through economically. Others say it is size, but China and India are bigger, and yet in the last thirty and twenty years have grown double digit and continue to out- grow the rest of the world at this time of global economic crisis. Furthermore, being small has not necessarily conferred any special advantages to so many other countries with small population yet similarly battling with the development process like we are.
Some others say it is our culture but like a political economist posited “European countries with different sorts of cultures, Protestant and Catholic alike that have grown rich. Secondly, different countries within the same broad cultures have performed very differently in economic terms, such as the two Koreas in the post-war era. Moreover, individual countries have changed their economic trajectories even though “their cultures didn’t miraculously change.” How about those who plead our multiethnic nationalities as the constraint but fail to see that the United States of America happens to be one nation with even more disparate ethnic nationalities than Nigeria and yet it leads the global economy! As for those who say it is the adverse impact of colonialism, were Singapore, Malaysia and even parts of China like Hong Kong not similarly conquered and dominated by colonialists?
That Nigeria is a paradox of the kind of wealth that breeds penury is as widely known as the fact that the world considers us a poster nation for poor governance wealth from natural resources. The trend of Nigeria’s population in poverty since 1980 to 2010 for example suggests that the more we earned from oil, the larger the population of poor citizens : 17.1 million 1980, 34.5million in 1985, 39.2million in 1992, 67.1million in 1996, 68.7million in 2004 and 112.47 million in 2010! This sadly means that you are children of a nation blessed with abundance of ironies.
Resource wealth has tragically reduced your nation- my nation- to a mere parable of prodigality. Nothing undignifies nations and their citizens like self-inflicted failure.
Our abundance of oil, people and geography should have worked favorably and placed us on the top echelons of the global economic ladder by now. After all, basic economic evidence shows that abundance of natural resources can by itself increase the income levels of citizens even if it does not increase their productivity. For example, as Professor Collier a renowned economist who has focused on the sector stated in a recent academic work countries that have enormously valuable natural resources are likely to have high living standards on a sustainable basis by simply replacing some of the extracted resources with financial assets held abroad. Disappointedly, even that choice eluded our governing class who through the decades has spent more time quarreling over their share of the oil “national cake” than they have spent thinking of how to make it benefit the entire populace.
The coup of 1966 anchored its justification on the failure of the political class to provide good governance. In the exact word of the leader of the coup;  “Our enemies are the political profiteers, the swindlers, the men in high and low places that seek bribes and demand 10 percent; those that seek to keep the country divided permanently so that they can remain in office as ministers or VIPs at least, the tribalists, the nepotists, those that make the country look big for nothing before international circles, those that have corrupted our society and put the Nigerian political calendar back by their words and deeds.”
In effect, what we today confront as systemic corruption only metamorphosed to gigantic proportion through the over nearly fifty decades of the speech given to justify the first truncation of the will of the people for democratic governance. As a matter of fact, anyone who will find and read all the justification statements for coups and the inauguration statements for democratically elected governments in our fifty three years of being a country will assume that each group merely modified the speech of their predecessors.  Perhaps the only differences were the locations of the punctuation marks, the commas, the semi colons and the full stops in each statement that followed this excerpt from the statement of 1966.
The substance is the same – indignation at the grand corruption that has persistently undermined the effectiveness of governance since our political independence.   The instructive feature of the dramatis personae that made up the military and political elite class at various times is their uncanny national spread and the unity of purpose they managed and have continued to manage to forge among them in the ignoble business of committing grand larceny against the country. Ethnicity was hardly and still is not a constraining factor once the political elite of Nigeria- whether from the North, South, East and West gather at the altar of corruption to execute their unifying purpose of “transactions”. They are united in “extracting” from Nigeria because it does appear in the minds that the country can never move beyond  a mere artificial political construct.
Of all the obstacles to our greatness, there were two on which citizens irrespective of their affiliations seemed to have forged a consensus as the priority agenda issues for their governments to mobilize every sector, level and individual; to unite, fight and defeat. The two issues are systemic corruption and pernicious poverty. However, in the last one year with escalations in insecurity wherein we are now faced with more immediate life threatening scourge of terrorism within our land those two priorities are overtaken in ranking. That we now experience regular terrorist killing of the innocent in our land has pushed the twin issues of poverty and corruption to second and third priorities of citizens. These recent killings have joined with the civil war of the 60s to pollute Nigeria with fresh blood of our children- our daughters and sons, the blood of our women, the blood of our men, the blood of our young and the blood of our old.
Citizens who had assumed that the worst possible was the many decades of being trapped in intergenerational poverty in an ironically “oil wealthy” are now exposed to deadlier acts of terrorism.  Terrorists became emboldened by the absence of our political class across the entire spectrum of political leadership who decided to “play their normal politics” with the blood of the poor. The blood soaked land is convulsing. Do we not hear the cries especially of the young children and women killed for a cause they know nothing about? I read the fear laden articles and tweets of many young Nigerians asking “when this carnage will end?” I hear them lash out angrily that it is the cumulative failure of older generations of us all in this gathering that is bequeathing to them- a country so broken and mortally bruised that again we need divine intervention to heal the land and people.
Is it therefore not unconscionable that in the over nearly three years of rising trend of terrorist attacks against whole communities in the central and north eastern states of Nigeria where our kith and kin have regularly been slaughtered in cold blood; the milk of empathy has not yet flowed from our Elders in the Land in the entire political spectrum to suspend “transactional politicking” and build a united front against this newest common enemy? Is it not unconscionable that despite the massive public resources committed to security spending, the government has failed to inspire confidence in communities and the large public that feel excluded from the more secured lives of the political elite?
In shock, Nigerians have wondered whether our political class which carries on with politicking to “capture or retain power” is comfortable to govern dead communities. Is it not time for all of our political leaders to pay that utmost sacrifice of leadership- lay down their personal gain for the good of the people they wish to lead. Leadership is not the office, the title, the authority, the mansion one occupies. Leadership is the sacrifice offered that others may thrive. There are three grades of leadership- Transactional, Transformational and Transcendental leadership. What our nation asks all of you irrespective of the acronyms that thread together to make you a political party in this land today, is that you must immediately “transcend” and mobilize all of Nigerians  against the immediate common enemies killing our own within our territory.
Your act of transcendental leadership across your various divides in Nigerian politics of today, will not only end this fatal insecurity in our country, but will actually start the process of healing of land and the people. The healing of our land and people will in turn begin the process of rebuilding the eroded social capital that we must have for nation building process. John Jacob Gardener a professor of Leadership defines Transcendental Leadership as follows: “A new metaphor, transcendent leadership, answers a planetary call for a governance process which is more inclusive, more trusting, more sharing of information, more meaningfully involving associates or constituents, more collective decision making through dialogue and group consent processes, more nurturance and celebration of creative and divergent thinking and a willingness to serve the will of the collective consciousness as determined by the group – in essence, a leadership of service above self” Nothing in any political party manifesto in our present Nigeria realizes how fundamental it is to first accomplish this at this time in country.
