Friday, 1 July 2016
THE GODFATHER - The Drama, Greed, Assassination, Deceit, Bribery, Looting and...
Akilu had just returned from a military training in India at the time and Babangida recommended him for appointment as the head of the Secret Service. Idiagbon by-passed Akilu and slighted Babangida by not consulting with him to confirm the new head of the Secret Service from the army.
Gloria Okon was arrested at the Murtala Mohammed Airport trying to smuggle cocaine out of the country. Gloria claimed to be a courier for the family of one of the two high ranking military officers deeply involved in the Supreme Military Council’s palaver. Gloria was quickly smuggled out of the country and a carcass burnt beyond recognition of a human body, was left in her prison room to deceive the authorities. As Gloria’s drama was playing out, Abiola brought a large consignment of banned newsprint into the country, forcing Idiagbon to insist on the arrest of Chief M.K.O Abiola.
All sorts of calamitous events kept rolling out at the time, including the arrest of one Ikuomola for trying to smuggle a large consignment of cocaine out of the country. He indicted a son of one of the Dantatas and they were both tried and sentenced to death. The Dantata family mounted pressure on the Supreme Military Council to commute the sentence to life. The issue heightened the division among the Supreme Military Council members, with the Gloria Okon’s high ranking military benefactor, siding with the Dantatas naturally.
Idiagbon insisted that if poor people found with cocaine could be punished with death sentence, why should the rich and affluent be spared? Idiagbon also wanted the lawyer, (a Rivers state chap who had received some four million naira as legal fees on the case at the time), to be shot along with the drug barons for benefiting from the evil.
The schism between Idiagbon and Babangida totally paralyzed the Supreme Military Council and it could no longer function. Idiagbon forced compulsory leave on Babangida, under close surveillance with tapped telephone lines and all. Chief M.K.O Abiola saw the opportunity to save his neck from the newsprint saga by teaming up with his friend, Babangida, and he provided the seed money for a coup.
Through the facilities of Abiola and the Dantatas, Yar Adua was brought into the picture to help influence the Saudi Arabian monarch to extend a special invitation to Idiagbon as a guest of the monarch, to perform the 1985 Lesser Hajj in Mecca. Idiagbon felt greatly honoured by the invitation and took with him to Mecca, most of his supporters on the splintered Supreme Military Council, including Mamman Vasta.
With Idiagbon (who was the head of the Buhari’s regime in every sense of the word, and was very popular because of his transparent honesty, patriotism, and discipline), out of the way, Buhari (who was ready to vacate office anyway), was picked up like a helpless chicken at Doddan Barracks, and dumped in jail. Idiagbon, against the coupists’ advice, returned home a people’s hero, although locked up for several months too by Babangida.
Luckily, it did not take too long for Babangida to begin to reveal his secret agenda. He had removed Idiagbon/Buhari from power to douse the heated allegation at the time about illegal drug links and to help the IMF/World Bank ruin the naira and open up the Nigerian market as dumping ground for American and European junk and decadence. The marginalization of the naira suited Babangida’s Machiavellian streak to blunt prospects of mass protests with abject poverty, hunger, and basic survival pre-occupations. For example, the terroristic power of massive foreign exchange loot in a private hand, is limitless as a tool for forcing pauperized populace to acquiesce to the self-perpetuation antics of a potential despot.
Babangida’s first pronouncement in power was to shock the nation by adopting the civilian title of president. He did this because of a secret personal ambition kept to himself, to transit into life president in the mould of Presidents Nasir of Egypt and Eyadema of Togo, and also because of his agreement to make Chief Abiola his Vice President for collaborating over their 1985 coup. Abacha kicked against Abiola becoming Vice President because he was eyeing Babangida’s seat in a possible future coup of his own and wanted to remain the defacto next in command, in military terms, for eventual easy take over excuse.
Babangida promised Yar Adua a short-lived military transition after which he would hand over power to Yar Adua. That was why Yar Adua kept boasting during the early stages of Babangida’s regime, that no force on earth could stop him becoming the next president of Nigeria. This prompted Obasanjo’s statement at the time that Yar Adua must have forgotten something at the state house.
Babangida was so single minded, self-centered, and power-drunk, he single-handedly forced OIC membership on Nigeria without respect for our supposed religious secularity. He used every means imaginable to assert his power. Spiritual, criminal, everything was fair in his ruthless power game. The gods of the Marabouts became privileged guests at Aso Rock, lacing it with severe witchcraft, which was later vigorously sustained by Abacha.
If the physical failed, the metaphysical was handy in the human blood bath for power. Blood was the language in the cultish game for total control. Fear gripped the land. Who was going to be the next victim? Life was scary and worthless. I bet, corridor of power social acolytes of the time like the Arisekolas, Adedibus and the Akinyeles, could write blood-cuddling masterpieces on the mysteries of the season. Assassinations were rampant, sophisticated and comprehensive, incorporating bombings and dare-devil forages. Media houses were burnt or closed down, and critics of government were murdered, incarcerated or hounded into exile. Plane loads of promising young army officers lost their lives in questionable circumstances. Others appeared to have been sacrificed in distant land civil wars.
The Ejigbo military Hercules crash that killed an elite corp. of army captains and majors returning to their Jaji training base, is a typical example of the terrible human carnage visited upon us at the time by a desperate tyrant bent on holding on to power indefinitely at all costs. The plane was doctored and it crashed a few seconds after take-off from the Murtala Mohammed airport. No rescue attempt was ordered or made until 24 hours after the crash and even then, the inadequate facilities of a private company, (Julius Berger), were relied upon. Forty-eight hours after the crash, a warm body was still found suggesting that some lives could have been saved if rescue operations had commenced minutes after the crash.
Apart from the needless assassinations of possible opponents and rivals for power, there were totally senseless ones too, such as the death of Murtala Mohammed’s first son immediately after visiting the seat of power. It was generously reported in the press at the time. The allegation was that during the friendly, private visit, the young man was asked if he would be prepared to do a job. The young chap said he could not say until he was told what the job was. When told that he was to help facilitate the elimination of Chief Abiola, the young man said he couldn’t because Abiola was like a father to him. The host then quickly dismissed the suggestion as if it had been a joke and asked how the young man travelled to the state house. “By private car,” the young man said. “You are going about without security?” the host asked, pretending to look alarmed, and detailed some security officers to escort the young man to his Minna destination. The body of the young man was later that day found in his car on the route between the seat of power and Minna.
One of the documents we received was on Gloria Okon. We could not use the information in Nigeria at the time because no newspaper would dare publish it, so I arranged for Ejike Nwankwo, my bosom friend, to take the documents to his senior brother, Chief Arthur Nwankwo, who was in political exile in London at the time. The idea was for Arthur Nwankwo to have the Gloria Okon’s story published in the Manchester Guardian, but Arthur decided to delay publication until he could use the immunity of the Nigerian Senate, which he was aspiring to join in Babangida’s best time as a member, to make the story public.
Senior members of the Ministry of Information, and of the Daily Times at the time, and a director of Newswatch, were not totally ignorant about what was going on in Babangida’s government. In fact, Abacha at a point, asked the boss of the Ministry of Information to frame up Dele Giwa. The boss being a principled and die-hard journalist, argued that it was difficult to frame up journalists.
Babangida’s boys went ahead to frame up Giwa anyway. Three days before they killed Dele Giwa, Col. A. K. Togun, the deputy Director of Babangida’s State Security Service (the SSS), invited Giwa to his office and accused him of involvement in the importation of arms while linking Giwa with other persons alleged to be trying to stage a socialist revolution in Nigeria. At the meeting, agreement was reached, and Babangida, through his emissaries, promised to meet Giwa’s terms. Two days before Giwa’s murder, Akilu allegedly phoned Giwa’s home to ask for direction because Babangida’s ADC “has something for him, an invitation or something.”
Dele Giwa allegedly invited the overseas editor of Newswatch at the time to be around. Obviously, Giwa took the president’s promise more seriously than his colleagues at the Newswatch. This was why, when Giwa received the parcel and confirmed that it was from the President, his guest’s first reaction was to dash off to take cover in the toilet adjacent to the room where Giwa opened the parcel bomb. The guest escaped death by the whiskers and blasted eardrums. Tagum, when asked by Airport Correspondents on October 27, 1986, about Giwa’s bombing inadvertently confirmed the blackmail reason for Giwa’s death when he said: “We came to a real agreement and one person cannot just come out and blackmail us. I am an expert on blackmail. If a motorcycle man suddenly dashed in front of a car and the driver kills the motorcycle man, another motorcycle man who was there would not say the motorcycle man who dashed in front of the car was wrong.
He would say the driver killed him, not that he killed himself”
An Arab terrorist, who was recruited to collaborate with a University of Ibadan chemistry don especially for the task, produced the bomb. The terrorist is alleged to have gone with Major Buba Marwa, Ogbeha and Gwazo, in a Peugeot station wagon car with fake license plate numbers, to deliver the bomb at Dele’s home. On arrival, they were told that Dele was not in, so they laid ambush near-by to watch movements in and out of Giwa’s premises.
As soon as Giwa was spotted entering his house, the allegation continues, the Arab terrorist offered to go and deliver the bomb, but his colleagues in crime stopped him on the grounds that a white man would look too suspicious for the job. Marwa, accompanied by Ogbeha, are alleged to have delivered the bomb to Dele’s son at the door, after which the crime team drove off to Mafoluku where they burned their delivery car. The same day, the Arab terrorist was flown out of Lagos, first to Kano, and eventually out of the country.
