Thursday 25 October 2012

Who is God to you?

I was in church today and I could only think of one thing; one of the comments that I read yesterday and it brought me to this question, who is God to you? Is your God limited to the doctrines that are preached from the altars?

Two things I hate debating are Religion and Politics the reason is because I’m not a politician and I’m definitely not religious. Each time people start talking and arguing about these two topics, it ends in chaos and people get hurt all the time. Reading comments and argument, you begin to wonder if we are all talking about the same God.

I came to know God through His son Jesus Christ, I was taught different doctrines because I’ve been in a number of churches and I wonder why they all talk differently and bring so much confusion about God. I went to the Seminary, finished with a doctorate, you learn about exegesis, homiletic and applications of this and that just because we want to find answers to everything. We end up bringing confusion into the body of Christ. You know there were no Christians when Jesus was around, He just went about spreading love and teaching in the simplest way he could – love. His message was simple, LOVE – He demonstrated it in the way we understand. Then He left and asked the disciples to continue to witness the love that He has shown them. That is the simple message of Jesus – testify to the world what I have done and shown to you. We are supposed to be the salt and the light and spread love not hatred.

I stopped all the big grammars of preaching because I’m supposed to preach the love of Christ, “come to me as you are and I will show you myself.” Knowing God is not about your degree or how long you’ve been in the church, it is not about knowing the scriptures and quoting it even the devil knows the Bible more than you do. Knowing God is having a personal relationship with Him in your heart, doing things right in His sight and taking responsibility for your salvation. How much tithe and offering you bring is not going to buy heaven, sleeping in church everyday does not give you a pass mark. Where you worship and the doctrine you are taught does not guarantee you a bed in heaven, let us stop fooling ourselves. People don’t talk about Jesus and God anymore; it is now all about “my church and my pastor.” I can attend any church and fit in every congregation because I’m just there to worship God. If I don’t see, feel or hear the love of God in my visit, I will not come back again. Why do we sit in pews forever and can’t hear the voice of God?

God knows his people and His people that serve Him in all righteousness know Him too. Stop fighting His battle; He is mighty in power to fight His own battle. Get to know Him on a personal level and confusion will be a thing of the past. Know the truth and the truth will set you free, as for me Olubusola I’m here to testify to this God that brought me out of nothing, the only God that showed me His love even when I was not worthy. He is the mighty in power that snatched me from the claws of the devil and brought me into His light to enjoy His grace. I know this God and I know His voice, I’m just here to testify that His message is simple and His message is to love…

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