Economic research has proven that there can be no development without peace. The underperformance of our country as a result of the volatility of regime changes and truncation of democracy direly cost us the opportunity to build vibrant institutions, to pursue on a sustained basis  sound macroeconomic, microeconomic and structural policies  and finally to implement quality, effective and efficient public and private investment like other nations.   Every country is fundamentally composed of three sectors- the public sector or government, the private sector or business and civil society. Worse than political instability however is the growing sense of our current reality that we are “at war”. In a season of war, ladies and gentlemen, no road map for economic development is viable- no matter how sound its articulation. I advise that 2014 offers all political actors in Nigeria, the opportunity to immediately unite and decisively take our country back from terrorists. This is my most important economic message for your gathering. As the leading opposition party in the country, your leadership must be visible in demonstrating a commitment to reaching out to the Government to commence a united fight to preserve the lives of all citizens.
Of all the obstacles to our greatness, there were two on which citizens irrespective of their affiliations seemed to have forged a consensus as the priority agenda issues for their governments to mobilize every sector, level and individual; to unite, fight and defeat. The two issues are systemic corruption and pernicious poverty. However, in the last one year with escalations in insecurity wherein we are now faced with more immediate life threatening scourge of terrorism within our land those two priorities are overtaken in ranking. That we now experience regular terrorist killing of the innocent in our land has pushed the twin issues of poverty and corruption to second and third priorities of citizens. These recent killings have joined with the civil war of the 60s to pollute Nigeria with fresh blood of our children- our daughters and sons, the blood of our women, the blood of our men, the blood of our young and the blood of our old.
Citizens who had assumed that the worst possible was the many decades of being trapped in intergenerational poverty in an ironically “oil wealthy” are now exposed to deadlier acts of terrorism.  Terrorists became emboldened by the absence of our political class across the entire spectrum of political leadership who decided to “play their normal politics” with the blood of the poor. The blood soaked land is convulsing. Do we not hear the cries especially of the young children and women killed for a cause they know nothing about? I read the fear laden articles and tweets of many young Nigerians asking “when this carnage will end?” I hear them lash out angrily that it is the cumulative failure of older generations of us all in this gathering that is bequeathing to them- a country so broken and mortally bruised that again we need divine intervention to heal the land and people.
Is it therefore not unconscionable that in the over nearly three years of rising trend of terrorist attacks against whole communities in the central and north eastern states of Nigeria where our kith and kin have regularly been slaughtered in cold blood; the milk of empathy has not yet flowed from our Elders in the Land in the entire political spectrum to suspend “transactional politicking” and build a united front against this newest common enemy? Is it not unconscionable that despite the massive public resources committed to security spending, the government has failed to inspire confidence in communities and the large public that feel excluded from the more secured lives of the political elite?  In shock, Nigerians have wondered whether our political class which carries on with politicking to “capture or retain power” is comfortable to govern dead communities. Is it not time for all of our political leaders to pay that utmost sacrifice of leadership- lay down their personal gain for the good of the people they wish to lead. Leadership is not the office, the title, the authority, the mansion one occupies. Leadership is the sacrifice offered that others may thrive. There are three grades of leadership- Transactional, Transformational and Transcendental leadership. What our nation asks all of you irrespective of the acronyms that thread together to make you a political party in this land today, is that you must immediately “transcend” and mobilize all of Nigerians  against the immediate common enemies killing our own within our territory.
Your act of transcendental leadership across your various divides in Nigerian politics of today, will not only end this fatal insecurity in our country, but will actually start the process of healing of land and the people. The healing of our land and people will in turn begin the process of rebuilding the eroded social capital that we must have for nation building process. John Jacob Gardener a professor of Leadership defines Transcendental Leadership as follows: “A new metaphor, transcendent leadership, answers a planetary call for a governance process which is more inclusive, more trusting, more sharing of information, more meaningfully involving associates or constituents, more collective decision making through dialogue and group consent processes, more nurturance and celebration of creative and divergent thinking and a willingness to serve the will of the collective consciousness as determined by the group – in essence, a leadership of service above self” Nothing in any political party manifesto in our present Nigeria realizes how fundamental it is to first accomplish this at this time in country.
Economic research has proven that there can be no development without peace. The underperformance of our country as a result of the volatility of regime changes and truncation of democracy direly cost us the opportunity to build vibrant institutions, to pursue on a sustained basis  sound macroeconomic, microeconomic and structural policies  and finally to implement quality, effective and efficient public and private investment like other nations. Worse than political instability however is the growing sense of our current reality that we are “at war”. In a season of war, ladies and gentlemen, no road map for economic development is viable- no matter how sound its articulation. I advise that 2014 offers all political actors in Nigeria, the opportunity to immediately unite and decisively take our country back from terrorists. This is my most important economic message for your gathering. As the leading opposition party in the country, your leadership must be visible in demonstrating a commitment to reaching out to the Government to commence a united fight to preserve the lives of all citizens.
On the twin enemies of corruption and poverty, those among us who still need proof to believe that indeed the two severest maladies from which Nigeria must heal are poverty and poor governance must not have seen the 2013 Global Corruption Barometer 2013. Poverty and corruption are two things that rob Nigerians of their dignity; Poverty deprives one of the basic services they need in order to preserve their self-dignity. Poor governance on the other hand is what poverty helps breed.
Thus, academic research shows that countries which have tended to poor governance end delivering not delivering the basic social services that citizens need in order to lift themselves out of poverty and where they do at all, it is too little and too poor a quality to make a difference.  It is the capacity to constantly deliver equality of opportunities for better quality of life to all citizens that distinguishes one government from another. Throughout our fifty three years of history following our independence in 1960, we sadly have not recorded one stellar record of performance in this regard by any government. Today, our 69% poor in the land which in real number is over 100 million of citizens trapped in poverty is the key scorecard of our five decades of failure.
When asked by citizens why they think they have been constantly failed by their governments, they mostly respond that the failure of the state to effectively function is corruption. This much they said to Transparency International which invests heavily in surveys around the world. The result of the most recent survey, tagged ‘Global Corruption Barometer 2013?, (the biggest-ever public opinion survey on corruption) was recently released all over the world. It showed that 75 per cent of Nigerians say the government’s effort at fighting corruption is ineffective. Only 14 per cent of those surveyed say the government’s effort is achieving results. Also, 94 per cent of Nigerians think corruption is a problem with 78 per cent saying it is a serious problem.
Over the past 12 months, the report says, 81 per cent of Nigerians say they have given a bribe to the police, 30 per cent of those surveyed say they have paid a bribe for education services, 29 per cent have given a bribe to the registry and permit services, same for utilities, and 24 per cent have given a bribe to the judiciary. The survey shows that 22 per cent of Nigerians have paid a bribe to tax revenue, 17 per cent to land services and 9 per cent has paid a bribe for medical and health services. Transparency International had last year rated Nigeria as the 35th most corrupt country in the world. Whether we choose to accept it or not, we are a country engulfed in systemic and endemic corruption with its attendant cancerous – wasting away, corrosive effect- on what is legendarily called our “huge potentials”.