Major Buba Marwa was at the time rewarded with the rank of Lt. Col. and posted to the Nigerian Embassy in Washington, USA, as the new Military Attaché. His rise in the Army was extremely rapid and as Col. returned home to be Governor of Lagos State. Armed robbers welcomed him to his new office with the kind of daredevilry never before experienced in Nigeria. Violence begets violence they say. The armed robbers raided from Mile two to Ikeja, even as he was passing by. Marwa panicked, so Babangida pumped unusual resources into Marwa’s coffers to ensure his success, which is the genesis of his tramping around as an achiever today. His private life does not suggest that he suffered in fool’s paradise.
Marwa, Ogbeha, and Gwazo, have since denied their alleged involvement in Dele Giwa’s murder. Marwa, who now owns an airline and, therefore, knows that it takes less than eight hours to fly across the Atlantic to Nigeria, argued that he was studying in the USA at the time. The implication of this, of course, was that it was impossible to take a few days off his studies.
Marwa, who rose to fame through IBB’s benevolence, is considered in military circles as one of the IBB boys, made up principally of the trusted cronies of the retired dictator. Accused of laundering money for IBB, Marwa again relied on the puerile argument that he was the Borno state governor in 1990, as if state governors are too busy governing diligently to travel out of Nigeria for a day or two, or even a week, on private businesses.
In December, 2005, when Marwa was detained for a couple of weeks by the EFCC, for laundering money for Abacha, he allegedly admitted that he had no choice in the matter as a military officer. He was only doing his duty. Of course, doing illegal duties loyally often goes with silencing, mouth-watering pecks, if nothing else.
In the area of managing the national economy, Babangida bestowed his adroitness and moral degeneracy. His economy was dominated by male-wives, particularly in the banking and oil sectors. Women often brag about the efficacy of ‘bottom’ power. Feminine men sometimes flaunt it too as their passport to economic liberation. Between them and the suddenly very lucrative 419 business of the time, industry was complete. IBB’s chiefs, allegedly colluded with 419 criminals to create the over-night semi-illiterate money-bags without class or shame, (including the 150 members of the National Assembly, that in 2005 sent IBB a birthday card), and who together now form the bulk of his supporters and campaigners, to return him to power.
Babangida (sapped) or totally wiped the middle class out of existence with the destruction of the naira, which he did by fiat in 1985, when he down graded the naira exchange rate from about N2 to N18 to the dollar. By the time he was forced out of office in 1993, the naira was exchanging at N60 to the dollar. Society was now reduced to two social classes of either the very poor or the rich rogues.
Babangida first concentrated on pulverizing his military base by tinkering with the 1985 Decree 17, to give himself sole authority to fire his military chiefs, including the chief of general staff; chairman, joint chiefs of staff; service chiefs, and the inspector general of police. General Domkat Bali said at the time: “Babangida must have known what he was aiming at if you now take those powers of the President as civilian, and you now put them on any army officer who then sits with other army officers, in the name of Supreme Military Council, SMC, who are useless to him, whom he can change tomorrow, that means that name is not Supreme at all.”
Bali was provoked to leave the government when he was demoted from the position of Minister of Defence to that of Internal Affairs. Ukiwe, a senior naval officer, who was IBB’s deputy, was forced to retire even before Bali did, for demonstrating patriotic zeal in defense of team spirit, over our IOC membership saga.
Gideon Orkar’s failed coup of April 22, 1990, provided Babangida with the opportunity to further purge the military. With total control over the military, IBB was ready to pursue his President-for- life agenda, (starting) by dismissing his S. J. Cookie’s Political Bureau programme for the return to civil rule by 1990.
For over eight years, Babangida kept shifting his handing over date and juggling his transition programme by arbitrarily banning and unbanning politicians, particularly the known opponents of military rule. He spent N40 billion on his endless transition programme, and bribed all and sundry, including the NLC with N50 million, NUJ with N20 million, PMAN with N30 million, and so on, to try to silence them. He attempted to compromise some vocal critics by settling them, and those he could not recruit, he sacked where possible, or detained, or killed, or hounded into exile.
Less than two years into his rule in 1987, IBB announced that he was planning to bequeath a lasting legacy of civil rule, through a gradual learning political process. Four years into his regime in 1989, he lifted for the first time his ban on partisan politics, and set up two political parastatals. One was called the Social Democratic Party (SDP), and the other was the National Republican Convention (NRC).
The handing over date to civilian government was postponed once again from late 1990 to the 1st of October 1992. He allowed elections to be held into the local governments in 1990, and in 1991, Babangida instigated intra party squabbles to find excuse to ban 12 of the candidates participating in the governorship elections. Candidates replacing the disqualified ones had barely one week to campaign.
Elections into the State Assemblies miraculously held without too much acrimony, followed shortly afterwards by elections into the National Assembly. In all the elections, known individuals strongly against Babangida or the military in power were sidelined, banned, or hounded into exile, prominent among whom were Ibrahim Tahir of the NPN, Sam Mbakwe, Chris Okolie, Wahab Dosumu, Ebenezer Babatope, etc.
Allegation of massive rigging was invoked on 17 November, 1992, to ban Adamu Ciroma and Shehu Musa Yar Adua, who had emerged from party primaries as presidential candidates for the NRC and the SDP respectively, and 21 other presidential aspirants, (including Chief Arthur Nzeribe, Chief Olu Falae, Alhaji Lateef Jakande and Alhaji Umar Shinkafi), from participating in the scheduled August 1992 presidential election, and all other future elections. The trick was that Babangida was gradually narrowing the field of potential presidential materials to himself. Remember that Babangida had promised Yar Adua the Presidency when Yar Adua helped to actualize the 1985 coup that brought Babangida to power. The ban did not go down well with the political elite in general, and particularly with Yar Adua who had assumed he would take over leadership from Babangida.
With the ban, Babangida once again postponed his handing over date from October 1st 1992, to Dec 5, 1992. Soon after, Babangida mandated the National Electoral Commission (NEC), to conduct the presidential primaries of the political parties, and he again fixed a new date of January 3, 1993, for the handing over of the reigns of power to a civilian government. Bribery, thuggery, rigging, ethnic cleavages, etc., ruined the NEC supervised political parties’ presidential primaries, resulting in the dissolution of party executives, who were replaced by Sole Administrators, and National Coordinators. Handing over date was once again postponed to August 27, 1993.
Baba Gana Kingibe, who was the SDP chairman before the dissolution of the party executives, and was then supposed to be managing the affairs of Yar Adua, was alleged to have received Babangida’s backing and financial support to aspire as presidential candidate obviously to cause confusion in Yar Adua’s political camp. Kingibe pasted his campaign posters all over the place, causing bad blood between himself and Yar Adua, which spilled into the Jos SDP convention of 1993.
In the meantime, Babangida was busy creating anarchy in the ranks of the politicians by introducing his modified open ballot system, and insisting that presidential aspirants go through tedious ward, local government, and state congresses. This eventually produced two presidential aspirants for each of the states, plus two for the FCT, and the unwieldy 62 presidential aspirants had to go through further elimination processes, at various national congresses, before the Jos (SDP), and Port-Harcourt (NRC), conventions of 1993.
Several irregularities were observed at the party conventions and a lot of money changed hands.
Alhaji Bashir Tofa for the NRC, and Bashorun M.K.O Abiola for the SDP, emerged as the presidential flag bearers. Babangida who was unhappy that progress was being made in the presidential election process was further pissed-off when his nominee, Pascal Bafyau, the ex-NLC president, as Abiola’s running mate, (to spy on and undermine Abiola), was rejected by Abiola. Abiola also upset Yar Adua’s calculations, by not accepting Abubakir Atiku as his running mate, and choosing Baba Gana Kingibe instead.
Of course, the emergence at last of promising presidential candidates for both parties was not a very palatable option for Abacha too who was still nursing the dream to succeed Babangida although pretending to be on the side of Babangida. Abacha misled Babangida to think of him as a possible ally, so the scene was set for Babangida to feel that if he annulled the election, he would have the support of Abacha, Yar Adua and other perceived, powerful enemies of Abiola, including a leading traditional ruler in the South-West.
Babangida, in his determination to scuttle the presidential election at all cost, promulgated Decree 13, forbidding the presidential flag bearers of the two political parties from doing anything whatsoever that would influence members of the public to vote for them at the election scheduled for June 12 1993. Then Babangida empowered NEC to disqualify any of the candidates at will, and as a (final) fall back strategy, to scuttle our democratic dream, he set up his Association for Better Nigeria (ABN) party, using Senator Arthur Nzeribe as proxy.
On June 10, 1993, at the unholy hour of 9.30 pm, late Justice Ikpeme, who was appointed a few days earlier and hurriedly transferred from Lagos to Abuja, granted a court order to the ABN, restraining the NEC Chairman Humphrey Nwosu, from conducting the Presidential election on June 12, 1993.
The Director of the United States Information Service (USIS) in Nigeria at the time, Mr. O’Brien, warned that the US government would not be happy if the June 12 election was cancelled. Babangida panicked, and although he declared O’Brien persona non grata and ordered him out of the country in his personal interest, Babangida allowed Nwosu to go ahead with the election.
The election was adjudged by the international and local observers monitoring it and by the two political parties involved, as the fairest and freest in the history of Nigeria. By the evening of June 14 1993, more than 50% of the election results had been authenticated and released by NEC, showing that SDP’s Moshood Abiola had swept the polls.
To everyone’s surprise, Babangida suddenly ordered NEC not to release any more results. On June 23, 1993, Babangida gave an unsigned statement to Nduka Irabor, his press secretary, announcing the cancellation of the presidential election on the radio. The unsigned statement was a strategy to allow Babangida to deny its authenticity, should Nigeria begin to boil over the announcement. Nigerians had become too hungry and docile to react.
Babangida annulled the June12 election entirely on his own, based on his selfish, personal agenda to rule indefinitely. Before annulling the election, he rallied the connivance and support of some critical Emirs and a leading Yoruba traditional ruler known to be antagonistic to Abiola’s political ambition, and the signatures of a bunch of political and military apologists (or jobbers), tagged the G-34, on a document entitled ‘Peace Pact,’ in endorsement of his annulment of the June 12, 1993, elections.
