By Femi Aribisala
Pull Quote: Sooner, rather than later, hell will disappear forever from the English bible.
Jesus says: “It is written in the prophets, ‘and they shall all be
taught by God.’” (John 6:45). However, new believers are not allowed to
be taught by God. They are quickly indoctrinated in churches where the
fear of God is often taught by the commandment of men. (Isaiah 29:13).
As a result, they read the scriptures with minds already made up. They
start their walk with Christ with assumptions and presumptions that
have nothing to do with the word of God.
A prime example is the bogus Christian concept of hell. The idea of
God torturing sinners in a fiery furnace for eternity is a staple diet
in Christendom. However, it is completely without true biblical
foundation. The concept was developed long after the bible was compiled
essentially as a manipulative devise for populating the churches. It
was then extrapolated into the scriptures by bible translators 1600
years later.
The word hell itself had nothing to do originally with a place of
torment. It came from the anglo-saxon words “helle” which means “a
hidden place;” and “helan” which means “to cover or conceal.” Thus,
something that covers the head is a “helmet.” “Helliers” “helled a
building” by roofing it. Farmers “put potatoes in hell” by burying them
in the ground to preserve them in winter. This original meaning was
then corrupted by Roman Catholics into a place of fiery eternal torture
controlled by demons.
Hellish distortions
English bible writers indiscriminately translated four different
Hebrew and Greek words as “hell,” even though they have different
meanings and refer to different things. The first is the Hebrew word
“sheol,” which simply means a place that is unseen. Sheol is not
exclusively a place of punishment. Faithful Jacob went to sheol.
(Genesis 37:35). Righteous Job pleaded to go to sheol. (Job 14:13).
David spoke of going to sheol. (Psalm 49:15). Even Jesus went to sheol.
(Psalm 16:10).
“Hades” is the Greek equivalent of sheol that is also confusingly
mistranslated as hell in the English bible. It refers primarily to what
is unseen to the natural eye in the grave. Hades is not a place of
eternal torment. “Abraham’s bosom,” where righteous Lazarus was carried
when he died, was in hades. (Luke 16:23). When Jesus died on the
cross, he went to hades. (Acts 2:27-31). Hades is also used with
reference to national judgments. Jesus said Capernaum would go down
into hades; meaning it would be destroyed. (Matthew 11:23).
The Greek word, “tartarus,” is also confusingly mistranslated as
“hell” in the English bible. The word is used in Greek fiction to
denote a temporary prison for fallen angels. It is not applied to
human-beings in scripture, and says nothing about the eternal fire and
torment commonly associated with the Christian hell. (2 Peter 2:4).
Lastly, the word “Gehenna” is also mistranslated as hell in the
English bible. This is by far the most idiotic mistranslation of all.
Gehenna is actually a valley on the outskirts of Jerusalem which
operated as a dump for incinerating refuse. This means it did not need
to be translated at all. Other areas in the vicinity of Jerusalem, such
as Gethsemane and Calvary are not translated. So why have a different
rule for Gehenna?
On eleven occasions when Jesus referred specifically to Gehenna, it
was changed in the English bible to hell. But there is nothing to
suggest Gehenna refers to is anything other than the valley outside
Jerusalem. Jesus warned those living in the environs of Jerusalem that,
unless they repented, their city would be destroyed imminently with
their dead bodies dumped in Gehenna. That is exactly what happened in
AD 70, as the historical record confirms.
Imagine me telling people in Lagos that if they are not careful, they
will end up in Kirikiri; a notorious prison island. Then translators
decide to change my “kirikiri” to “hell.” Would you consider this a
faithful translation? Of course, people who lived far away from
Jerusalem probably would not have known what Gehenna was, any more than
people in Jerusalem would know about Kirikiri. But the truth is that
Jesus did not threaten any Gentile with the prospect of Gehenna if he
did not repent. Gehenna only has relevance for people living in
Jerusalem at a certain time some two thousand years ago.
None of the mistranslated hell passages in the bible say anyone of
our day can go to the Christian hell. None of them says Satan’s domain
is hell, according to popular Christian folklore. Though they speak of
men being killed and destroyed in Gehenna, none of them speaks of men
being tormented there. In short, Gehenna is not the Christian hell and
should never have been translated as such.
Hell fiction
Nobody in the bible was ever threatened with eternal torment as
Christians are today by pastors. God forgot to mention it to Adam and
Eve. Cain killed his brother Abel, but was not threatened with it.
(Genesis 4:11-12). Sinners were destroyed by the flood without any
warning of endless torment. Nothing was said about it to the sinners of
Sodom and Gomorrah and Nineveh. Nothing was said because the Christian
hell does not exist. It is essentially the product of the evil
imagination of men.
Moses threatened the Israelites with every conceivable punishment if
they disobeyed God, but completely forgot to mention hell. No disciple
of Jesus preached about it. Not once is it mentioned in Paul’s thirteen
epistles. There is nothing in the scriptures about fiery ovens, bowls
of hot oil or torture racks. However, such graphic details are readily
found in such Christian folklores as Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and
Dante’s “Inferno.” They are also the subject of countless Hollywood
horror movies.
If we are tempted to use Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus
as indicative of the existence of hell, let us recall that this took
place in hades; a temporal grave. Jesus says: “The hour is coming in
which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth-
those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who
have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.” (John 5:28-29).
Jesus does not indicate how long this resurrection of condemnation
will take. But it cannot be eternal because of scriptures indicating
there will be a restitution of all things. (Acts 3:21). At the end of
time, every knee will bow in worship to God. (Isaiah 45:23). God is
love: he is not hate. It is his mercy, and not his judgment, that
endures forever. (Psalm 118:1). Today’s believers are merely the
“first-fruits” of salvation. In the ages to come, God promises to
return and rebuild the tabernacle of David: “so that the rest of mankind
may seek the Lord.” (Acts 15:16-17).
Christians should not persist in an illogical faith. We cannot
insist the penalty for sins is eternal damnation, and then say Jesus
paid the penalty for our sins. Jesus did not spend eternity in hades.
He was only there for three days. Therefore, the growing trend in the
more modern translations including King James indicates that sooner,
rather than later, hell will disappear forever from the English bible.
Hell will go to hell; which is where it truly belongs.
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