Take the natural resources sector to which we have willingly and disastrously mortgaged our lives to as a result of failure of leadership to embrace hard work, effort and productivity as national values.  Nigeria is Africa’s largest oil exporter, and the world’s 10th largest oil producer, accounting for more than 2.2 million barrels a day in 2011. Oil revenues totaled $50.3 billion in 2011 and generated more than 70 percent of government revenues. However, for a sector that sadly determines our rise and fall in the last fifty three years,  Nigeria’s Performance on the Resource Governance Index  (carried out by the global NGO- Revenue Watch Institute of the Open Society Foundations) – Nigeria received a “weak” score of 42, ranking 40th out of 58 countries.
We stood out among the 80% of countries which fail to achieve good governance in their extractive sectors. The insalubrious performance of this dominant revenue source seems to be one we have decided to wear elegantly with a mindset that refuses to embrace the kind of fundamental change that will set the nation free. A read of the now famous in the breach, PIB shows that we have refused to surrender and subordinate the huge power of discretion exercised by the President in all matters concerning oil since the last many decades. Surely, for what we know of the huge benefits of transparency and competition it does indeed stir the minds of those that have no interest in oil blocks but who care for the maximization of value for the aggregate social good of Nigeria that we walk the provisions of our NEITI law.
The pervasive hold over our economy by oil shows up in everything. In our Sovereign credit rating recently, poor governance, low per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and reserve cover were identified as Nigeria’s biggest challenge to joining other Emerging Markets (EMs) according to Richard Fox of Fitch Ratings. According to him, these areas represent Nigeria’s biggest challenge to improving its rating, as highlighted in Fitch’s previous research. Of the three, reserve cover is the most susceptible to rapid improvement, particularly at current high oil prices. This is because although at that time of his comment, Nigeria’s reserves had risen by around $2 billion they are not rising as fast as in the majority of big oil exporters”. Comparisons always help convey these kinds of information better.
During the period, 2009 to 2011 Algeria expanded her savings from current oil boom by at least 30% to build up its reserve and invest in critical infrastructure. The new comer Angola nearly doubled its reserve while simultaneously implementing a huge public investment program to build diversity of critical infrastructure. Sadly, whether it is building up reserves/saving or in building critical infrastructure and human capital our own trend is in the reverse. For even though crude price rose or has held steady at different time, the quality of governance continues to hobble our capacity to strike out onto the path of success.
In what and whom do I place my confidence that a New Nigeria will emerge? What is it that engenders my confidence that our five decades of failure is not sustainable: First is the rising crescendo of dissatisfaction with the concept of Failure by the over 50% percent of our population that are young. That daily the young people of Nigeria- educated or not are anxious to path ways with Failure is a source of optimism.
Today, more than 40% of our young people may be unemployed and requiring a major intervention that matches skills with economic structural change but they represent strength for any leadership that “transcends” in the way it allocates public resources to priorities. They insist by the words and action that they know we can do better than we have done since our independence. The Women who constituting about 50% of our population are by the records of present accomplishment, the most visible secret weapons of our economic, social and political development.   The entrepreneurial and “can do” spirit of just these two groups-  the spirit that seeks to compete even with the rest in the world by first conquering the uncertain and disabling context in which it operates is emerging as the counter cultural shock to an elite class that entrenched contemptible wealth based on ignoble ease as a national creed.
The return of the values of hard work and the reward of creativity and innovation are the New Normal that Citizens want to engage their governments on. Citizens question the things and values we reward. They question the perverse incentive that rewards abhorrent behaviour while punishing what is right. They are perplexed when they watch the elite class destroy the potency of sanctions regime in every just society by acts that fail to demand the cost of bad behaviour from big offenders . Citizens wish to unleash their talents and be facilitated by a capable and service oriented public service to identify new sources of growth forcing the diversification rhetoric into reality finally. We must think through how to expand the revenue base of the country and manage it efficiently. Nigeria’s revenue cannot cater for the size of the population that we have and we seek to exploit other creative and natural endowments of nature which primarily is our huge population of people with diverse capabilities.
The generation of human capital through education- access to quality basic, tertiary education expanded and well costed with access for the poor and entrepreneurship education relevant to the needs of the economy is priority agenda for a country that has grown over more then a decade now without significant structural change. The structural transformation that focuses on growing indigenous enterprise and deliberatively removing obstacles on the path to economic growth for the women and the young with ideas is what a results oriented government owes Citizens. According to data from the World Bank, it is clear that 74% of our revenue comes from non-oil (mainly agricultural exports) as at 1970. We have sadly reversed that suffering the pernicious effect of oil, as currently oil account for 74% of gross national revenue reversing the trend. While Nigeria exported 502 Metric tons of groundnut in 1961 which was 42% of global production as at that time, we currently export almost nothing with the pyramids now invented in stories told to our children.
Citizens are redefining what true attributes of leadership are by demanding that those who shall lead must be all possessing of – competency, character, competency and capacity. Neither of the three can substitute for the other, The political and technocratic class have no choice but to commit to redeeming our public institutions and the human resources that run them. The redemption starts with a true commitment to addressing today’s egregious cost of s the mantra of today’s citizens.
Citizens want to see real commitment to addressing the egregious cost of governance that constitutes massive opportunity cost for equitable economic development that benefits the larger number of citizens currently excluded from the benefits of the growth of the last fourteen years of return to democracy. Citizens associate our meagre revenue which pales when compared  to our prospective peers known as MINT, with wastes, gross inefficiency and corruption. Currently, we have N1.7tn paid out of salaries, N721bn for debt servicing and other recurrent items which puts our capital expenditure around N1.1tn. How then do we expand the economy, build the modern infrastructure if for every N100 that we spend in actual terms, over N80 goes to recurrent items. Those are the issues which to engage leadership on resolving.
Citizens can now better link public  resources and results in their outcry for value-for-money and in the exercise of their right to demand for accountability. They know that our power problems all these years are not merely technical- it is governance failure. Our transportation problem are not technical, it was governance failure. Our poor production and productivity in agriculture is not merely technical, it is governance failure. They know that our health and education and over all underperformance in humans development score are not merely technical, it is due to governance failure.
It cost $148bn dollars in todays value to rebuild Europe after the World War II. This is less than half of the funds that was attributed to have been stolen from Nigeria since independence. The expense of such funds transformed the manufacturing, service industry and competitive factors of Europe. It cost $2bn ($349bn in todays value) to rebuild Japan after the nuclear attack. By conservative estimate, our country has earned more than $600billion in the last five  decades and yet can only boast of a United Nations Human Development Index score of .4 out of 1 proximate to that of Chad and maternal mortality rate similar to that of Afghanistan! Nothing reveals the depth of our failures than such performance indicators considering the vastly greater possibilities that we have been bestowed.
Above all, and finally, Citizens now seek to fully participation and make demands for democratic accountability- they are not afraid to scrutinise all public institutions and to demand better results of governance. The unwillingness of any group of political elite to understand this emerging power of the Office of the Citizen can only be a loss to the former and yet another missed opportunity added to our canvass of political tragedies……. But God forbid!
Obiageli (Oby) Ezekwesili
Keynote Speaker
APC SUMMIT, Abuja- March 6th 2014