The G-34 comprised of the following members of the military junta and leaders of the two political parties, the SDP and the NRC: Admiral Augustus Aikhomu, Chief Earnest Shonekan who eventually headed Babangida’s contraption called the Interim National Government (ING), General Shehu Musa Yar’ardua, Alhaji Sule Lamido, Alhaji Adamu Ciroma, Amb. Dele Cole, Chief Tony Anenih, Chief Jim Nwobodo, Brig-Gen David A. B Mark, Alhaji Abubakar Rimi, Alhaji Olusola Saraki, Chief Dapo Sarumi, Chief Joseph Toba, Chief Bola Afonja, Dr. Hammed Kusamotu, Dr. Okechukwu Odunze, Prof. Eyo Ita, Y. Anka, Alhaji Bashir Dalhatu, Chief Tom Ikimi, Barrister Joe Nwodo (who signed with reservations) , Dr. Bawa Salka, Alhaji Abba Murtala Mohammed, Alhaji Abdulrahman Okene, Lt. Gen Joshua Dongoyaro, Lt. Gen Aliyu Mohammed Gusau, Brig-Gen John Shagaya, Brig-Gen Anthony Ukpo, Halilu A. Maina, Alhaji Bawa Salka, Mr. Amos Idakula, Mr. Theo Nikire, Alhaji A. Ramalan, Alhaji A.
Mohammed. Many of these traitors are still making decisions for Nigeria today.
Babangida’s military constituency, by and large, was against the annulment. Abacha saw his opportunity to act, and with the backing of the armed forces of Nigeria, warned Babangida that he would be entirely on his own after the August 27, 1993, handing over date. Babangida in fear, concocted and swore in an illegal arrangement he called the Interim National Government, ING, to take over office from August 27, 1993. After swearing in his ING on August 26, 1993, Babangida who was supposed to be pulled out of the army in the military tradition, played all sorts of pranks to delay the event from to 1.00pm and then to 3.00pm, when the Nigerian army removed Babangida’s guards from the Eagle Square to warn him that his time was up.
There is this strong allegation among the rank and file of the armed forces, and members of the defense correspondence of our newspapers attached to the seat of power, that Babangida arranged, in the last couple of weeks before leaving office, for several armoured vehicle loads of newly printed naira notes to be delivered daily to his new Minna palatial abode obviously with the connivance of Abacha, perhaps as his mentor’s retirement benefit.
Abacha and Babangida had several serious financial problems with Abiola but one of them takes the cake. It was over some foreign war booty amounting to US$215m. It is alleged that Babangida had asked Abiola to help launder it when Babangida was in office but Abiola was not interested.
Babangida allegedly side-stepped Abiola and eventually prevailed upon a member of Abiola’s family in the custom of family friendship, to rescue the situation. Then the person suddenly died. It is further alleged that Abiola was asked to return the money and he truthfully and honestly said he knew noting about it and even if there was such a thing, he had no authority over the matter. Then he was asked to pressurize the children of the deceased to play ball.
Abiola refused, arguing that he had no legal or moral right to do so. The kids of the deceased wanted Abiola released but Abiola was too principled to succumb to blackmail so the powers that be decided early after his arrest, that he would die in detention for declaring himself president.
The Gulf war oil windfall is Babangida’s often-referenced loot. Abacha set up a panel headed by the highly respected economist, Pius Okigbo, in October, 1994, to reorganize the CBN. Okigbo’s panel discovered that $12.2 billion of the $12.4 billion accruable from the Gulf War excess crude oil sales was frittered away or unaccounted for, through nebulous or phantom projects that could not be traced. Only $206 million was left in the account. According to Okigbo, “disbursements were clandestinely undertaken while the country was openly reeling with crushing external debt overhead. These represent, no matter the initial justification for creating the account, a gross abuse of public trust. “
When Obasanjo in 2001, decided to look quietly into the missing NNPC’s US$12.2 billion Gulf war oil windfall linked to Babangida, it was found that the documents pertaining to the fraud had disappeared from the volts of the Central Bank. The brilliant, highly respected economist, Pius Okigbo who handled the investigations into the scam had private copies. Before he could deliver, he insisted on travelling to London against strong, wise, private, counsel, and he was wasted. Other members of the Okigbo panel had copies of the report anyway and were still alive.
Government miraculously found the CBN documents when it suited it, and aspects of the documents concerning IBB, were published during the threat by members of the House of Representatives to impeach President Obasanjo in July, 2005, because of speculations that IBB was one of the Northern elites fanning the plot.
Babangida was ruthless in the way he amassed his colossal wealth. First is the illegal self-allocation of free oil, sold on the spot market. Then he initiated the corrupt culture of maintaining a huge monthly security vote virtually as personal pocket money. Rather than repair our refineries, let alone to work at maximum capacity, IBB built private refineries in Cote d’Ivoire and the Republic of Benin, where he took our crude to refine and sell back to us as fuel.
John Fashanu, in a private investigation published in African Confidential early in Obasanjo’s current regime, discovered an alleged $6 billion debt buy-back scam by IBB between 1988 and 1993. Another $14.4 billion disappeared into off shore accounts as currency stabilization and debt buy-back scheme that actually cost $2.5 billion. One of the front-companies used, Growth Management, based in London, bought the debt for 10 cents per dollar and resold to the government at 45 cents to steal 35 cents per dollar. Fashanu was trying to recover about $17 billion for the Nigerian government only for the CBN to say they had no records of the deals. The records are out there abroad but cleaned out at home to conceal the (theft) deals.
The Wolfsberg Principles, an initiative of 11 banks and institutions across the world to fight serious international financial crimes, traced another $3 billion of our stolen money to Babangida’s accounts abroad, and $4.3 billion to Abacha’s.
Although Babangida used mostly fictitious names for his numerous accounts abroad, EFCC could zero in on some of the accounts by following up on the dusts raised early in 2003 over the financing of a leading Nigerian telecommunications project in which Babangida is alleged to own 75% shares. Mohammed fronts for his father on the authentic board of the company. Those claiming to have borrowed from foreign banks in the heat of the EFCC’s revelations at the time have not identified the collateral or sortie used. Documents on the loan supposed to have been granted on 9 February, 2001, was dated 28 August, 2006. The original ‘loan’ letter has not been presented. Apparently, Paribas Bank, based in Paris, was managing a slush fund from which investments in excess of US$400 million was made to buy into Alcatel, (the telecommunications’ partner technical partners), Bouygues Telecoms, Peugeot and Total finaelf.
Alcatel and Parabel National of France were worried at the time that their invoices for the telecom project were being inflated to launder funds by the supposed private owners of the sources of funds and that private cheques were being issued to finance the staggering project without recourse to borrowing from banks. They suspected illegal laundering of funds and threatened to withdraw collaboration on the project while alerting Interpol to investigate the sources of the private cheques being issued to finance the project.
IBB could not participate in Obasanjo’s 2003, inauguration ceremonies, because he was allegedly out of the country sorting out the Interpol queries on the Alcatel’s slush account alert, at the time. Even now, the telecoms’ financing details through Siemens etc, could be investigated by the EFCC tracing ghost cheques to issuing private sources of funds and their local and international banks to unravel possible laundering of funds.
Luscious contracts for the construction of Abuja were awarded to front-companies of his and his cronies, including Julius Berger and Arab Contractors that between them virtually single-handedly handled the construction of the new Federal Capital. The security danger of foreign companies solely constructing a country’s capital and having access to its structural secrets, including possible Presidential underground escape routes and military arsenal volts, is mind boggling to say the least, but that is an issue for another day.
The largest, most prestigious housing estate in Alexandra, Egypt’s leading holiday resort town, is alleged to belong to Babangida. Even Egyptians cannot afford his rent, which is alleged to be in dollars. All his tenants are rich foreigners and the staff of multi-national companies operating in Alexandra. The estate is alleged to have its own airport, which Babangida uses when he visits.
Babangida is alleged to own several other housing estates around the world, including houses on Bishop Avenue in London. He uses his London houses, it is alleged, as guest houses or gifts for people on his compromise list. He is considered generous with gifts of cars with their boots stuffed with naira notes when he wants some jobs done.
Perhaps you would want to join me to play the prude accountant, generous with figures. Let’s pretend that Babangida was a General throughout his service years in the Nigerian army. Again let’s assume he spent 30 years in the army and was paid N100,000 monthly (actually, salaries of Generals were less than N10,000 a month until recently) and he saved every kobo of his salary. He would be worth about N35,000,000 plus interest in the bank today. But Babangida’s 50 bedroom palatial abode in Minna is alleged to be conservatively worth billions of naira and he does not owe any bank on it.
In 2003, he threw a wedding party for his first daughter, which numbed the nation. Some 28 governors were in attendance, and in June 2004, he treated us to another dream-like political carnival during his son’s wedding. No one dared to ask where the money came from to set up such a palatial abode or scandalous and intimidating wedding carnivals in our jungle of abject poverty and hunger. Nigerians revelled in the lavish show of shame, hoodwinked by the audacity, the sumptuous food, the ambience, the vulgarity….. At least we saw our fellow Nigerians (albeit a handful of them), living it up on the money that could have guaranteed millions of Nigerians, active, regular employment indefinitely.
Almost all the principal characters involved in leadership tussles with Babangida since 1985, Abiola, Yar Adua, Idiagbon and even Abacha, have all died through induced cardiac arrest, lethal injection, poisoned food, gassed telephone handset, etc, etc, and my fear is whether Nigeria would survive the Godfather himself?