Obama tries to show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Washington (CNN) - President Obama celebrated the music that shaped "our American story" with some of the biggest female music legends Thursday night at the White House but came up a little lacking when he tried to show his R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
The White House welcomed the performances by American musical icons Aretha Franklin, Melissa Etheridge, and Patti Labelle as well as contemporary female artists Ariana Grande, Janelle Monae, and Jill Scott.

While the President was paying tribute to Aretha Franklin, he had a hard time with the spelling of a word famously spelled out in one of her best known songs.
"When Aretha first told us what R-S-P-E-C-T meant to her, she had no idea it would become a rallying cry for African Americans, and women, and then everyone who felt marginalized because of what they looked like or who they loved," Obama said to chuckles from the audience.
The spelling error did not bring down the energy of the night as Patti LaBelle kicked off the performances with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," bringing the President and First Lady to their feet.
The "Women of Soul" event was part of the "In Performance at the White House" series that has honored the likes of Stevie Wonder, Sir Paul McCartney, Burt Bacharach and Hal David.
Let's just hope that if the President ever welcomes the Village People that he practices his Y-M-C-A.


Spoken Word Rhyme - Is It Nothing To You? By Hannatu Musawa

Hannatu Musawa
On 6th April 2014, The All Progressives Congress held a Summit in Abuja where the party used the occasion to present the parties roadmap to a New Nigeria. In other words, it was a forum where the party wanted to enlighten Nigerians of a manifesto that would afford the country with a revitalising new future.
During the summit, I had written a ‘Spoken Word’ poetry, and joined it with a poetry piece that I had written in the past, which I had wanted to deliver at the event. However, my idea had come late and by the time I suggested making the presentation, the itinerary for the event had already been put in place, leaving no room for my presentation. In all fairness to the organisers of the event, they had tried all they could to include my presentation, but the lack of time made it impossible for me to finish the presentation in its entirety, which I had already started. Unfortunately, I had to cut the presentation short and was unable to finish.
However, because I felt it was a very powerful message that I was trying to make, I wanted to recreate the piece via this forum so that people could understand why I felt so strongly about the message that I wanted to give. Below is a full copy  of the Spoken Word Speech I intended to give.

“To get right to the point today, there is a small game that I would like for you all to play it’s called, “Is this Country nothing to you?”
Or to put it another way, “how many of us in this room can earnestly say with a nod, that they are here at this summit for the love of country and God?”
…For most of us that game will probably not last very long, like a banging on a gong our people say “what’s wrong with our leaders today? And the song goes on and on, but the song being sung is one that has been sung for long.
For as long as our mind remembers, we have been surrounded by the same leadership members.
Despite our sheer hunger and poverty, those older generations still maintain their sovereignty.
But to be honest, I’m rather tired of placing all the blame on them and not us. So I’m here to suggest that part of the problem, is the youth who continue to make such a fuss.
The leaders, the elites, the privileged bourgeoisie, shall continue to trample on the likes of you and me!
At this point you may not like what I say; it may give you much dismay.
But please give me a second to explain, if you get what I mean, you may drop your disdain.
You see in Nigeria, the youth of today would rather live by luck, because they see a current system where the cancer has become too stuck.
If I stand hear before you and tell you that I’ve never done anything wrong in my life…! Be honest, wouldn’t you truly say “Haba Hanney, what the fu…..fudge.”
But doesn’t that mean that you’re too quick to judge?
You never budge or give me a positive nudge?
And if that’s the perception, that we are so full of pride,
Perhaps it’s time each and every one of us took a look inside,
And try to reclaim the selflessness we have read in history books,
The dedication of our forefathers, that spirit within their looks.
Once upon a time in this nation, our leaders, possessed humility and a sense of political self;
The kind where people mingled, with every tribe without putting suspicion at the top of their shelf.
They touched lepers, gave much encouraging, loved and played with every child despite their place of origin.
Everyone in this room, please take a second and consider just how many  opportunities our fore fathers had to make millions;
Opportunities which had they taken, would have secured them with billions.
If any of our fore fathers were to choose a team to save us from where we are hanging,
I can bet they’d have a hard time because our integrity has a low standing.
Those who have raped this country, gather to discuss how to distribute her wealth,
How to manipulate her system and leave her in bad health.
It doesn’t matter that they may not have the capability or quality to uphold the sanctity of the post,
It doesn’t matter that they are short changing 160 million whom are suffering most.
The only thing that they choose to see is the only thing that they will see.
And you know what? ….Their vision is certainly not of you or me.
But now again, I will implore you to forgive me, it’s not only them with these shortcomings.
I’m here to suggest that most of us in this room have been part of that bad pluming.
Not only in the past have we endeared and encouraged them,
We have been part of the causal link that empowers what we now condemn.
Again folks, you must bear with me, Please give me a minute to explain ….
Do not crucify me, till you hear my full campaign.

You see it is clear that you leaders must play your part,
In giving the next generation, messages straight from your heart.
Your message shouldn’t be a billboard or rhetoric of should and should-nots!
It should be a living, breathing art piece of where exactly we need to join the dots.
I’m not trying to be harsh and I’m not trying to be condemning to my own side,
I’m just suggesting that as progressives in our political journey; let’s invite Nigerians along for the ride.
Let’s look to share before we look to teach and maybe just maybe people will understand more what we preach.
Let us make our intention for the country more attractive, by using this APC manifesto in a way that it’s interactive!
We need the dedication and spirit of the likes that Ghandi and Mandela had in their struggle.
It’s that authentic dedication, faith and patriotism that can get us out of our muddle.
If we choose to exist with that kind of authenticity, we’ll look at our nation objectively, not through the eyes of ethnicity.
No more can we point a finger at somebody else, and blame a third party for this ruddy mess.
It is now up to us, we can choose our own destiny, by being cerebral as a mark of our weaponry.
If you think it can’t be done, then take a trip to Lagos, Where Governor Fashola has transformed it into Vegas.
If you need more convincing, then Kano should be your State. There you’ll see Kwakwasiya has done that ancient city great.
Then who can forget Owelle, he inherited a bush, but one trip to Owerri will show you his great push.
Now I hope that you have heard my view of what I think is right. I’m speaking in what I believe in, not trying to start a fight.
I believe that as a party, we can do what we know is right, because we cannot be as blind as those whom we’re trying to give sight.
To create our own success, we must not be afraid to create opportunity,
That’s the greatest way we can restore Nigeria’s dwindling unity.
As well-meaning Nigerians we must know what we want, the time has run out to become nonchalant.
The time must be now for us to climb to the peak, to attain what we couldn’t because our divide made us weak.
Whatever will happen we must look up to God, he Giveth and Taketh with merely a nod.
We must increase faith, boost our love and our fear, be sincere and revere and adhere to persevere.
We must believe in this nation and love it unconditionally, keep our ethos, our culture and our virtues traditionally.
Nigeria is beautiful, our homeland is glorious. She’s known internationally as somewhat notorious.
Her children are maimed as somewhat inglorious, but in truth for 5 decades she has been laborious.
And with help from above she can be meritorious, so our nation can rise and at last be victorious.
All that I have spoken of is about passion and a belief that’s true. And I started by asking “Does this country mean nothing to you?”

Is it nothing to you that our dear children cry;
That they sigh and they die in the blink of an eye?
From hunger to strife to a life that’s awry,
Nigeria’s kids can barely scrape by!
Is it nothing to you that the world asks us why;
We belie a potential that limits the sky?
Whereby, we misapply our abundant supply.
We pry and we lie like the alpha bad guy!
Is it nothing to you that our nation can’t fly;
From the depths of destruction, to a renewable high?
As I scribble these words through my tear filled eye,
This beautiful land is on the verge of goodbye!
Is it nothing to you that we cannot comply;
That we have no ally, we’re on virtual standby?
Nigeria must vie to defy this war cry.
Revert back to basics, renew our strong tie!


Is it nothing to you that your officers steal?
A classic example is the Malibu Deal!
The wheel given Tompolo is just too surreal;
And the Fuel Subsidy bandits are the greatest reveal!
Is it nothing to you that bribery’s not ideal?
When brown envelopes are used to spin bogus spiel?
After the kafuffle of trying to get Oduah dumped,
Johnny had to let go when his wish became defunct!
Is it nothing to you that we do see your zeal;
In killing the Subsidy Report in a blatant repeal.
You just want to seal all the crime that is real,
The trillions that’s pilfered for the cabal’s sumptuous meal!
Is it nothing to you your achievements are nil?
That the genteel you are ruling have a bad ordeal.
The steel of this government has began to peel,
But for the sake of our future, Nigeria must heal!


Is it nothing to you that you bomb-suicide;
Whole families in the worshiping house they preside?
When you decide to collide where mass people reside,
In order to kill them; you’re devils personified!
Is it nothing to you that your faith must have died,
When you misuse our religion with your much warped misguide?
The words of the Scripture speak of peace side-by-side.
The words of the Scripture speak of love, patience abide!
Is it nothing to you that your troops cannot hide;
From the extra-judicial killings that the JTF applied?
In their stride, innocent bodies have piled nation-wide.
They’re as bad as the terrorists, worse than Jekyll and Hyde!
Is it nothing to you other interests do hide;
Behind Boko-Haram, commit crime to divide?
Not all of the killings, the bombings or snide;
Come from one source or have a single guide!

Is it nothing to you that your airlines are old;
And millions of Nigerians fly in your coffin mould?
You mortgage our lives to gain abundant Fools-Gold.
You patch up bad airplanes that are second-hand sold!
Is it nothing to you that you must uphold;
A global wide standard for airlines controlled?
All the vessel’s information that you do withhold;
Must be given to the public to see and behold!
Is it nothing to you that those out in the cold;
Are the victims who survived when the Dana Air rolled?
Their houses were bowled; they lost all in a fold.
When to get compensation; they have still not been told!
Is it nothing to you that our options are outsold?
If we had travel by sea or rail, we’d feel much more bold.
The aviation industry must of itself get a-hold;
So Nigerians can fly feeling safe and consoled!


Is it nothing to you that you contest elections;
By tugging and pulling on people’s affections?
Now you’ve made your connections and are in government sections,
The hoard that supported you are part of your rejections!
Is it nothing to you that most have objections;
Of the amount that you make from your official collections?
Your allowance and the extra fund injections,
Is an affront to a society with little confections!
Is it nothing to you that from all our reflections;
INEC, you’re not independent in your past selections?
The interjections and protections of INEC’s predilections,
Have exposed their addictions and Jega’s imperfections!
Is it nothing to you that we can change the complexions;
Of our future government by making corrections?
2015 is coming, let’s use wise directions;
To put into power those who give good projections!


Is it nothing to you that you sell our land short?
When you travel abroad to distort our sort?
All over the World our passport does import;
419 and scams, scarlet ladies, drugs snort!
Is it nothing to you in Chinese jails, in court?
Nigerian’s are plenty for the crimes they export.
They beat some; they kill some, a few they deport.
It’s sad that our people don’t abort this contort!
Is it nothing to you that you rob and you thwart?
Our freedom, our peace by your constant extort?
Kidnappers and robbers, crime is your blood sport;
You’ve resort our homes as quite an unsafe forte!
Is it nothing to you that we have no support?
The world looks at us as a joke, as a wart.
We must pull together; focus our exhort;
To clean up our act; bring our crime down to naught!


Is it nothing to you when you berate so much hate;
On another tribe in Nigeria, it creates a debate?
North, South, East, West or Central, we’re from one estate.
One people, one nation who share one single fate!
Is it nothing to you when in blogs you misstate;
An irate dictate that translates to negate?
At the rate we communicate, we can’t interrelate;
We’re like enemies in a vessel just lying in wait!
Is it nothing to you that the poverty weight;
Is on every Nigerian with no discriminate?
If our nations deflate, no tribe should elate.
We’ll all skate to desecrate; I’m telling you straight!
Is it nothing to you that our leaders who ate;
All our money in government are from each ethnic plate?
When they conjugate behind the gate of the Chief of the State;
They don’t think about tribe, only their share in that crate!