Sunday, 5 June 2016
The life of Muhammad Ali 1942-2016
As a boxer, Ali will be remembered as a three-time world heavyweight champion who won 56 bouts over a 21-year career.
James Reinl
Muhammad Ali, 1942-2016
Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Macellus Clay Jr on January 17, 1942, in Louisville KentuckyAged 22, he took on heavyweight champion Sonny Liston in Miami. He won and proclaimed to the world: "I am the world's greatest!"
Ali was the first man to win heavyweight titles three times
Ali attended his first Nation of Islam meeting in 1959 and converted to Sunni Islam in 1975
In 1967, he famously refused to fight in Vietnam, citing religious reasons
Married four times, he had seven daughters and two sons
He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1984, at the age of 43
Ali died late on June 3, 2016, in a hospital in Arizona after being admitted with respiratory problems
Ali's funeral will take place in Louisville
Ali is survived by his wife, the former Lonnie Williams, who knew him when she was a child, along with his nine children
Elvis Presley was the 20th century's king of Rock 'n' Roll, and Ali was the Elvis of Boxing, he once said.
Most of the time, Ali dispensed with comparisons or complex superlatives. He was, simply, "the Greatest".
If anybody took this self-congratulation for arrogance, Ali had an answer ready. "It's hard to be humble when you're as great as I am," he said.
He died on Friday aged 74, after a decades-long struggle with Parkinson's disease - a slowly worsening brain disorder that never wholly subdued one of the sporting world's biggest personalities.
As a boxer, he will be remembered as a three-time world heavyweight champion who won 56 bouts over a 21-year career.
Ali also made headlines outside of the ring with critiques of racism in the US, his conversion to Islam and a refusal to fight in the Vietnam War.
He was born in the American South of 1942 and the segregation era, taking his original name, Cassius Clay, from his father, a sign and mural painter. His mother, Odessa Clay, was a housemaid.
In 1954, it was Ali's quick tongue that got him into boxing.
The skinny 12-year-old sought out local police officer Joe Martin to report his red bicycle as stolen in his home town of Louisville, Kentucky.
Ali said he would whip the thief who had pinched his Christmas gift. Martin - who also ran a boxing gym - said Ali had better learn how to fight to come good on his threat.
Six years later, he won a gold medal in the 175-pound division at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome and launched his professional career.
Nation of Islam phase
A title fight against Sonny Liston won him fame in 1964. Ali was an underdog who became world heavyweight champion by pounding his rival to defeat in six rounds - a big upset in sports history.Two days later, he shocked the US again by embracing the Nation of Islam - a religious group that seeks to improve life for blacks in the US, but has been criticised for black supremacist ideas.
He also dropped what he called his "slave name" and became Muhammad Ali.
Ali's links with activist Malcolm X and his spiritual mentor, Elijah Muhammad, worried conservatives, but he was an inspiration for many.
"As a child, the first action figure my parents got me was of Muhammad Ali. For my generation, he was perhaps the largest and most influential pop culture icons for African-Americans and Muslims," Dawud Walid, from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an advocacy group, told Al Jazeera.
"In the civil rights era, he stood against the discrimination we've all faced in the US. He crystallised that mind-set of resistance and a feeling among many Muslims not to submit to stereotypes; that being Muslim is just as American as being Christian or Jewish."
Ali risked his career - and his reputation - to oppose the Vietnam War. Citing religious beliefs, he refused to serve in the US srmy and was subsequently arrested for committing a felony. "I ain't got no quarrel with them Vietcong," he said.
The conflict was broadly popular in the US at that time, and Ali was stripped of his titles, had his boxing license suspended and was found guilty of an offence at a 1967 trial. The US Supreme Court reversed the conviction four years later.
"He was ahead of the curve in calling the Vietnam War wrong and he doesn't get enough credit for that," Michael McPherson, director of the anti-war group, Veterans for Peace, told Al Jazeera.
"He was an African-American Muslim who criticised US foreign policy. It's hard to do that today; but back then, black people had to prove their allegiance, patriotism and belief in America. I wish we had more people who speak out when something is wrong."
Back in the ring in 1970, Ali continued to "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" against the likes of George Foreman and Joe Frazier.
He lost the Fight of the Century to Frazier at Madison Square Garden after 15 rounds in 1971, but beat him back four years later in the capital of the Philippines - the so-called Thrilla in Manila.
Rope-a-dope trick
Fans have questioned Ali's style: he held his hands low and backed away from punches, rather than dodging and weaving.His "rope-a-dope" trick of leaning back on the ropes to avoid blows helped him win a knockout victory against Foreman in a 1974 title fight - the Rumble in the Jungle - in Kinshasa, Zaire, now called the Democratic Republic of Congo.
As well as being able to take a punch, Ali fought with speed, courage and good footwork. He ranks among the greatest boxers of all time, alongside Sugar Ray Robinson, Joe Louis, Henry Armstrong and others.
He fought his final professional fight and married his fourth wife, Lonnie Williams, in the 1980s. Having left the hard-line Nation of Islam, Ali embraced the mainstream Sunni faith and remained politically active despite the onset of Parkinson's.
He met Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in 1990 and brokered the release of Americans who had been held hostage after the invasion of Kuwait. In 2011, he called on Iran to release the captive US hikers Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal.Ralph Ali, Frazier & Foreman we were 1 guy. A part of me slipped away, "The greatest piece"— George Foreman (@GeorgeForeman) June 4, 2016
One of Ali's most celebrated moments came in 1996, when he lit the cauldron at the opening ceremony to the Atlanta Olympics. His willingness to appear despite a visibly twitching arm touched many in the crowd.
It was a "moment of infinite sadness, yet supreme majesty", wrote Ken Rosenthal in The Baltimore Sun. Parkinson's Disease was "proving a more difficult opponent than Joe Frazier" for the champion.
The father-of-nine's less-frequent television appearances showed how even the cleverest and strongest men are worn down by a brain illness.
"Parkinson's sufferers say they can still think the things they thought before they had the disease - it just takes them a lot longer," Peter Schmidt, who heads research programmes at the National Parkinson Foundation, told Al Jazeera.
"You can imagine how hard it was for Ali, who joked around so much and for whom timing was so important. That's why he remained such an inspiration - even though he was so seriously affected, he was always joking and continued to have such an infectious personality."
While the sporting world has had many champions, few can match Ali for charisma and swagger.
In his own words: "I won't miss fighting, fighting will miss me."
Follow James Reinl on Twitter: @jamesreinl
Source: Al Jazeera
This is Micheal Jordan.
Michael Jordan was born in 1963, in the slums of Brooklyn, New York.
He had four siblings and his father's earnings were not sufficient to provide for the whole family.
He grew up in a poor neighbourhood. Exposed to mindless violence and heavy discrimination in the slums, he saw for himself only a hopeless future.
His father saw in Michael, a lost soul and decided to do something.
He gave Michael, who was 13 years old, a piece of used clothing and asked: "What do you think the value of this outfit would be?"
Jordan replied,"Maybe one dollar."
His father asked, "Can you sell it for two dollars? If you can sell it, it would mean that you are a big help to your family."
Jordan nodded his head, "I'll try, but no guarantee that I'll be successful."
Jordan carefully washed the cloth clean. Because they didn't have an iron, to smoothen the cloth, he levelled it with a clothes brush on a flat board, then kept it in the sun to dry. The next day, he brought the clothes to a crowded underground station. After offering it for more than six hours. Jordan finally managed to sell it for $2. He took the two dollar bill and ran home.
After that, everyday he looked for used clothing, washed and ironed it, and sold it in the crowd.
More than ten days later, his father again gave him a piece of used clothing, "Can you think of a way you can sell this for 20 bucks?"
Aghast, Jordan said, "How is it possible? This outfit can only fetch two dollars at the most."
His father replied, "Why don't you try it first? There might be a way."
After breaking his head for a few hours, finally, Jordan got an idea.
He asked for cousin's helpto paint a picture of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse on the garment. Then he tried to sell it in the school where the children of the rich study.
Soon a housekeeper, who was there to pick his master, bought that outfit for his master. The master was a little boy of only 10 years. He loved it so much and he gave a five dollar tip. 25 dollars was a huge amount for Jordan, the equivalent of a month's salary of his father.
When he got home, his father gave him yet another piece of used clothing, "Are you able to resell it at a price of 200 dollars?" Jordan's eyes lit up.
This time, Jordan accepted the clothes without the slightest doubt. Two months later a popular movie actress from the movie "Charlie's Angels", Farah Fawcett came to New York for her Movie promos. After the press conference, Jordan made his way through the security forces to reach the side of Farah Fawcett and requested her autograph on the piece of clothing. When Fawcett saw this innocent child asking for her autograph, she gladly signed it.
Jordan was shouting very excitedly, "This is a jersey signed by Miss Farah Fawcett, the selling price is 200 dollars!" He auctioned off the clothes, to a businessman for a price of 1,200 dollars!
Upon returning home, his father broke into TEARS and said, "I am amazed that you did it My child! You're really great! "
That night, Jordan slept alongside his father. His father said, "Son, in your experience selling these three pieces of clothing, what did you learn about success?"
Jordan replied, "Where there's a will, there's a way."
His father nodded his head, then shook his head, "What you say is not entirely wrong! But that was not my intention. I just wanted to show you that a piece of used clothing which is worth only a dollar can also be increased in value, Then how about us - living & thinking humans? We may be darker and poorer, but what if we CAN increase our VALUE."
This thought enlightened young Jordan. Even a piece of used clothing could be made dignified, then why not me? There is absolutely no reason to underestimate myself.
From then on, Michael Jordan felt that his future would be beautiful and full of hope.
He went on to become the greatest basketball player of all times.
How can I increase my own value? I am finding it a very interesting thought. I am sure, you too, will.
He had four siblings and his father's earnings were not sufficient to provide for the whole family.