Is it nothing to you, because it’s something to me;
That we’re living in darkness to a constant degree?
NEPA say’s it is working, but it’s real hard to see;
Because the lights are always off. I am sure you’ll agree!
Is it nothing to you, because it’s something to me;
That our people are screaming like senseless banshee?
Many families can’t eat; some can’t even buy tea;
The only one’s living are the elite bourgeoisie!
Is it nothing to you, because it’s something to me;
That our motorways are like craters with earthquake-debris?
I can tell you for free, our roads are no Grand-Prix;
Our maintenance culture’s not as it really should be!
Is it nothing to you, because it’s something to me;
That I’m writing this sonnet with not much “Whoopee”?
My prayer for my nations is renewed esprit.
My wish for Nigeria is for our land to be free!
Is it something to you…? It’s not nothing to me…!


APC Road Map: Buhari, Tinubu, Others Predict New Dawn

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Onyebuchi Ezigbo 
Prominent leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) including former Head of State,  Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, and Senator Bola Tinubu have expressed hope that the party will emerge victorious in the 2015 elections to give Nigeria a new lease of life.
As part of the major high points of the party’s road map launched yesterday, APC promised to create 20,000 jobs per state for those with minimum qualification of secondary school leaving certificate, payment of N5,000 to 25 million poorest and most vulnerable citizens as well as offer free primary and secondary education to Nigerians.
On corruption, the road map commits the party to ensuring zero tolerance for the scourge and insists that those with inexplicable wealth are made to face criminal prosecution.
A new entrant into the opposition fold and former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar warned that Nigerians might be unwittingly preparing grounds for the emergence of a civilian dictator if they elect President Goodluck Jonathan for another term in 2015.
Atiku, who said he was a committed believer in a two-party system, accused his former party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), of frustrating attempts to have strong opposition parties.
“I am scared of a civilian dictator, if we should allow this administration (Jonathan) go beyond 2015, Nigeria will be in for a civilian dictatorship, “ he said.
The former vice-president urged APC leaders not to lose sight of the political evolution of the country which gave rise to the emergence of the party, adding that they  must be ready to address the yearnings of Nigerians in order to assuage people’s feelings.
Buhari, who spoke on the APC initiative, said the reason the legacy parties agreed to come together was to make sure that the impunity with which the country was being administered is terminated.
“We found out that if we do not come together, the ruling party will ruthlessly eliminate the opposition and there will be no more dissenting voices of reason. As leaders, we decided it was time we made sacrifices to rescue our country from the brink of collapse,” he said.
The former presidential candidate of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) said it was becoming increasingly challenging to manage the fallouts of bad governance in the country hence the dire need for an alternative platform, APC.
Buhari said apart from repositioning the nation’s economy, the party’s road map intends to tackle insecurity to enable Nigerians sleep with their eyes closed.
Tinubu on his part said APC was determined to deliver to Nigerians the change they desire if voted into office in 2015.
He said Nigeria is a nation of great potential but in order to harness it properly, there was need for a progressive leadership which is focused and selfless.

“The youths are the owners of APC agenda  because it is their interest that the party is fighting to protect through creation of  employment, sound economic development and prudent management of resources. A new Nigeria means having a government that will tackle poverty and underdevelopment, “ he said.
Continuing, he said the party would within four years in office build four refineries so as to drastically change the current of overdependence on the importation of petroleum products.
“Shame to a nation with the enormous oil resource potential but has no refineries. In four years, APC will build four refineries to put a stop to the circle of product scarcity and subsidy scams in the country, “ he said.
On his part,  the former National Chairman of the defunct All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, said APC would leave up to its objective to serve the interest of the Nigerian people by doing something urgently  to address the failings of governance in the last 13 years.
He said a new Nigeria envisioned by the opposition party is a country where there is justice and equity, where no Nigerian would be marginalised anywhere in the country no matter his tribe or religion.
The former Minister of the Federal Capital Teritory (FCT), Mallam Nasir el-Rufai, said when APC talks about fighting corruption, there are evidences of commitment by the party to lead by example, adding that the performances of its governors in the states under the party’s control should serve as a pointer to what change it intends to bring on board in governance.
The Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, who set the ball rolling on the launching of the party’s road map, described APC as something completely new in Nigerian politics.
He said the party was determined to do things differently from how they have ever been done before.
He said: “We are just not going to talk about change; we’re going to embody change.
“No party in more than 15 years has done what we’ll do today. Publicly, and most importantly, together as a party, we tell Nigeria what we believe in a meeting, not in a rally, not in the middle of a political campaign.
“We can’t accept a government that cannot account to us or we can change it and build a new Nigeria."
According to Fashola, what stands APC out from other parties is that the party has got a road map for development of Nigeria and code of ethics for our members which will regulate the activities of party members whether in government or out of it.
He said the party was committed to doing things differently by resolving to fight corruption while striving to provide employment for the youths.
While delivering a lecture,  former Vice-President of the World Bank, Mrs. Obiageli Ezekwesili, who was invited by the APC to unveil its road map, urged members of the party  to be ready to accept the challenges inherent in seeking to tackle the ills of our country’s governance.
The former Minister of Education and Chairman of the Nigeria Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (NEITI) reminded everyone that inasmuc has the need to get things is a highly desired one, the application of requisite corrective measures might indeed unsettle even some who are now initiating the process.
Ezekwesili told the gathering that she had accepted to deliver the lecture not as a politician with any interest except for the superior interest to help build a better Nigeria.
She cautioned the APC against focussing on just pushing PDP out of office by all means, adding that the party must realise that Nigerians whom it intends to govern must be alive to witness the promises of good tidings.
While welcoming party leaders, the interim National Chairman, Chief Bisi Akande, said the party would do all it could to attend to the needs of the youths and to provide them with jobs.
Another key stakeholder in APC and former governor of the crisis-ridden Borno, Senator Modu Sheriff, drew the attention of the party leaders to the need to recognise the contributions of the founding members of the party and carry them along in running the affairs of the party.
“Today we are sitting as APC trying to chart the course of moving Nigeria forward. We are here today talking about how PDP is bad and how to change things but we must try to do things properly. Today, if we go to elections, APC might score 80 per cent but if care is not taken what happened to PDP may probably happen to APC,” he said.
Kano State Governor, Rabiu Kwakwanso, said APC  was a blessing to him and Nigeria, adding that without the formation of the party, he would not have known where to go after PDP.
Zamfara Governor, Abdul Aziz Yari, said if independent rating agencies were to be allowed to rate PDP’s performance in the last 13 years, the resounding verdict would be a highest rating on corruption.
Imo State Governor, Chief Rochas Okorocha, said the new mantra should be for everyone to de-emphasise  tribe and ethnicity in the conduct of affairs in the country.
Edo State Governor, Adams Oshiomhole, said while the statistics being bandied around portrayed the country’s economy as doing well, there was a mounting unemployment and poverty in the land.
Attacking claims by the federal government of having generated employment, he said giving SURE-P jobs to party thugs could not translate into providing employment to jobless Nigerians.
Other leaders who spoke at the event,  Audu Ogbeh, Segun Osoba, Tom Ikimi, Senator Chris Ngige and Senator Bukola Saraki,  all agreed that a major challenge facing the country is how to rescue the economy and provide employment for the youths.
However, the PDP dismissed the manifesto  as a road map to anarchy and a product of janjaweed ideology.
According to the PDP spokesman, Olisah Metuh,  who issued a statement, “The manifesto lacks character, depth and completely addressed no issue.”
He said: “The manifesto which ranked security of lives and  property low and  gave no clue as to its preparedness to tackle  terrorism was a tacit acknowledgment that the APC may be benefiting
from the mayhem and knows more than meets the eyes about the spate of terror attacks in the country."


I Have ‘No Fear’ Of Boko Haram Says General Buhari

By SaharaReporters, New York
In an exclusive and wide ranging interview with Sahara TV, General Muhammadu Buhari said that he is a man with no fear, and that he was confident in Nigeria’s future. His comments on the current state of affairs covered politics, recent disclosures of the alleged wide -ranging theft by Sani Abacha, a former head of state, the upcoming National conference, and whether he is considering yet another run for office in 2015.
But perhaps the most surprising comments during the wide topic Skype interview with Sahara TV, were the former General’s comments, and his posture of walking in confidence. This comes in spite of being a major target of Nigeria’s most vicious terrorist group, Boko Haram. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, said that he has no fear of Boko Haram.
“I am not bothered by them (targeting me,”) said the general who describes himself as a proud Muslim. The resident of Nigeria’s northwestern region said that the “government has given me adequate protection,” even amid recent strikes by the Boka Haram that has left carnage in much of the northeast.
Muhammadu Buhari took sharp aim at what he called the cowardly targeting of children in playgrounds, school students eating lunch, and shoppers at souks, by the radical Islamist group.
In a recent interview with the Voice of America, the general referred to Boko Haram as “Devilish,” and he did not let up when pressed further by Sahara  TV’s Rudolf Okonkwo. “Nigeria has the capacity to nip this in the bud,” he said, adding that one way to fight the group, and other would-be terrorists organizations is coming to agreements with neighboring countries, like Chad, Cameroon, and Benin Republic over the unauthorized circulation of weaponry, and training grounds. 
In perhaps his most surprising comments about Boko Haram, he compared the group with the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the tenure of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The two groups, he noted, were similar, and so are the comparisons of issues surrounding the Nigerian army’s tarnished reputation fighting the group, and its relationship with average citizens. The same criticisms of rape, brutality, and distain of the public were leveled against the British forces, as is the case now with the Nigerian army.
“The Nigerian military’s primary responsibility is to protect its citizens,” he said. Yet, according to several human rights groups, the Nigerian military has come under fire with wide reports of rape, theft, and outright brutality. It is the same sort of criticism British forces were targeted with while fighting the IRA, the general said.
He said he believes the Nigerian army has been properly trained to fight insurgents out-of-uniform, when compared with other countries.
On other topics, the general was less forthcoming, and seemed evasive about his own future, and his party’s plans for the upcoming 2015 elections. This evasiveness carried over to subjects ranging from the recently frozen assets of Sani Abacha by U.S. officials; the soon-to-come national convention; his receiving an award from sitting president Goodluck Jonathan during centenary celebrations; and the fear of a Buhari presidency among Nigeria’s elite.
The general said that the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was an important lesson for Nigerians, and the world. He said, (“the) multi-party system is best for Nigeria, and (Not one party rule.”)
On receiving an award from President Goodluck Jonathan, Buhari during centenary celebrations, he said that it is important for a nation to look at itself after one hundred years. While others rejected receiving awards from the sitting president, Buhari accepted his without fanfare. But he was cagey on whether or not a past leader should receive such an award if there had been disclosures of wrong-doing while in office. He called the issuance of such awards “the beauty of the system” inside Nigeria. Yet, that passing on awards should “not be a difficult thing” if past leaders declare their assets, before and afterwards in receiving such an award.
Without directly naming the sitting president, he did say that the current government is “shy about punishing past wrong-doers.” Adding that some governments are “restrained” by constitutional rules to punish.
As for the 2015 election, he would not commit on whether he would enter the race, but did say that his “supporters (within the party) are insisting he participate.” He said that he would watch the party process of selecting a candidate, including pre-election primaries. Should that end is a stalemate, he said that then he would consider another run.
There is the perception that the fate of his APC party is tied to what he decides to do in the coming election. But he bristled at that suggestion, saying that his party does have “strength on the ground,” regarding canvassing and ‘getting out the vote.’ Yet, those strengths are not tied to what he does, the general asserted.
On why many inside Nigeria’s elite fear him, he would only say “they know (the reason) why.” He said that he wants order and accountability in Nigeria’s government, and that government does need economic partners who share his view of de-riding corruption in government.
The upcoming national conference is unnecessary, and in his view, was a process yet to be seen. He said that the National Assembly is in charge of the government, and nation, and that they can amend the constitution if need be. He decried the 7 billion dollars that is being spent on the national conference.
On how he wants to be remembered, and whether or not he as plans to write a memoir on his time in the military, and time as head of state, Buhari said he has already started putting pen-to-paper on that effort. He wants to be remembered as a man who pushed for democracy, and who did not give up.
He said that he is an optimist, despite all of the challenges currently facing Nigeria, but added that the current state of affairs is “a shame for all.” His attempts at political office in the 2003, 2007 and 2011 elections was his attempt, he said, “to make democracy work straight.”
The country’s ‘brain drain’ is a concern, he said. With so many of Nigeria’s professional class living abroad, the nation suffers in ways not immediately apparent to observers.
Gen. Muhammadu Buhari’s comments were wide ranging, but his stance on Boko Haram is sure to gain attention. In spite of it, he said, “the country can be mobilized, and that gives me hope."