He grew up in a poor neighbourhood. Exposed to mindless violence and heavy discrimination in the slums, he saw for himself only a hopeless future.
His father saw in Michael, a lost soul and decided to do something.
He gave Michael, who was 13 years old, a piece of used clothing and asked: "What do you think the value of this outfit would be?"
Jordan replied,"Maybe one dollar."
His father asked, "Can you sell it for two dollars? If you can sell it, it would mean that you are a big help to your family."
Jordan nodded his head, "I'll try, but no guarantee that I'll be successful."
Jordan carefully washed the cloth clean. Because they didn't have an iron, to smoothen the cloth, he levelled it with a clothes brush on a flat board, then kept it in the sun to dry. The next day, he brought the clothes to a crowded underground station. After offering it for more than six hours. Jordan finally managed to sell it for $2. He took the two dollar bill and ran home.
After that, everyday he looked for used clothing, washed and ironed it, and sold it in the crowd.
More than ten days later, his father again gave him a piece of used clothing, "Can you think of a way you can sell this for 20 bucks?"
Aghast, Jordan said, "How is it possible? This outfit can only fetch two dollars at the most."
His father replied, "Why don't you try it first? There might be a way."
After breaking his head for a few hours, finally, Jordan got an idea.
He asked for cousin's helpto paint a picture of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse on the garment. Then he tried to sell it in the school where the children of the rich study.
Soon a housekeeper, who was there to pick his master, bought that outfit for his master. The master was a little boy of only 10 years. He loved it so much and he gave a five dollar tip. 25 dollars was a huge amount for Jordan, the equivalent of a month's salary of his father.
When he got home, his father gave him yet another piece of used clothing, "Are you able to resell it at a price of 200 dollars?" Jordan's eyes lit up.
This time, Jordan accepted the clothes without the slightest doubt. Two months later a popular movie actress from the movie "Charlie's Angels", Farah Fawcett came to New York for her Movie promos. After the press conference, Jordan made his way through the security forces to reach the side of Farah Fawcett and requested her autograph on the piece of clothing. When Fawcett saw this innocent child asking for her autograph, she gladly signed it.
Jordan was shouting very excitedly, "This is a jersey signed by Miss Farah Fawcett, the selling price is 200 dollars!" He auctioned off the clothes, to a businessman for a price of 1,200 dollars!
Upon returning home, his father broke into TEARS and said, "I am amazed that you did it My child! You're really great! "
That night, Jordan slept alongside his father. His father said, "Son, in your experience selling these three pieces of clothing, what did you learn about success?"
Jordan replied, "Where there's a will, there's a way."
His father nodded his head, then shook his head, "What you say is not entirely wrong! But that was not my intention. I just wanted to show you that a piece of used clothing which is worth only a dollar can also be increased in value, Then how about us - living & thinking humans? We may be darker and poorer, but what if we CAN increase our VALUE."
This thought enlightened young Jordan. Even a piece of used clothing could be made dignified, then why not me? There is absolutely no reason to underestimate myself.
From then on, Michael Jordan felt that his future would be beautiful and full of hope.
He went on to become the greatest basketball player of all times.
How can I increase my own value? I am finding it a very interesting thought. I am sure, you too, will.
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
100 Years of Adegoke Penkelemess Adelabu (1)
By Jaiye K. Randle |
Before we get carried away, perhaps we need to remind ourselves of not only what late Chief Adelabu Adegoke said or did; but much more importantly what he stood for. It is no exaggeration to assert that he was the embodiment of the heart and soul of Ibadan. Indeed, he was a fascinating advertisement of the enduring virtues and characteristics of those who proudly brand themselves as “Omo Ibadan” (the sons of the soil of Ibadan) – fearless, defiant and uncompromising. If Chief Adelabu Adegoke were still with us, the government would have neither peace nor slumber !! He was an unrepentant activist and brilliant orator rolled into one and when he famously declared publicly that the government of Western Nigeria was in “a peculiar mess” over the management of its affairs, the audience, who were not all endowed with fluency of the English language, went wild with their own version of what they had heard. They translated it as “penkelemess”. That is how “peculiar mess” was supplanted by “penkelemess” which has since become synonymous with not only the name of Adelabu but also a short hand, abbreviation or acronym for any government that is considered grossly incompetent or outrageously corrupt.
I have opted to resist the temptation to venture into singing: “Penkele O, Penkele, Adegoke mi o penkele” which the inimitable King Sunny Ade waxed in memory of Chief Adegoke Adelabu.
Instead, we should get back on track and recognise that the Chief whose life we are celebrating was in every sense a “Man Of The People”. When he became the Minister of Labour, he immediately drove his official car, an American limousine (I think it was an Oldsmobile or Chevrolet) all the way to Ibadan and challenged all his teeming supporters to share the car with him. He boldly announced to them that the car belonged to them and not him !!
Similarly, when he was provided with a government house as his official residence in Ikoyi, the most exclusive part of Lagos, he turned up with drummers from Ibadan much to the discomfiture of the largely expatriate (mostly English and French) residents of Ikoyi. They protested vigorously about the noise but Adelabu would not relent. He called a press conference and stoutly declared: “If they do not like noise and drumming, they are free to go back to their own country.”
That silenced the protest!! It is beyond question that Chief Adelabu was a genius in addition to being a gifted orator. Time and space will not permit me to dwell on his outstanding academic record while he was a student at Government College, Ibadan or his subsequent achievement at the Higher College, Yaba, Lagos. We have just enough time to pause and reflect on the disclosure which is the first page of Chief Adelabu’s autobiography:
“I Adegoke Adelabu entered Government College, Ibadan at the tender age of 19.”
He lived at a time when Ibadan was the magnet of the political dynamics of Nigeria in addition to being a major commercial centre. Chief Adelabu and Ibadan were indivisible. While the city was the magnet, Adelabu was not only magnetic; he was without doubt incomparable when it came to reading the direction of the compass.
He was robustly confrontational and fiercely ebullient and that was what made him a powerful force to be reckoned with. Even his worst enemies could not ever accuse him of guile or timidity.
He was truly the darling of the masses and his own battle cry was:
“I belong to you and you belong to me”.
He did not resort to mixed metaphors. His enduring legacy is his exceptionalism.
He thrived in Ibadan because Ibadan was then and still remains the largest small town in the world. Regardless of all the tribulations and travails, Ibadan and its people have somehow managed to preserve their social cohesion. Everybody knows everybody. Christians and Moslems cohabitate without any fear, suspicion or resentment. Among themselves, every sentence is preceded by “E dakun” (please forgive me)!! It is only the detractors who refer to Ibadan as a garrison town.
I must say that indigenes of Ibadan are naturally endowed with a unique sense of humour. It may be inappropriate for me to share with you the famous encounter between the late Olubadan, Oba Ashanke and the then Military Governor of Oyo State (with Ibadan as the capital), Colonel Oladayo Popoola who had brought the then Chief of Army Staff, Major-General Sani Abacha to the palace of Olubadan on a courtesy visit.
Apparently, the Olubadan took umbrage at being kept waiting until the Chief of Army Staff turned up two hours late. The Olubadan refused to be intimidated by the boss of the army particularly on account of his rather small stature which seemed to be at variance with his awesome reputation (as he had participated in several coup d’états). On the arrival of Major-General Abacha, a northerner who could not speak or understand Yoruba, the Olubadan took one look at him and promptly delivered judgement in Yoruba:
“A se ko ga ju igo lo” !!
The translation is that the man who has created so much fear is no taller than a bottle (pint size).
On January 1st, 2015, the unexpected occurred at
the private office premises of General Muhammadu Buhari at Lobito Crescent, in Abuja.
Four individuals from different background – Hajia Hannatu
Ali-Akilu, Mohammed Adebola, Ibrahim Dauda and Eddy Ogunbor – held a meeting
under the auspices of the Buhari Support Organisation (BSO). Hannatu Ali-Akilu
and Mohammed Adebola, came to Abuja on Baba Ahmed Joda’s instruction to set up
a structure at ensuring that GMB’s presidency was guaranteed. That was the
birth of GMB 2015 Support Group. The experience has been quite incredible.
The 2015 Presidential election has come and gone. Muhammadu Buhari is the Commander-in-Chief of
the Armed Forces and President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Therefore,
the GMB 2015 Support Group transformed into the Good Governance Initiative
(GGI) Group.
In May, 2015 the Group had a sit-out talk at the coffee Bar
of NICON Luxury Hotel, Abuja after Baba Ahmed Joda, our Convener, hosted some
members of the Group in Abuja. At the sit-out, members of the Group, including
those from diaspora, brainstormed and decided to host a Group Summit in Abuja
during the Presidential Inauguration week. This brought together great
patriots, minds and intellectuals of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The
Summit was a huge success and widely celebrated. The GGI Platform is celebrated
as a TEMPLE by members because of the intellectual content of opinions and
Undoubtedly, members from diverse background – social, religious,
ethnic, profession etc, on daily basis present divergent views, opinions,
analysis of the nation’s problems and proffer solutions to the problems.
Today, 29th May, 2016, marks the first year
anniversary of President Muhammadu Buhari’s Administration in office. The President
made an early morning broadcast at about 07.00 hours. Naturally, the GGI
Platform members reverted to the Group’s whatSapp platform to analyse the
President’s speech to comment and share opinions on the speech. (ref. President’s
Speech @
Surprisingly, there was convergence of opinions and
comments, even from the most critical and antagonistic pair (TMZ & Chief Azek
on the economic and financial front); the legal minds (BYD, Afropreneur,
Umehfrank, Udems & Austin); the oil industry gurus (SMS et al); the poetic
and extraterrestrial minds (FBN, FD, Prof. Achara et al); our Queen Aminas
(BS1, AaD, BS, TFaj et al); the subtle and gentle minds (MGM, BayoJ, NR, AL et al);
the advisors (Haj. Zak, CEO, OA, Ishaq K
et al); and of course the vibrant and political activists (MA, Abudugana et al). The general and unanimous opinion was that,
PMB has achieved a lot , despite flaks from predictable angles and opposition
and will need more time to consolidate and deliver the dividends of CHANGE he
promised Nigerians.
It is therefore, in celebration of the one year anniversary
of Mr. President’ s Administration the synopsis of comments and opinions from
the GGI Platform (THE TEMPLE) is compiled for posterity.
The president is a patriot and an honest man who finds himself among one of the most corrupt and difficult people on the surface of the earth
As he is trying to solve one problem another is raising its ugly head. As Boko Haram is being silenced so are the heardsmen coming out boiterously to avenge the always unbroadcasted killing of their folks
As solution is being sought for the fulani cattle rearer onslaught then the Avengers of Niger Delta started bombing pipelines through the instigation of those of their leaders who stole the Nation blind. I was almost in tears when the old man was reading his speech today.
He is tired and sick because a microscopic minority of his team are on the same page when it comes to the issue of the change we all shouted to high heavens we want to effect. A lot of those with us on the campaign trail who are now in the corridors of power have become inaccessible and some have become as corrupt as the PDP and the president is aware. How do you give honest advice to people who are inaccessible? Some who are accessible already have a mindset to become wealthy which means whatever suggestions you give if it will not turn them to billionaires overnight would find its way into the dustbin few minutes after you take your leave. So why would the old man not be sick. I am amused when I see criticism of the old man in the social media. This country is too complex and I sympathize with the president who thought most of those around him have the same philosophy with him of moving the country towards the path of greatness. The president needs prayers and needs to weed away the PDP still in
Power who seems to have blinded him through some spiritual forces. These are those sabotaging the country from within
I hope the problems of Nigeria will not kill this great man with an uncommon integrity
- Ishaq Kunle
@Ishaq Kunle. God bless you for your summary on PMB. You captured the one year of PMB perfectly. The President is weighed down not only by the magnitude of problems inherited, (never anticipated) but mostly by the PDP subversive elements working with him and sabotaging him. The attitudes of those that were with us in the struggle and now appointed into various positions, had their personal agenda not different from that of the PDP elements. So, it is business as usual and not different from what we patriots fought against. For PMB to help himself, one year is more than enough to continue to harbor the PDP elements in positions at his own risk and health. It is also enough time to put in check those he gave appointments and weed them out. When he does these, PMB will enjoy good health and govern in happiness and satisfaction that he has a team of his own that will deliver as promised to Nigerians. I wish the President good health and success from this day hence. My thoughts and prayers for him always.
- Eddy Ogunbor.
As we celebrate 17 years of unbroken Democratic Governance in Nigeria. I congratulate my great and progressive family. We may not be there yet but definitely we shall get there ...It is a work in Progress...The difference between Here and There is the T.....Positive Change is here loading! It's a gradual process... It's our collectives effort that we steer the positive change we desire for our generations born and unborn...We owe it to future generations that we leave planet earth better than we met it...sustenable abundantly in everything good...Happy Democracy Day with all my love..
Good morning Patriots and happy anniversary.
PMB has etched hope in the heart of weakness and given strength to the pillars that held our existence together since May 29th 2015.
Falling Forward, we must rebrand, re-strategise, reinvigorate and add our values to remain relevant. Knowledge without sharing is useless, it creates pit that consumes the owner.
Our challenge remains undaunting and tasking in the coming days. We already know our problems...many of us boast of having the knowledge and solutions...on paper. But are shy to share!
On a serious note we prefer offering solutions in the beer parlours, boardrooms, village squares, classrooms, dinning tables and even in our drawers. And not on door step of thinkers and doers.
I strongly believe PMB's nature situates him as a man of wisdom and our modern day Moses. You could tell from his swags and pronouncements; he knows where the vault is and I trust his wit.
I have long refused to be trapped with the blame game because I have come to understand his weaknesses; very shy at sharing and very old school but stubborn to let go when he knows the truth.
For us believers in the brand, we must give our best in thoughts and actions. WE MUST SHIFT FROM BLAMING TO FIXING AND FROM KNOWING TO DOING.
Our problems could be simply solved if we bend a little backward and contribute our know-how.
May we smile again and shake hands across the high terrains of the North through the plantations of the West to the rising sun of the East across the tributaries of the Niger Delta.
God bless Nigeria.
Mazi Charles Eze.
Good morning Patriots and Good people of the federal Republic of Nigeria.
On this Special Day, I salute and celebrare all my comrades in this awesome struggle to procure social, economic and political justice for all Nigerians.
This is a very special celebration, nothing like we have seen in this generation, that with the help of the ALMIGHTY GOD ordinary citizens of the federal Republic of Nigeria overthrew the wicked rukers and removed them from presiding over their lives.
Congratulations Nigerians.
- Dr. Phillip Ideawor (London).
PMB is a worried man in charge of a country whose citizens hate themselves and don't care if the nation goes to blazes while they secure their selfish/personal interests. Despite how tired he looked during the broadcast am happy to hear that he will negotiate peace with Niger delta leaders and definitely bring to book those criminal avengers engaged in bombing our oil installations. We shall move faster now in the next one year. The economy will respond positively to oil price deregulation and a flexible exchange rate. PMB is on track.
Good morni all.
- Chief Lawson Omokhodion.
Here is a Statesman guys. He talked about his international work, Ebola, desertification and environmental. Thanks was given to our biggest international partners including Gates Foundation & ICRC in health, first time, for a change. We are not an ungrateful "taker"
- TMZ (Micheal Oluwagbemi.
Courtesy: Afropreneur.
"Today is democracy day. One year after Buhari got into power. Honestly have I been impressed? Absolutely no. Maybe I was too hopeful, too hopeful for a man who has attempted it thrice and kept an outlook of honesty. A virtue scarce among Nigerian leaders. Things like "we will hit the ground running" or "we will immediately" endeared me so fast. Having Osinbajo, a learned man, gave me that confidence.
Down the road, one didn't get it that it will require six months to form a cabinet, keep a sycophantic CBN Governor, maintain a disastrous currency peg when realities have happened or than 700 people will be killed in Zaria, act indifferent for herdsmen and it still feels normal. I am now measuring my excitement, using every angle to demand accountability.
To be fair, the macroeconomic environment was hostile to Buhari with falling oil prices. However from Churchill, Lincoln, Reagan, FDR, Lee Kuan Yew etc. great leaders are crafted in difficult times. That's the faith I kept in Buhari, a valid faith.
Now you see that loyalty is trumping competence, you see that same sycophancy that heralded GEJ is spun around. One finds people more interested in klieg lights and imaging than substance, so that a patchy 75 achievements were quick pieced together.
However, the people feel it more. We have stagnated contracting for one year. Public sector not funding projects. If we are fighting corruption, must we ground the country?
I have learnt deep lessons. We need to raise the bar higher when it comes to electing and vouching for people. It can't all be about blind trust but stay on the facts.
The next two years will matter a lot to the legacy of Buhari. He won't be another Awolowo "The best President Nigeria never had". He better starting looking for more competent people and start running. I still believe in him but just lost all that emotion. I will rather judge him by facts. I hope in the end he comes out well. Right now, his tenure is less than average."
-Seun Onigbinde
Fellow Members, good morning to us all. As we approach May 29, let us reflect on the following positive facts.
All over the world Nigerians are setting the pace and becoming the standard by which others measure themselves.
In the US, Nigerians are the most educated immigrant community. Google it and you'll see it. Not one of the most educated, the most educated.
60% of Nigerians in the US have college degrees. This is far above the American national average of 30%
Nigerians in US are some of the highest earners, typically earning 25% more than the median US income of $53k
In Ivy League schools in Europe and America, Nigerians routinely outperform their peers from other nations
A Nigerian family, The Imafidons, have officially been named the smartest family in the UK. Prof. Chris Imafidon has been referred to as a world intellectual icon by Harvard Professor William Maxwell. Prof. Imafidon grew up in Nigeria.
The designer of the famous car, Chevrolet Volt, Jelani Aliyu, is a super talented Nigerian from Sokoto State. The Volt has been described as an American Revolution and one of the hottest concepts in the design line. Jelani grew up in Nigeria & graduated best in his Architecture class from Birnin Kebbi Polytechnic after abandoning the same course at ABU because he preferred the course content. He only left for Detroit in 1990. The rest is history. 🇳🇬
The wealthiest black man and woman on earth are Nigerians, Aliko Dangote and Mrs. Folorunsho Alakija 🇳🇬
South Africa couldn't have ended apartheid & achieved Black rule if not for the leadership role Nigeria played. Of the 3 Presidents who ruled South Africa after apartheid, two of them once lived in Nigeria under asylum- Nelson Mandela in the 60s and Thabo Mbeki in the 70s. Nigeria gave financial & human support, boycotted an Olympics and our politicians, musicians and activists campaigned relentlessly.
Nigeria spent over $3 Billion and lost hundreds of soldiers to end the wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone that the world ignored because they have no oil.
When there was a coup in São Tomé and Príncipe in 2003, Nigeria restored the elected President back to power President Obasanjo initiated talks with the military junta & personally took the ousted president who was visiting Nigeria at the time, back home to be reinstated.
Before there were street lights in European cities, Lagos had electric street lights. The ancient Benin kingdom also had street lights fueled by palm oil
500 years ago, Benin casted metal alloys to create magnificent art including the world famous Queen Idah Mask
Amina was a warrior queen who ruled the Zaria Emirate in Kaduna state, Northwest Nigeria 400 years ago in 1610
🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬
We gave monetary gifts to Ireland during our oil boom years
The first television station in Africa was Western Nigeria Television (WNTV) in Ibadan in 1959 long before Ireland had their RTE station.