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Waivers Fraud : Punch Newspaper Rips Okonjo-Iweala’s TEDxEuston London Speech

Minister for Finance, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
By Punch Editorial Board
What do you do when you find yourself in a slimy hole?  Wisdom dictates that you stop digging. But for Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Finance Minister and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, this treasured American dictum makes no sense as far as the issue of the corruption-drenched waivers and exemptions goes. In yet another desperate attempt to defend the misuse and abuse of import duty waivers, exemptions and concessions, she pointedly singled out The PUNCH for attack, accusing this newspaper of “trivializing corruption” at the TEDxEuston forum in faraway London.
In her latest blunder, she once again faulted our insistence that import duty waivers have become, in the hands of successive Nigerian governments, instruments of massive corruption and not of economic stimulation as she claims. After “entertaining” her audience with what she called “a whole series of newspapers with their negative reports,” the minister went on, “I had an example recently of this trivialization from one of our national newspapers, ‘The PUNCH newspaper’; they claimed that a government policy where we give incentives to industries or business people to spur them to invest in the economy was a bunch of corruption.”
But if you accuse someone of lying, you must be prepared to prove it. If you are a government minister, backed by all the power and integrity that should go with the position, that onus of proof becomes double. Not our eminent minister. As she was grandstanding in London, fresh revelations were being made back home of the magnitude of the loss to the economy of the fraudulent waivers.
The minister, in her response to a 50-point query from the House of Representatives, had claimed that only N170.73 billion worth of waivers and exemptions were granted in three years. She said waivers and exemptions worth N55.96 billion were granted in 2011, N55.34 billion in 2012 and N59.42 billion in 2013.
But her figures contrast sharply with the document from the Nigerian Customs Service. The NCS had said N603 billion was lost in duties that should have been collected between January and September last year alone.  She will also need to convince Nigerians that the Daily Trust report of January 22, 2014, How Nigeria lost N1.4 trillion to waivers between 2011 and 2013, is wrong and hers right.  The report alleged that N480 billion was lost in 2011 and a similar figure in 2012. Though the NCS denied “making any accusation of corruption in the implementation of the waivers” in a newspaper advertorial, it nevertheless confirmed that “the document credited to it was presented to the National Assembly in November 2013 upon invitation of the latter to explain shortfalls in projected revenue collection.”
Significantly, her false declaration that The PUNCH “did not even look” at her published list of waiver beneficiaries is proving to be in character. Her fighting words:  “So, when the newspaper wrote an editorial and said this was corruption. We pointed out that, ‘Yes, in the past, it wasn’t good but now we have been running a different system for two years.’ They dared us to publish those who got these waivers; and guess what? Last week, we sent it to them; yes we did. But you know what? They refused to even look at it. And they continued to insist that this was excess bite of corruption.”
This is unfair and patently false. We duly reported her claims in a story, “Nigeria lost N65.23bn to waivers in 24 months,” on December 2, 2013. Yes, we insist that, in spite of her celebrated reform, the waiver regime, even under her watch, is still dogged by corruption because her flaunted list further reinforced our position. We found waivers granted to the Gombe Central Mosque in 2011 to import 13 cartons of the Koran and carpets, and waiver to the Catholic Church, Makurdi to import children’s Bibles. What is the economic trade-off in these? In 2012, the Akwa Ibom State Government got a waiver of N271.2 million for a private aircraft, while Taraba got N13.06 million for a helicopter. In 2013, Rivers State got waivers worth N2.18 billion for a Bombardier aircraft and two Bell 412 helicopters.
The minister’s propensity to defend scandals and question even credible findings is distressing. How do waivers for aircraft to accommodate the luxurious lifestyles of state governors boost the economy or create jobs? How many jobs were created by the N450.7 million waivers to massage the First Lady’s ego to host the African Women Peace Mission, an NGO? How about the waivers given to the National Sports Commission for “motor spare parts”? Or the N141.2 million to the Delta State Government in 2013 for furniture? Nigerians need explanations also for the waiver of the N5.9 million to the Maiduguri Central Mosque in 2012 and N14 million for the “Watchtower Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses” to import “building materials and cabinet parts for kitchen door drawers.”
This is not all. The Customs were also cited to have reported how under “other goods,” as listed in the categories for concessions, goods such as fish, bulletproof vehicles and kola nuts were imported. How do these create jobs in Nigeria or stimulate local production? The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, Mohammed Makarfi, said the upper chamber had found that waivers were being granted for goods that had no benefit to Nigerians. He deplored the revenue shortfall of the NCS amounting to N243.69 billion in 2013 due to factors that included questionable waivers, concessions and exemptions. The PUNCH did not make up any of these allegations.
Sadly, under Okonjo-Iweala’s watch, the abuse of waivers by beneficiaries is still rampant. No one can discountenance the testimonies of the business community that has unanimously condemned the misuse and abuse of the system.
Just how deep is this cesspool? N603 billion in nine months or N1.4 trillion in three years, or N65 billion in two years or N171 billion in three years as she claims? Only our all-knowing coordinating minister has the answer. One sure clue is that she had not convincingly faulted the perverse results of the policy. But her arrogance will not allow her to admit publicly what everyone knows, including the audience of young people she addressed in the United Kingdom. The National Assembly should probe this economic rip-off.
The waiver issue will not vanish as she appears to wish. Highlighting it in the mass media does not distract from the destructive issue of corruption that has laid Nigeria low, rather, it places it on the front burner of public discourse. She does her reputation no good by continuing to defend a corrupt system and talking down at critics and stakeholders. The use of waivers here is corruption-driven and it is the responsibility of every Nigerian to put a halt to this abuse. Okonjo-Iweala cannot solve the problem as long as she continues to live in denial or to take every criticism personal. Safeguarding public finance is not about personal ego or intolerance for public scrutiny by public officials.
The grave flaw in Okonjo-Iweala’s temperament is the arrogance that makes her believe her own myth. She really thinks she is performing an economic miracle when she has done nothing of the sort as the economy is still in trouble. It is such a letdown that we are not even sure if she has any intention of getting off her high horse. Her hectoring as if she is the only one that understands the strategic economic use of waivers and concessions is rather odd and amusing.
Our waiver policy is set on the wrong course. Rather than us, it is Okonjo-Iweala that is trivialising corruption the same way she failed to confront the massive fuel subsidy fraud of 2011 before the January 2012 mass protests across the country silenced her and her specious experts.  She is up to the same bullying tactics rather than investigate the complaints of Customs, business operators, lawmakers and the media that beneficiaries routinely abuse and misapply the waivers. It is still a system driven by corruption and patronage.
As for The PUNCH, our long-standing reputation for objectivity and as champions of the anti-corruption war cannot be assailed by a temporary occupant of public office. This is our stand.