The greatest comedians on earth are Nigerians. Just walk the streets of Warri and you will die of laughter.
Wherever you look in this great country Nigeria, heroes abound both now and in our recent and ancient past.
If all we do is help mainstream Western media, to bash us in the Press by bashing ourselves, we will never be great again. We have a rich and proud Nigerian heritage. Others envy us but we destroy ourselves.
Not all Nigerians are criminals. We're not a nation of scammers, drug pushers & corrupt Govt. officials but a people with a verifiable track record of greatness.🇳🇬
Bad leadership over the years has brought us where we are but we now have a second chance to CHANGE the narrative & we should seize it.
Throughout history, nations have gone through their dark patches and emerged stronger. The western nations we idolise today & seek to emulate have gone through periods they are ashamed to recollect. They keep silent & put their best feet forward. So should we. 🇳🇬
What CNN, BBC, Aljazera and western media will not tell you about Nigerians is that apparently on the 7th May, 2016 at Howard University in Washington D.C history was made. Out of 96 graduating Doctor of Pharmacy candidates, 43 of them were Nigerians and out of 27 awards given, 16 went to Nigerians. Also a Nigerian Dentistry candidate, Queenate Ibeto was chosen to be the Valedictorian and welcome the Commencement Speaker, President Obama. But you will hardly see anything about that in the press.
Olympic medallists that didnt get to the UK until they were almost adults are "Nigerian-born British" but terrorists who were born & bred in the UK and have no ties at all to Nigeria save for their names are "British-born Nigerians". Oyinbo sef like better tin!
The under 17 Nigerian football team are the most successful in the history of teenage football in the world🇳🇬
If we don't believe in ourselves, why should anyone else? If we don't believe Nigeria can change, who will? If we don't blow our trumpet, who will blow it for us?
We are NOT a criminal nation. Be proud of Nigeria. Be proud of our heritage. Be enthusiastic and optimistic about our future greatness.
If we believe it, we will say it.
If we say it we will act it.
If we act it we will begin to show it.🇳🇬
I am a proud Nigerian and I believe in Nigeria!
#Change the narrative
We are a GREAT people and a GREAT nation.
* Each one tell one!
*Let's share more stories of who we REALLY are.
*Let's stop complaining about where we're not and start celebrating where we are and where we are going.
Let's stop saying and start DOING something to change Nigeria's narrative.
- Binta Saheed.
1- I acted based on Jonathan instruction- Dasuki
2- I didn't give order- Jonathan
3- I collected 350M from Dasuki for consultation-
Iyorchia Ayu
4- I only collected $30,000 from Dasuki not
N100m- Bode George
5-I got N4.6b from Dasuki for spiritual purposes-
6-I got N650M from Dasuki for my Abuja burnt
office- Thisday Obaigbena.
7-I got N2.1b from Dasuki for publicity- Dokpesi
8- I got another N100m from Yuguda he didn't
tell me from where- Bafarawa
9- I gave N100m each to Odili, Jim Nwobodo
Bode George and others- Yuguda
10- The president asked me to change N10B to
foreign currency for PDP delegates- Dasuki
11-My boss asked me to get $11M from the
CBN- Dasuki account officer.
12-I got order from above to pay Tompolo N13B
for Maritime university land.- Nimasa DG.
With all this looting and many more revealed some people are still shouting no sign of change yet, they even say it's political persecution. But I believe, it is the right thing to do. The fight against corruption is a task that must be done.
- Binta Saheed.
This Estate: A Year Later
I'm a son of a 56-year old polygamous father. I don't even know how many step mothers I have. Our dad is well endowed in many ways. He deals in black gold & easily makes a lot of money for our upkeep.
For 16yrs, the children of one of the wives were in charge of the estate. They were supposed to run our father's business, feed us & maintain the estate.
Sadly, they got drunk on power & alcohol. We watched helplessly as they ostracised the rest of us, squandered the income, stole some, stashed some abroad and vandalised every house in the estate, ripping off all fittings, including those connected with earning us money.
One year ago, the children of another wife of our dad won the right to run things. They won because they convinced the rest of us that there would be a change. We were excited & highly expectant. We waited...
Exactly one year ago, they opened the gate to the estate. They met scum, vandalised houses with a lot of cracks. At the same time, our father's business - black gold - started to lose value. The new managers became confounded & for several months didn't know where to begin.
Finally, the new "boys in the hood" decided to go after the previous (mis)managers of the estate.
For example, one of the past chief "mai-guards" alone cornered $2.1b meant for protecting us all & shared it among other step brothers. They & those in charge of the main (black gold) business have castles in the UK & the US, using "oyinbo" as "boy-boy", flying around the globe & within the estate in chartered jets, helicopters & bulletproof, exotic cars. They shared some money to cronies & even the umpires for choice of managers (i-Neck).
Things started to fall apart as the yam eaters refused to vomit our yams without a fight, black gold's value fell, money became scarce, utilities stopped working, servants working in many houses within the estate could not be paid... Trouble!
Not unexpectedly, sympathisers of the old order started wailing. They're selling the idea that the rut that took 16yrs to make should have been fixed in a day or two. To them, a year is too long.
Intelligence took flight from "intellectuals", logic stood on its head & here we are, still lacking basic needs, including food.
Then came some "avengers" destroying everything in sight that could earn the estate some money. To avenge what? Loss of power by their siblings?
The wailers would cheer on the "avengers" & keep telling the new managers to stop "complaining" whenever an attempt is made to explain the situation.
I'm scared! The wailers who are siblings of our father, who live in the same desicrated estate & suffering equally like the rest are doing all possible to make the new managers fail so that the old order could return. Are they bast bastards?
They call the new managers names, curse them and even "pray" for more chaos & failure.
Get this right morons! One year on, the estate is being redesigned, reinforced & repaired. We have to bear the inconveniences typical of renovations before we fully get what we need. We need to pray that God should guide the new managers to lead us to the change for the best.
Two-three years of sustained efforts will only go a long way to get us out of the mess, but not completely. Let the wailers wail!
[No apologies to anyone offended with this piece. I live in the estate & I pay my dues!]
- AbduRahaman Lekki.
One Year In Office: NOI Poll gives Buhari 64% approval rating
Muhammadu Buhari in an Aljazeera Interview
The latest polls results by NOIPolls Limited released on Monday revealed that President Buhari’s approval rating between June 2015 and May 2016 ranged from his highest of 80 per cent in October 2015 to the lowest of 42 per cent in April 2016.
NOIPolls regularly conducts periodic opinion polls and studies on various socio-economic and political issues in Nigeria.
Compared to one year ago, the poll said 44 per cent of Nigerians now believe the country was currently moving in the right direction under President Buhari, against the opinion of 37 per cent of the sample population that said the country was moving in the wrong direction.
Only 19 per cent said the country was neither moving in the right nor wrong direction.
Further analysis of specific indices of the study showed that Nigerians rated as average at 55 and 47 per cent the president’s performance on corruption and national security respectively, while 14 per cent rated very poorly his performance on job creation and handling of the economy (21 per cent).
On the most important issue(s) the administration should focus its attention on over the remaining three years, the poll said Nigerians identified unemployment (21 per cent), power (17 per cent), and the economy (16 per cent) as top priority areas.
Details of the findings based on geo-political zones indicated that the North-West and North-East geopolitical zones with the highest proportion of respondents gave the president 81 per cent each, while the South-South and South-East zones accounted for the highest proportion of respondents who disapproved the president’s performance with 35 per cent each.
On why they approved or disapproved the president’s job performance, the result showed that the open-ended answers, particularly in May 2016, cited the improved security (31 per cent), the fight against corruption (17 per cent) and the president’s good intentions (16 per cent), among other reasons.
On the other hand, those who disapproved the president’s performance cited the worsening economy (30 per cent), the unrealized expectation for change (29 per cent) and the increase in prices of goods and services (21 per cent), to mention a few.
On recommendations for the most important issues the administration should focus on in the remaining three years, 21 per cent of Nigerians said unemployment; 17 per cent rooted for power/electricity, while 16 per cent were in support of economy.
Other categories included food and agriculture (11 per cent), education (nine per cent), and security (seven per cent), among others.
ONE YEAR of CHANGE......The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and The Way.
1959 Elections were imperfect, full of hate displays and regional restrictions of campaign but Awolowo went with his helicopters to the core north, distributed his handbills in the north. Some were reportedly fell on the roof of Emir palace in Kano.....This angered Sardauna and warned Awo to desist and go back to his SW base. But Awo said "I want to be the Prime Minister and not SW Premier, so I will campaign here!". Awo's men in the north were beaten up, arrested and thrown in jail.....The elections came and gone, Balewa won through the Alliance of Igbo dominated NCNC and the Northern Peoples Congress NPC. And therefore, NCNC and NPC formed the government and Action Group Awolowo became the Leader of Opposition.
Before the 1964 elections, NCNC and NPC had fallen apart due to lack of trust, unrivaled greed and acute tribalism....And both NCNC and NPC saw the SW dominated by the AG as their battleground or should I say their spoil to be shared. Whoever has it will surely form the next government!
And indeed, Yoruba dominated AG played to their hands due to misunderstanding between Awo and his Deputy Akintola. NPC grabbed Akintola, NCNC grabbed Awo but Awo wanted to stay alone so NCNC supported the Central Government to kill Awolowo politically and dialogue with whoever succeeded him. The battle began. Yoruba were killing themselves, houses were burnt down.....Sardauna even with the reluctance of Balewa ensured that Awolowo was killed politically and Akintola became the only reference point.
We must never forget to remember that Balewa actually loved Awolowo....Even Awolowo said so. The wish of Sardauna prevailed. However, that wish led to the total destruction of the first republic as bloodbath refused to seize in the SW.......Yoruba wanted their leader back from the prison. Also, the 1965 election was thoroughly rigged, it was the worst election after 1983 general election.
Then coup. The military in their speech promised to remove the 10% slogan of corruption then but only succeeded in making it 90%. Then NCNC and NPC took their political battle to the military and Nigeria went to war. People died for nothing because by 1979, the NCNC/NPC had come back again to form another democratic government. And Nigeria was at peace.
SW will never cause a national trouble or go to physical war because it wants power.....NO! The region always strategise.
In 1984, just as it was in 1964, the alliance failed again between the duo. Then the military came. In 1993, free and fair election which the AG has always campaigned for became a reality and produced MKO Abiola a Yoruba man from Abeokuta Ogun State Nigeria. Abiola won in Kano, a place where Awolowo had been prevented from campaigning in 1959. Nigeria has woken up. New thing had started.....It's like we want to start loving one another.
In the June 12 election, remove the entire SW votes, Abiola still won. Remove the SE or SS, Abiola still won. Remove the NW NE or NC, Abiola still won. Then this song by Sikiru Ayinde Barrister;
Hausa d'ibo e f'Abiola
Igbo d'ibo e f'Abiola
Yoruba d'ibo e f'Abiola
Kaka kan gbe fun Moshoodi
Ko ba wa se
Oyinbo Annulment lo w'aye!
That is, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba voted for MKO but instead of handing over to him, what we heard was annulment! LOL....Even that annulment was used for the first time in our politics. I remember I was asking for the meaning after IBB's speech.
Then SW and other well meaning Nigerians started protesting. No destruction of lives expect those killed by the junta. No destruction of properties. No insurgency No Vandals but All the Press, Civil Societies, Students, Workers Union etc joined in the fight.
NB: It was an intellectual struggle. A papa port was never bombed!
Then Abiola was killed in detention. Abacha too ate apple. And NCNC/NPC Alliance resurfaced but cunningly used OBJ as the President. It was never a successful Presidency. Nonsense!
PDP ruined Nigeria the more for another 16 years. It was a terrible period of wedlock between corruption, poverty, sorrow, tears and blood!
Before the death of Awolowo, precisely during his 77th birthday leccture in Ikenne, he carefully spoke about his death. He also predicted that one day the good hearted Nigerians will come together from the north and south to save Nigeria from the unending evil alliance of the NPC/NCNC. Two years ago, the prophecy came to partial fulfilment. Alliance, realliance, merger, acquisition etc brought up APC which unanimously produced Muhammadu Buhari, a man who eventually took over a dead nation and must now revive her hurriedly.
Unfortunately, some goats still managed to pretend as sheep in the boat of APC.
APC had planned how it will rule the country but little can only be done if the NASS politics was not properly played. The first failure of Change and first successful attack on change by NPC/NCNC Coalition was the election of the NASS principal officers. It was a suicide mission. Buhari ought to have belonged to somebody if only to save Nigeria from destruction. That mistake turned the Jet of Change to a mere Suzuki Motorcycle. I am of the opinion that Buhari shouldn't have allowed Saraki to emerge. He should have insisted on the Party's choice. The party was in the majority. That singular act killed the discipline and morale of change. And Change began another struggle after winning election. It has never recovered till date. Buhari was politically naive. He is still receiving punishment from the NASS till date. Prevention is better than Cure.
Fortunately for him, his military acumen has no rival. Anywhere there's no politics, Buhari will excel maximally. That was why he was able diminish boko haram and combed the nooks and crannies of Sambisa. Anybody can criticise Buhari’s one year in Office but the people of the NE will never do such. Buhari has given them opportunity to sleep at nights again. Therefore, his success against Boko haram is unprecedented and cannot be denied. One of the Chibok girls had returned, a sign that hope is still there for others.
Buhari received tremendous help from the judiciary unlike the terrible NASS of evil. Buhari’s success on war against corruption is another area where only the devil's incarnate will deny. He has opened two gates......Arms Fund and NNPC. These two had affected majorly members of the PDP. I'm not surprised because no one would have died from poison if the person had not eaten poisonous food. By the time other gates are opened too, it may spread beyond PDP.......Mark my words! The rain that hasn't stopped, only God knows how many people it will beat.
Buhari has stopped the culture of waste. We are used to waste especially when it is government resources. Many daily millionaires are broke. Those who are not broke yet will soon be broken when the searchlight come on them.
Buhari has a lot to of reversals to do because the direction we faced until 2015 was a destructive one. So, there will be a reversal before the speed. When you're reversing, you do it carefully.
Buhari promised 3 things during his campaign. 1.Security which he has done in the NE, unfortunately, we now have killer herdsmen and ND Avengers. The former is not new anyway but I have no doubt that Buhari is capable of handling them. He is doing well on security judging by the success recorded on war against boko haram. 2. Fight Corruption which obviously he's doing religiously. Money is being returned, MOUs are being signed by nations and we have secured the first conviction. Blocking of loopholes among others.
3. Economy. This is where the failure of the last one year actually resides. Free fall of Naira, double digits inflation, loss of jobs, bad infrastructures, power problem, acute poverty and of course oil sector instability. All these are effects of the massive looting and robbery of our treasury, policy somersault by the OBJ and Jonathan governments, dollarisation of political corruption by Goodluck Ebele Jonathan especially in the last election. 90% of the corruption during these period was done in dollars. Ekitigate, Arms Fund and NNPC. People were stealing dollars from the CBN, selling it to the BBC and nothing $1 was spent in infrastructures. Effect has come to live with us. No one plants cassava and harvest cocoyam even if the planter is different from harvester. It is still what the planter plants that the harvester harvests.
Corruption is also fighting back through Niger Delta Avengers while Terror is fighting back through Herdsmen!
Going forward, I expect the Peoples General to start meeting those that matters, apart from on corruption issues, in the ND. He must be seen with a lot of carrots first before using the stick if need be. He must visit SS more than visiting other nations because charity begins at home. He must fight the killer herdsmen the same way he's fighting boko haram. Killer herdsmen are terrorists. Whether they're Nigerians or not, tackle them, afterall they are in our territory. We need peace of mind in Nigeria.
I expect full deregulation. We don’t need to dress it. You can only kill oil sector corruption by deregulation.
He must be involved in politics, else he will destroy APC. He's a politician. Politics is not a disease, that's the vehicle that brought him to power when the military failed him. His negligence has given us Saraki who has now become a big shame to change and a stumbling block to this government.
I expect your government to be a target driven one. Hire and fire. Don't tolerate complacency.
Nothing short of full implementation of 2016 budget is the only thing that revive this economy. Infrastructures, that will provide jobs for people. Power that will reduce cost of business and dependence on petrol.
The next one year will surely be good for Nigeria. If we kill poverty and corruption, our unity will surely come because it is the masses not the elites that will unite this country.
Muhammadu Buhari........You will succeed, the spirit of our forefathers will help you to carry this load. God will strengthen you. You will not die in the process. You will sure be triumphant. Nigeria will enjoy prosperity. There will be light, jobs and other good things of live. Almighty Allah that stabilises Mecca for the Prophet will stabilise Nigeria for you.
Happy Democracy Day.....D ONE AYEKOOTOGreat Patriots
Happy Democracy Day
I was moved to tears to see PMP in that state of physical wellness, he looks terribly emancipated
As Alh KUNLE Sanni earlier posted, we must all be really worried
He needs our prayers for strengths
The corrupt system and people in and out of Government are fighting back and having their tolls on him
I salute those who sympathize with him and even suggest we give him time and a breathing space
I appeal to people like MA who are deservedly disappointed to please put it all in the right contexts and perspectives and realize that PMB is just human like us all
He is inundated with host of comments, opinions and recommendations daily that are capable of overwhelming any mortal
I don't think he is on analogue mode, although he may also not be digital yet, he is just plain GMB that we know with uncommon standard of characters that may sometimes be seen as "inflexibility"
I reecho and commend to us all the elderly wisdom of OmoLaw earlier posted this morning
"@eddyogunbor as you can see TMZ and I actually argued from two different angles to achieve congruence on economic transformation. We have arrived at the same answer because this platform is for patriotic Nigerians who truly love Nigeria. Reforms take time. If one begins a reform process from the south pole you may end up in the north pole in search for an answer. PMB has finally found the answer. The second quarter GDP will grow by .05%. All variables are in place. Crude oil at 1.5mbp for $50 per barrel is fine for us. In six months rice, wheat and grains harvest will be on the market and that is food sufficiency being tackled. Ministry of Science and Technology has woken up to the challenge of tomato pest the socalled "tuta absoluta". The journey has truly begun. Let's see progress going forward.
@lekki if you cast your mind back I always said that we should allow the federal budget to be in place before we tinker with other variables in the "change" process. Everything is now set for a takeoff. PMB will tackle insecurity and we are then ready. God bless Nigeria."
Let us take solace in the positive progress made so far
In the end, we as humans will always do better if we live in the hope of God's mercy than in the despair of his judgment
This is because His Mercy and love for us all is greater than His anger that brings His wrath and punishments
Once again, happy Democracy Day.
- Haj. Zak.
On PMB Speech:
1. His priorities are spot on and next steps too. Just that speed is crucial now.
2. His remarks about structural change and changing the economic spine is seminal; after 30 years, its a long walk from Militarism to Democracy and from Socialsm to Capitalsim.
3. Having fully embraced the double helix of modern progress without abandoning the compassion of social justice we hope that speed in recruiting more competent hands make Public Service reforms gain traction will be applied.
4. The Social investment program is bold expirementation. We can only urge that it be bolder and more persistent!
5. PMB deserves defeaning applause for the war on corruption and insurgency and for the political flexibility to talk to Niger Delta communities.
5. We wish him the very best!
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